Looking for a new vise

I have been looking at the Danvise. Seems to be what iam looking for, so that might be my next purchase. Again thanks for all the information!
You can't go wrong with the Renzetti Traveler. I just upgraded a few months ago and wish I would have earlier. I never tied rotary until now and you'll see how easy it can be. If you don't want to try rotary you don't have to. I would highly recommend this vise.
Dear phish_on,

I have a Danvise and I like it very much. I thought I wanted a rotary vise and it was between the Danvise and the Peak vise. For half the money I took a flyer on the Danvise.

You do have to adjust the gap in the jaws as you change hook sizes but it takes about 3 seconds on the Danvise. If you chose to buy a Danvise I suggest you get the jaw extension arm, it gives you a lot more room behind the jaws to work on the fly or to hold materials as you tie them in.

I don't use the rotary feature all that much because I don't tie that many hackled flies though it is handy for inspecting all sides of the fly. I'll admit that I'm having a hard time unlearning the overhand wraps that I used to wind dubbed bodies for 30 plus years. I'll get it eventually though. ;-)

I also own a fixed jaw Regal that I still use for larger flies. Nothing on Earth comes remotely close to the hook holding power of a Regal at any price. I have the standard jaws and it holds anything from 5/0 to 22 with no need for any adjustment of any kind. That is a nice feature if you are like me and tie 1/2 dozen size 14 or 16 flies and then feel like switching to size 2 wooly buggers.

Good luck!

Tim Murphy :)

...Personal opinion. I have a Renzetti, a Regal, a Dynaking, and an HMH...
...My Renzetti is by far my favorite. I despise my Regal. To each his own.

My Personal Opinion:
I own:
Renzetti Traveler
2 Regals
(Standard Stem/C-Clamp with stainless jaw
(Traveler Stem/Pedestal Base with standard jaw)
Dynaking Barracuda
Thompson A

The Regals is my favorite - hands down.
I upgraded my 20+ year old Thompson for a rotary with a Danvise. I haven't used my Danvise since I received the Renzetti as a gift. I haven't used my Renzetti since I bought my Dynaking (bought it because the Renzetti was terrible for large saltwater flies) and I now only use the Dynaking when I tie tarpon flies (best holding power for large saltwater hooks)
(disclaimer- the Renzetti jaw has the knob with rubber O-ring and not the cam)

I would put all of the vises except the two Regals on the swap forum, but I have 4 children that are just learning to tie...
As stated above, to each his own

I've used griffins from the start, and I've always loved them, but then again I'm on a bit of a tight budget, so they're the best for my price. I'd used a fixed Griffin Superior for the last 7 years, and last year I upgraded to a rotary Griffin Oddessy Spider Vise, and I couldn't be more pleased with it's performance (and at $90 for a true rotary, it's a STEAL!!!) and as to the "small fingers" comment, I've got short, stubby sausage fingers and I can handle a Griffin just fine.