Lymes Disease



Active member
Sep 12, 2006
I know there was a thread several months ago concerning Lymes Disease. I was finally diagnosed in May. After 5 years of joint swelling and major joint pain (off and on) and 100’s of test. I found a Rheumatologist that knew what he was doing. I still test negative in my blood (10 times) but positive in the joint fluid with all of the parameter positive. If you were ever tested you know what I mean. If others want me to explain I will. It was getting bad with fatigue, short-term memory loss and joint pain the past few months. The 30 days of oral medication helped and I felt brand new, fatigue, short-term memory loss and joint pain went away (bad for my employees). After 2 weeks of being off the antibiotics the fatigue and joint pain returned. I had 80cc of fluid removed from my knee on Monday and a PICC Line put in at the Hospital and started my IV’s yesterday, so for the next 30 days I’ll hook myself up to the IV and hopefully the end of the bacteria. If anybody is ever unfortunate to get in the late stages of Lymes Disease and wants to chat shoot me an email I’ll give you my experience.

Joe E
Joe Unfortunately I know exactly what you're going through and the frustration you've no doubt felt in trying to find out what you had and getting treated. My wife and I both got bitten initially back in the early 80's before they even knew what Lyme disease was. After years of seeing doctor after doctor and spending thousands of dollars in the process we were finally diagnosed. I was the fortunate one because I never developed any of the neurological problems and memory loss but my wife did. It turned a highly intelligent and energetic person into a near vegetable. At one point she couldn't walk, talk, and didn't even know who or where she was most of the time. After two series of IV antibiotic therapy over a four year period she has improved greatly but still suffers from constant pain and significant cognitive impairment. We have both been re-infected several times as well, but knew instantly what we were dealing with. I just got re-infected about three weeks ago after a trip to the Tully. Had 3 deer ticks buried in my neck. At least now there seems to be more written about the disease and they're finally starting to agree that there is such a thing as chronic Lyme which is extremely devastating and hard to treat. PM me and I'll give you my phone number as there are some things I've learned the hard way that you may or may not know about, such as all the co-infections ticks can carry. Best wishes for your full recovery.
Oh man, all the best. I hope you both kick it soon!
I'm glad they finally figured out what was wrong, Joe. Good luck in your recovery. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

By the way, when are you going to send me that bamboo rod you promised me last month? ;-)
JoeE wrote:
... It was getting bad with ... short-term memory loss ...
That terrible RRR. I wish you both the best.
Thanks Guy’s

RRR sent PM

FarmerDave, what taper was that again? I start feeling better
It is unfortunate the everyone is running around wrried about the bird flu while in the US not one case has been reported. Meanwhile over 100,000 new cases of Lyme disease are reported every year.
I feel fortunate that I was tested and was negative, I got got the only vacine they had at the time, but the stuff was taken off the market because of problems with it.
The best prevention is to get a shower as soon as you can after being out in the field, and have someone check for ticks where you can't. I know at least a half dozen people who have lyme desease though and it ain't pretty what it does.

It looks like I may have time this winter to get back into my hobby of rebuilding the old six sided rods. I sure hope so. As you know, I have a few. I also have a 9.5 foot round bamboo which was also made from 6 strips. It's pretty cool looking (and old). It will be my personal bluegill rod. I plan to have a few about 9 foot 6 weights around for guests to use when fishing for bluegills in the pond. I can't picture catching those majestic fish on anything but bamboo. ;-)

Take care of yourself.


P.S. Those 4 sided rods sure do look strange. :-D

P.S.S. Chaz, I agree.