Micheal Vick



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I do not normal pass stuff like this along. However I am a dog lover and thought some of you might like to send the NFL your thoughts

I thought you might be interested in this HSUS campaign to persuade the NFL to punish football player and alleged dogfighter Michael Vick appropriately. Now that a grand jury has indicted Michael Vick on federal animal fighting charges--including reports of extreme cruelty to dogs who weren't aggressive enough--it's clearly time for them to get off the dime.

Please ask NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to suspend Michael Vick immediately for his cruelty. It will only take a minute.
Here is the link:

Its a shame of how some of these things happen to athletes that get elevated to the status Michael Vick has. Its also a shame how their actions are pretty much forgotten or swept under the rug for the sole sake of money. Michael Irvin, Ray Lewis, and someone from the University of Miami year after year. Almost like they feel that they are above the law.
This didn't happen to Vick, he chose to do it, it was a conscience act of a dispicable crime he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law and when found guilty should be suspended for life.
THe NFL is allowing him to take a leave of absence with pay? What's that?
First off let me say that if he is found guilty I hope he goes to jail and never gets the opportunity to play football again,however he hase n't had his day in court and even though it appears he's guilty he is n't untill he gets that day in court.
Six years is not long enough for these scumbags,the whole thing mkes me see red!