My Problem of Hooking Trout

Here we go thier first lovers quarrel. Isn't it cute..... :cry:
I am not "promoting" the use of 9X tippet and I'm certainly not promoting newbies use it.

And that's all I have to say about that.
delta_dog wrote:
Here we go thier first lovers quarrel. Isn't it cute..... :cry:

Sounds like group therapy is needed :)
After thinking this through, I see H-A's point about how someone's opinion can influence those new to the sport. Not that my opinion has or will ever influence anyone, whereas, I have used 9X and even 8X for that matter, it is the exception rather than the norm. Most midge situations 7X is more than enough with 6X even working at times. Other fishing like terrestrials can be done with 5X. Hell, I admit that 7X can be frustrating to use because it kinks up so quickly, so imagine how frustrated one would be with 8X and 9X.

I certainly had no intention of starting WW III on PAFF and apologize to anyone I offended because I have on occasion used 9X tippet. Let me make this PERFECTLY clear, I respect H-A's opinion and experience and that will not change even if we tend to disagree from time to time. I mean the Republicans and Democrats can't ever seem to agree on how to fix our country, at least H-A and me agree a lot more times then them.
Sounds like good pragmatism on the subject.


I don't worry about offending any of you, so I'll bet he first to say that 9x is dumb. So is 8x. And 10x through 12x is criminal.

7x is mildly silly, but suppose everyone wants to go down to size stupid flies once in awhile, and winky little eyes is about the only excuse you have for 7x. Its an animal with the brain the size of a pea (or smaller, all things considered its VC), and about the only thing that's gonna offput the fish is drag.. If you're having such a problem with that, then either lengthen your leader or position yourself better.

I fish places just like VC all day long, and I've never felt a need to go below 6x. I admit I own a spool of 7x, I've actually owned it for probably 3 years now. Its still half full, even.
gfen wrote:

I fish places just like VC all day long, and I've never felt a need to go below 6x. I admit I own a spool of 7x, I've actually owned it for probably 3 years now. Its still half full, even.

As you and H-A have both said, and I'll concede you are both correct, you don't "need" 9X tippet or 8X for that matter to catch fish. Drag is the issue, I also concur with that. But much like your favorite fly that catches fish when no other does, you will stay with it longer when not catching fish because it is proven success in the past. Whereas you will change a new fly in short order for your proven pattern if you don't have quick success. H-A and I discussed that very issue Saturday. He swears by the CDC/Elk Caddis which I tried at his recommendation but I went back to my deer hair caddis with brown hackle because I feel I have more success. Does that mean the CDC/Elk doesn't work? Hell, no it just means I'm more comfrtable with my pattern.

That is how I liken my experience with 9X on VC. I got advice to use it from guys that fish it quite often and I now catch fish in pools where I couldn't catch fish before on small midges. Do I need it, maybe, maybe not but for me it works in those pools. I'll be honest with you, I do not like using it, first of all it is a b*tch to tie a knot in and it snaps off ultra easy when I enevitably snag a bush but I have success with it. I know that this is a strong issue with some anglers and I respect that, I just ask that I get that same respect about my wanting to use it in certain VERY specific situations.

Will powers magic, ignorance powers >7x tippet.

Stick with the fly, ditch the nonsense. Your mentors were the same sort of clown that suggests you need these things for the Little Lehigh.

You don't.

I needed to use Rohypnol to get laid, yet I'm aware its generally frowned upon so I gave it up. You can to.
gfen wrote:

I needed to use Rohypnol to get laid, yet I'm aware its generally frowned upon so I gave it up. You can to.

LOL, I honestly can't top this. Thanks for the laugh. I wish I had never responded to this topic in the first place. Bad day for the Fox. Hopefully better days ahead. :-o
Anyone else notice the least common denominator in seemingly all of our hot threads?...It's that darn polluted wild Brown stream in a National Park in suburban Philly I tell ya! Brings out the fight in all of us!

I don't do that kind of fishing too often but 6x is the smallest I carry. If I can't catch em' on that I don't want to catch them. The dumb Brookies I fish for will eat a size 10 Royal Wulff floating upstream attached to 10 lb mono!
swattie87 wrote:
The dumb Brookies I fish for will eat a size 10 Royal Wulff floating upstream attached to 10 lb mono!

I nominate swattie to host the next newbie jam on one of his streams :-D
Swattie87 wrote:
Anyone else notice the least common denominator in seemingly all of our hot threads?...It's that darn polluted wild Brown stream in a National Park in suburban Philly I tell ya! Brings out the fight in all of us!

I don't do that kind of fishing too often but 6x is the smallest I carry. If I can't catch em' on that I don't want to catch them. The dumb Brookies I fish for will eat a size 10 Royal Wulff floating upstream attached to 10 lb mono!

Raises a point about not making things too technical. Personally as much as enjoy fishing places like Valley when I get the opportunity I'd much rather be fishing for brookies elsewhere where much of these concerns are nil. Of course that's not everywhere, there are places brookies can be a tad difficult.
PoconoPaul wrote:
Personally as much as enjoy fishing places like Valley when I get the opportunity I'd much rather be fishing for brookies elsewhere where much of these concerns are nil. Of course that's not everywhere, there are places brookies can be a tad difficult.

After today, SO WOULD I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stagger_Lee wrote:
swattie87 wrote:
The dumb Brookies I fish for will eat a size 10 Royal Wulff floating upstream attached to 10 lb mono!

I nominate swattie to host the next newbie jam on one of his streams :-D

Wow, talk about what have you done for me lately syndrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
Stagger_Lee wrote:
swattie87 wrote:
The dumb Brookies I fish for will eat a size 10 Royal Wulff floating upstream attached to 10 lb mono!

I nominate swattie to host the next newbie jam on one of his streams :-D

I was mostly just joking to lighten the mood of the thread a bit, but in all honesty I think the average Brookie in a small, remote freestoner would probably eat/attempt to eat a fly presented in that manner...provided it didn't see you, the angler, first.

I'd be happy to lead a newbie Brookie expedition some time if there's enough interest. May need more than one "leader" if there's enough interest, as you can't really put groups bigger than 3 or 4 guys tops on these streams without really limiting the amount of time you get to fish. If there's legit interest, start a new thread and we can discuss.

Foxgap239 wrote:
Stagger_Lee wrote:
swattie87 wrote:
The dumb Brookies I fish for will eat a size 10 Royal Wulff floating upstream attached to 10 lb mono!

I nominate swattie to host the next newbie jam on one of his streams :-D

Wow, talk about what have you done for me lately syndrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:

Here here - guess no one's interested in the NE edition Shane and I talked about Saturday. We're looking at the first week of October, possibly Hickory Run SP.
Stagger_Lee wrote:

swattie87 wrote:
The dumb Brookies I fish for will eat a size 10 Royal Wulff floating upstream attached to 10 lb mono!

I nominate swattie to host the next newbie jam on one of his streams

Foxgap wrote:

Wow, talk about what have you done for me lately syndrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, You and Ed are my top 2 Most Valuable Posters. After last weekend I have 4 but need one more to cut it off @ 5 :)

I’m just upset that I started a controversial thread outside the OT Forum, especially when I didn’t mean too!
Stagger_Lee wrote:
I’m just upset that I started a controversial thread outside the OT Forum, especially when I didn’t mean too!

Nothing to be upset about. H-A and I went at it and that's on us not you or anyone else. He and I will hopefully make nice and be busting each other again shortly. I mean how long can he stay mad when he sees the female version of me in the Chocolate Video! The man only has so much will power! Even I can't **** someone off that bad, at least I don't think I can. I can also invite him to Cali Burrito to make peace, you know there is no way he blows that off!
PoconoPaul wrote:
Here here - guess no one's interested in the NE edition Shane and I talked about Saturday. We're looking at the first week of October, possibly Hickory Run SP.

Oh you are SO wrong my Brookie Catching Friend. I'm waiting with pen in hand to mark ye ole calendar!
You can count me in also. Hell im always game if there's fishing to be done. :-D