Lehigh river

Always a good idea to be careful on the Lehigh no matter what the flow. And yes a fisherman lost his life there just last week.

Terrible shame for the man who lost his life. Prayers to he and his family. I also like to fish the Leghigh. Always use a wading staff. I would not trust a branch. I had a friend do that once and it broke on him in the middle of the river. Also I have been standing on a large rock and found 4' or so of water between me and the next rock. I use my staff for probing. So be careful. No fish is worth dying for. I like to fish Rockport. Just beautiful there. But as mentioned can be tough.

Looks like the Corps will start dumping water on Friday morning and continue through the weekend. The 400 cfs releases for anglers will be canceled this weekend.
Not real surprised by this. Too bad it is cold water they will continue spilling.
Ok so I looked at the chart today for cfs and it said 86 cfs? Is it really that low or am I reading it wrong? After all this rain and I passed by a creek today that was basically a river from runoff.

The gauge is correct. The Corps shut down the release to control downriver levels and limit any flooding potential.

The Corps will open the flood gates this morning. I'd expect around 2000 CFS through the weekend.

And Yes.....all that coldwater will be dumped. However, thankfully everything flowing into the dam is still pretty cold.
From my understanding they are just dumping off the excess. They have a certain pool that they maintain for the year so they can have their whitewater releases and so forth. So, they are just dumping the excess right now.
charliepff wrote:
From my understanding they are just dumping off the excess. They have a certain pool that they maintain for the year so they can have their whitewater releases and so forth. So, they are just dumping the excess right now.

This is correct, but it is a bottom release and are dumping the cold water storage. Like LR stated, luckily is is somewhat cold water flowing back into the reservoir.
I'm looking for some VERY basic Lehigh River info if anyone would be willing to help out. Looking to start doing some exploring up there this spring but i am not very familiar and the Lehigh is a long river. All i really want to know is where to start. I know there are some areas that are pretty trout heavy up there and some thAt arent. I don't want anyones specific spots or anything, just a simple start from here down or fish between these two sections. Very basic stuff. I can get out there and find fish, and i will just need a general idea of where to kick off the search. I have detailed maps of the river to guide me, etc. feel free to PM me, i wont repeat anything that is shared privately. Thanks!
Trout north of walnutport

That's as basic as it gets. What else do you wanna know?
Get a bike and start riding! I will correct Phil....Treichler's Bridge North. Honestly your best bet. Pick a section you want to explore and go to town.
Go to thelehighriver.org (Lehigh Coldwater Fishery Alliance) and click on Data & Info for a complete chart of Lehigh River Access Points. Also a Wade Chart on the opening page. Lots of very useful stuff throughout the site.
Sbecker, why do you say a bike? From the maps i have seen there are tons of access points you could park at and walk from.
Because there are easy biking paths all along the Lehigh. You can cover so much more water.
So its easy walking for the most part along the stream? Thats good, i'll be taking my Dad up with me and he doesnt get around like he used to. Walking on paved paths is doable though.

What kind of bugs could i expect to see there later this week? Hendricksons? Caddis? Stone flys? Other may flys?

I appreciate the help guys, trying to put together a nice day out for the old man and I
Well just strap a tether cable to the old man's hips and to your's, because if he has a hard time walking he is going to go down on the Lehigh.
He gets winded fairly easy but hes pretty steady on his feet. We have wading staffs and stuff. Bugs?
To be honest...I don't know. I have not been able to fish it latley. I did stop by 2 weeks ago and there were grannoms, but no fish rising. Since then the water has been blown or I have been busy.
I've never fished the lehigh but I really want to. I'm part of that tourist crowd that enjoys the releases but we have also boated it during non release weekends(a little boney but still fun). OK, not totally the tourist crowd as we are private boaters and have our own yaks and gear and such. So I've got kind of an odd question.

Is the fishing good mostly by the banks or might I have some luck if I just jam the fly rod into my kayak and run aground on one of those big boulders mid river? I'm thinking I could pretty easily haul the boat and myself up onto a rock and just stand there and fish a bit for a nice break. Think this would produce any fish?? The more I type the more this sounds like a very stupid question. I'm probably gonna try it either way as it sounds like it would add a little challenge and adventure to a nice day float on non release levels.

Before you give me the "I'm gonna flip and drown in the river" response I'm quite comfortable in the yak. I've ran the upper and lower gorge the last 6 years or so in at least 3 different sit in kayaks and rafts in levels ranging from 300 cfs to 3000 cfs so no real safety worries there. Also my gear is not from wal mart and I always use float bags, pfd's, carry throw bags, all that good stuff.

Long story short, if you were comfortable yakking the lower, would you throw a rod in the boat and try it as an alternative to wading?
I'd bring the stuff and when i wanted to fish i'd beach the kayak and wade