New Fishing Video

SlingerFlyRods wrote:
just practicing with a new camera and learning how to create transparent logos that's all. had to try with some logos so figured why not with what we currently use..

How far can that transparency be cranked up? Does it go up to 11?

Does it say "Invisible" somewhere on there?

That would solve the problem with the ads.
troutbert wrote:
That would solve the problem with the ads.

So would simply abstaining from making terrible self promotional videos, but then how would people know how cool you were?

Jesus, you probably think someone with something to say should write a book....

Yeah, a little heavy on the promotional component, but good footage and editing. Take all but one brand out of there and fill the rest of the space with awesome fish porn and it would be excellent.

Yikes. No more posting on here. I forgot how bitter mout of you are and how upset you are with your lives. Thank you to those who have reached out to me. Keep in contact if you'd like
hehe, now all we need to round this thread out is Pcray to come in and give us all a 10 paragraph essay as to why he doesn't like it, and how once again, it's not sparking a memory for him, or some other BS fluff filled banter, all which will be prefaced with no offense, but.....

Well, no offense gentlemen, but I'm taking the filter off for this one. 15 years I have been on this board as a lurker.

( Some of you ) are all the epitome of snobs, or just choose to be relentlessly abominable, and this beat goes on for years and years on end.

( Some of you ) even sell books, or flies, or hand made rods for a living to fellow anglers, then come on here with not an ounce of , wait for it, here is the operative word, tact... Lets make it two operative words with the addition of discretion...

There is a new generation of anglers today, they write books, they tie streamers, and it just so happens, they are polite, giving, and understanding adults, an example you ask? George D. Not much more need be said there, take that model and run with it if you like.

And before you all start with the infamous that's not what I said, that's not what I meant rhetoric, just re-read some of the OP's. It says it's his first time!!! You critique the guy like he's been doing this for 5 years!

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, but it seems to me some people almost put effort into how NOT to be tactful with an opinion, and if you need a fine example of how that is done, just continue reading! :)

At this point, if you still feel justified in your verbiage (and you do), again, revert back to the definition of tact, and if that fails to help you (some of you) should just consider doing the world a favor, if you have not done so already and please, for the love of baby jesus, don't breed!

Your children will undoubtedly grow up to never feel good enough about anything they do, then simply bully others and the endless miserable cycle continues.

Trust me when I tell you, this site has a serious reputation. If I had a penny for every angler I have met on stream who admits they are too nervous to post here because of an abundance of negative people, I might have enough to buy a book on the Trout Streams of Pennsylvania.

I know I know, I should take my own advice, right? This post is for all the people who are afraid to post on this site, too afraid to speak out.

Now, anyone who disagrees with this comment and posts negatively about it, is in my opinion, admitting their own guilt.

Have at it...

When are you supposed to take the popcorn out of the microwave? 2-3 seconds between pops?
^ Please do.. its a harsh reality check on you negative nancys here at PAFF.. .. you are so hell bent on focusing on the negative rather than being constructive in your criticism its laughable... you'd rather be DESTRUCTIVE than anything.. but hey.. whatever makes you fit in right?
Heberley: you said a mouthful.
Slingerflyrods=New Zeus.
The feedback in the thread on the video and OP:

1) Very good scenic overlook photo (I agree.)
2) Kudos on calling DEP on the gas leak.

1) Obtrusive ads
2) Shaky video in places
3) Music choice
4) More fishing/fish content

All four of the critical points are constructive criticism. They all provide useful information that could be used to improve future videos.

It's a natural human instinct to respond negatively to critical feedback.

But, after thing settle down a little take look back at those 4 points, provided by readers here on the forum.

All 4 points are solid stuff to consider when making future videos. If you showed the video to video professionals, it's very likely they would make the same 4 points.

And the pros would also probably give a thumbs up on the scenic overlook photography. Very nice shot. It shows people what the forested landscape of NCPA actually looks like.
Nothing wrong with this video at all. My opinion of course. Absolutely love the closing scene.
I found the video to be a commercial. So much so that I got up and made myself a ham sandwich. I am not knocking anybody down I'm simply putting out my ever so humble opinion as requested.

Its ironic that some are being labelled a snob ff because of an honest opinion on a video posted under the guise that honest opinions are welcomed. If the purpose of the video has nothing to do with selling something then the purpose of the video is to show off the Simms, orvis, Ross, and what ever a slinger rod is. On the surface that appears pretty snobbish to me.
The video purports to be a video diary of a fishing trip to a named stream. The video duration is 127 seconds, of which approximately 34 seconds is actual stream shots and 37 seconds is advertisements. The remaining 56 seconds of footage is a miscellaneous hodgepodge of scenery.

You got me, you got me to watch your video. I never heard of Slinger rods before the video and now I have; good job getting your product known in an ad disguised as a video diary.

SlingerFlyRods wrote:
^ Please do.. its a harsh reality check on you negative nancys here at PAFF.. .. you are so hell bent on focusing on the negative rather than being constructive in your criticism its laughable... you'd rather be DESTRUCTIVE than anything.. but hey.. whatever makes you fit in right?

oh come on, most of the comments were made in jest, mine certainly were.

keep posting your vids, i love em. its made me put a go pro on my xmas list.
johnstevens5462 wrote:
The video purports to be a video diary of a fishing trip to a named stream. The video duration is 127 seconds, of which approximately 34 seconds is actual stream shots and 37 seconds is advertisements. The remaining 56 seconds of footage is a miscellaneous hodgepodge of scenery.

You got me, you got me to watch your video. I never heard of Slinger rods before the video and now I have; good job getting your product known in an ad disguised as a video diary.

thats a bit harsh John - his previous 3/4 vids were superb with the drone and 100% scenery and casting - as he says in his comments this one was a 'test'

the title tbf could of given us some warning though lol
Do you guys punch a hole in your monitors when you have to watch an ad before a YouTube video? So of you take this forum way too serious.

1. Stick to your passion. If you try to advertise what you do someone is going to criticize you. Remember, the fly fishing industry eats it's own first and foremost. And those not in the industry will chew on you after that. You have to decide if it matters enough to you to stick with it.

2. No matter how good your videos are, someone will not like them. Is what it is. Take the criticism and make your product better. Just remember, Orvis, Simms, Ross, etc are not going to sponsor your films based on you putting their names in them. They may sponsor you someday based on the quality of your work. If you are on their pro programs and you are using their deeply discounted gear, you have done your part. Certainly recommend the stuff you like, but don't kiss their are wasting your time in that respect.

3. As with all things, no matter how negative things get around you, you have to take the high road. Don't get dragged down in the mud with the negative folks. Keep your head up and make your product better every day. If you are still here in 5 years, you can look back and know you did some things right.

Keep on keepin' on!
A question To all the "love thy neighbor" crowd. What if everybody shot a commercial for whatever they are doing or selling and posted it to this forum. Would it bother you then. Again, if that video was not made for some kind of personal gain then I really don't know what it was made for. If its a test then it should not be posted. If it was a test and was posted for critique like it was purported then all feedback should be welcomed and embraced. I don't get the anger and name calling (negative, naysayer, etc) of those who simply do not like the video and stated their opinion of it.

If you only want contrived toe sucking affirmative responses from your friends say so and I'm sure that's what you will get.