New Fishing Video

Some of you guys need to lighten up.

Wow. Really. The guy made a video about fly fishing, shared it on the site and just start smacking him around.

If any of you guys can do better job I would love to see your video. Really, would love to have some of you put herself out there and try it.

Heberly wrote:

Trust me when I tell you, this site has a serious reputation. If I had a penny for every angler I have met on stream who admits they are too nervous to post here because of an abundance of negative people, I might have enough to buy a book on the Trout Streams of Pennsylvania.

I know I know, I should take my own advice, right? This post is for all the people who are afraid to post on this site, too afraid to speak out.

Now, anyone who disagrees with this comment and posts negatively about it, is in my opinion, admitting their own guilt.

Have at it...

Indeed. I'm relatively new to this board and I enjoyed the distinct pleasure of being maligned, stereotyped, skewered, etc. by some of the crowd here. It hasn't kept me from posting...but I'm not posting some of the stuff I might be as I'd rather not deal with the spewing of negativity that I know will follow.

There are some great folks here...but they tend to rarely post, probably for the same reason. I'm always glad to make a connection with the more open and positive folks here, but a lot of that happens on the PM side or off the forum. It would be great to see some of the negativity drain away and a more welcoming and friendly attitude prevail.

The site is rather large in patronage and it is a daunting task to police good taste and manners. We have to ask participants to have a thick skin and also try to prune negativity while allowing free expression. It isn't as easy as it might seem. Hopefully enough of us find the balance well-struck to make the site an enjoyable experience overall.
Slinger, I enjoyed the video. I love those small streams.

I can't give any constructive suggestions because I don't have a clue.

The only reason I am even responding is Heberley's post.

Complaining about multiple things while doing the exact same things ... over and over again? That had to be on purpose. I'm thinking that post should get you troll of the week. It's about time someone broke gfen's streak. :lol:
Again still looking forward to any of our siskel and eberts to volunteer their video productions skills.
I really have no comment on the video other than kudos for having the guts to even post it knowing how reactions tend to float to the negative side here. There were parts I liked and parts I didn't but that was more personal preference than content criticism. I do however think this thread kind of demonstrates why you can gain more at events held offline than discussing things in a thread, where I believe people tend to be more negative than they would be in person. The recent Fish N Chips was a great example. Some 20 to 25 members showed up and the discussions/demos were great and I learned more about places to go and flies to use than I have in the last 6 months of threads.

I guess our forum can be loosely compared to living in the USA, many complain to the high heavens about almost everything but almost all would not want to live anywhere else. I've seen a few other FF forums, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Foxgap is right about the difference between online forums and face to face. And others are right about tolerance etc. It goes both ways. Don't expect everyone to praise every thing you wrote or make.
I've been called a few names etc. and that's okay. Everyone has an opinion I don't expect everyone to agree. And that is part of this type of board. I don't think anyone who critiqued the video was that out of line. They were just expressing their views.
I watched the video and my take was that it was a commercial.
I don't think anyone who critiqued the video was that out of line. They were just expressing their views.

I think you are probbaly correct but one thing I learned the hard way is that words typed in an email, txt, forum, tweet, etc, can be taken VERY differently than intended. Both from the way the reader takes it to the way the writer wrote it.

The simple words "Great video" can mean completely different things when you add in tone and facial expressions. Neither can be expressed in typed words. Something it has taken me a long time to learn.

I wish I could tell you I always take this into consideration when sending or receiving but I still haven't mastered that either.
I hate to prolong this discussion of techniques in messageboard communication, but I believe that restraint by those that are criticized or chastised goes a lot farther than you might believe. If the negative nancies don't get attention from their posts, they usually just fade away. If they get the reaction they likely hoped for, they will re-post and escalate or others of like mind will pile on.
I have no issues admitting its the worst video I've created this season without a doubt... I really should of waited until I had more "actual" fishing footage to add, but like I said, it was a test.. a test that failed..
This is a fishing forum but since this thread still lingers....
I will say that you have every right to criticize anothers work without necessarily being able to do better. That is the usual relationship of the viewer to the maker.
Just my opinion of course.
There are thousands of members on here and hundreds of regular posters. If a few disagree with big deal. Some members have a strict agenda, you will learn what many have on that agenda.

After reading a post or thread, I'm at a point where can almost predict who will post and what they will say. It's akin to the Pavlov's dog experiment (start a post about Pflueger Medalist reels....and see what happens!)

There's a lot of good guys on here. My advice to everyone is to thicken your skin if you post...and chill out a bit when you respond to a post. It's fly-fishing for "whatever" sake!



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afishinado wrote:
It's akin to the Pavlov's dog experiment

I love it when someone can meld Pavlov into a fly fishing thread! :cool:
JackM wrote:
If the negative nancies don't get attention from their posts, they usually just fade away...


Was that intentional?

There's a lot of good guys on here. My advice to everyone is to thicken your skin if you post...and chill out a bit when you respond to a post. It's fly-fishing for "whatever" sake

This is dead on.
dkile wrote:
Again still looking forward to any of our siskel and eberts to volunteer their video productions skills.

You obviously haven't seen "Fishin' With Squatch Episode 1" :roll:

I do agree with fox (I forget which fox). Not being able to do better doesn't negate your right to critique. Some of the best music critics are guys who couldn't play a freakin' triangle!
i agree honestly.. i appreciate the constructive criticism really i do. key work is constructive. i could care less if you don't even own a camera. you can certainly tell everyone what you like and don't like.

that's what consumers do. just because you don't/cant build a fly rod doesn't mean you aren't allowed to critique the quality/craftsmanship of it.

some of the comments just went in a direction i didn't envision them going to that's all, it caught me at a bad time and i took offense to it. i am over it.
There's a lot of good guys on here. My advice to everyone is to thicken your skin if you post...and chill out a bit when you respond to a post. It's fly-fishing for "whatever" sake!

Agree having a bit of thick skin in an Internet forum is important. I'm gonna add though there has been some piling on in several threads I have seen on the site lately. I like to think this site is a little unique that we don't put up with 99% of the troll like behavior that is a scourge on the Interwebs. If most of your posts in the forums are inflammatory and just trying put someone down then you are just being a jerk. Not needed here. I'm not asking everyone to "like" everything either.

Moderation goes a long way.
poopdeck wrote:
A question To all the "love thy neighbor" crowd. What if everybody shot a commercial for whatever they are doing or selling and posted it to this forum. Would it bother you then. Again, if that video was not made for some kind of personal gain then I really don't know what it was made for. If its a test then it should not be posted. If it was a test and was posted for critique like it was purported then all feedback should be welcomed and embraced. I don't get the anger and name calling (negative, naysayer, etc) of those who simply do not like the video and stated their opinion of it.

If you only want contrived toe sucking affirmative responses from your friends say so and I'm sure that's what you will get.

have you ever edited and produced any videos before? i mean that in the most honest and serious way possible.. sometime when you edit a video it looks great on your home editing computer, but once you throw it up on a website like vimeo or youtube they change compression and framerates and such to fit their frameworks.. sometimes parts of the video ends up choppy like this one did.. so in a sense it was a test on multiple parts, but one that i had to post to find out.

i am not looking for courtesy hugs and congratulatory statements. i don't mind if you did not enjoy the video.. i don't like it compared to my other 3 ive posted.. least favorite actually.
