Meat Box Swap

More flies need wrapped mallard. Lowest fly, right column.

I'm not sure any of those are 1wt approved, though. ;)
gfen wrote:

More flies need wrapped mallard. Lowest fly, right column.

I'm not sure any of those are 1wt approved, though. ;)

My 5wt wouldn't handle half of these. You could shoot Beeber's white Slump out of a slingshot and kill a pigeon. Actually, that might be just what i need to get a fly down in those high weekend Youghiogheny flows from the dam releases.
Again, sorry for the delay. All flies are out the door except for jay348 and Mooney(have to go to a Fed Ex tomorrow). Looking forward to more swaps, but need to take a break from hosting until thing settle down at work. Again sorry for the delay.

No worries JH. There were delays for people getting them to you too. Sometimes life gets a little busy. Thanks for hosting.
ha! 2 hooks and mine is still one of the smallest. oh'll fish.

thanks again for hosting jason. i'll let you know when i'm back from NC next week.
okay, got mine. When and what is the next swap?
When and what is the next swap?

Was wondering the same thing, but I can't host until things settle down a little for me @ work. I up for anything someone wants to host.

mine came yesterday, any ideas for a new swap?
Awesome flies everyone. When I was tying the Peanut Envies, I thought they were gigantic, but seeing them next to some of the other creations, they look small. Can't wait to get out and sling these and see what happens.
Got mine, thanks for hosting. These should work nicely up on the D this coming weekend.

gfen wrote:

More flies need wrapped mallard. Lowest fly, right column.

I'm not sure any of those are 1wt approved, though. ;)

That was mine.
Pictures? I'm curious, and I'm sure others are too.
BelAirSteve wrote:
Pictures? I'm curious, and I'm sure others are too.

Just got my package today!! Thanks for the hard work guys, they look great. I cant wait to try them out. How can I find out which one is which???
Just got my package today!! Thanks for the hard work guys, they look great. I cant wait to try them out. How can I find out which one is which???

First, I want to apologize, the local FedEx and my schedule just didn't want to cooperate!!

As for who's flies are whos,

flyfishermanj - Black Circus Peanut
turkey - Slumpbusters
HuntinFool - sculpin
sniperfreak223 - Ice Pick
jay348 - boogieman
LSRABecker - Zoo Cougar
GRP - Olive Peanut Envy
mooney4 - TBA
beeber2 - beeber slumpbusters
auger9 - Butt Monkey
drews - JJ Special

Also, check out post #199 for pics.

I just want to say, that I have finally got around to using some of these flies the past couple days and WOW, they work well. Think I may have became a streamer addict. My Favorite has been Jays white Boogieman.
I slammed a few on that one with the wobbling fishlip in front of it. We should do another one. I've been tying some beasts.

EDIT- scratch what I said. I participated in the one after this one.

The one with the fish lip was from the articulated streamer swap. I was using that one, but was getting tired of it rising to the surface when i would strip it directly up stream. I had to go really slow. Even sometimes when I was stripping it down and across it would wake at the top. However, I did really like how it moved in the water when it didn't wake.
SBecker wrote:
My Favorite has been Jays white Boogieman.

Awesome to hear! Glad it worked for ya.

I've got a box stuffed with these flies from both swaps and have yet to get into them...gotta make it happen this winter.

Dub...that orange damn.
he one with the fish lip was from the articulated streamer swap. I was using that one, but was getting tired of it rising to the surface when i would strip it directly up stream. I had to go really slow. Even sometimes when I was stripping it down and across it would wake at the top. However, I did really like how it moved in the water when it didn't wake.

I tied the one with the lip in the articulated swap. They key for those is to fish them with a full sinking line. If you fish them with a floating line, especially down-and-across, the current will always pull the fly up in the water column.

I've got a few new ones with lips on them. The new patterns are better, I think. Got a 25-inch brown on one at the end of August.