Native Trout and Salmon of North America- South Central Rocky Mountains

wildtrout2 wrote:
What exactly constitutes a game fish? I thought just the pursuit of a certain type of fish made it a game fish, no?

Though would be a fish that enough people fish for that a certain amount of specific merchandise can be sold for the purpose of catching it. $$$
I think some guide services create game fish opportunities like the Golden Dorado. Nobody was fishing for those a decade or two ago. At least that I ever heard but I certainly don’t know everything.

Couple notes from this trip-
Its the first time I recall catching a cutthroat ( Bear River Cutthroat from Utah) from a spring creek. It was a mountainous spring creek.

It was taken over by brown trout , which had incredible fish density and Utah decided to poison out the browns and to restore these cutthroat to their ancestral waters. There is a falls or barrier but I did not see where it was. It looked like your typical spring creek with weeds etc. I saw a noticeable amount of insect activity compared to the mostly sterile types of waters I fished most of the week. If I thought about it long enough I probably could prove myself wrong - I’m mean if you consider fishing the outflow from Depuys or Armstrong’s into the Yellowstone a spring for one. Or simply others I have forgotten about.

Another thing was as per usual I caught all these cutthroat with dry flies- the unusual thing was that I put the flies where I needed to in really tight quarters and got the strikes but nearly always they got off before I could bring them in. Some days it was 3 hours or more of this, with dozens of hookups and not being able to land them. As a matter of fact I think I have caught all my cutthroat on dries except the first one a Yellowstone cutthroat in the Lamar.

It’s a little disingenuous to me to say “catching every species”. Well, there is a Sheepshaven creek redband which is off limits. It’s very close to Shasta in northern CA. I’ve probably been within miles of the creek but didn’t make the effort to fully go there as I was on to catching the McLeod Rainbow at the time but from what I understand that creek is 1 mile or so long it’s the only place one can catch that fish and I believe it’s fenced off or has a fence over the creek. But as much as possible I try to catch them and in their native waters. The only cutthroat I had to go outside it’s native range to catch was the Paiute since that fish is closed to angling in its native drainage. California didn’t make it easy putting these fish in remote fishless waters to ensure populations can subsist.

Also, anytime I’ve talked with state or federal fish biologist or state fish commission employees in help planning trips were all very helpful. Oregon and Utah were very accommodating with providing me their cell phones and long conversations peppering them with questions not only on fires, roads, fish but where to stay, eat and gas up. Big thanks to them. Maybe I’ll drive to Maine.

Here some mountain spring creek pics
