LRSABecker wrote:
Yea, I mean I know I would not want any of these fish in the Lehigh and Delaware system, because they would not bring billions of dollars into the economies of the towns up and down the rivers.
And no, I wouldn't. Period. Full stop.
These creatures DO NOT BELONG in this water. They are alien invaders. While I'm fully aware two of the finest sporting fish around are also completely alien invaders (the brown trout and the smallmouth bass), they've managed to nicely find their niche, adapt and thrive. However, if we moved our discussion back 250 years ago, I'd be making the same damned argument then, too.
We do not need to drop more creatures that don't belong in these water ways because some jackhole wants to go fishin' for them once a year.
Hell, some guy thought raising Asian Carp in a backyard pond to bring himself a taste of the olde country was a good idea too until they started to overrun the waterways of north IL, too.
All this mucking abotu moving animals around the world is a bad idea. Its foolish to think that mankind's short sightedness can fix the wonderful ways in which life has evolved to fill a specific niche in a given enviroment. If there were to be steelhead trout in the Lehigh and Delaware river, they'd be there.
There are not. Was there even a population of sea run brook trout in those rivers, when brook trout could thrive in them? Is there even history that salmonoids or char did an ocean run from the Lehigh or Delaware river, ever?
Instead, people are crying about how the striped bass, returning to their ancestral homewaters, might eat "the trout" in the fscking Delaware! WAH! Who the motherloving cares! Your trout do not belong there, and your sprot fishery can take a leap for all that it matters in the grand scheme of things. Embrace and enjoy the return of biodiversity to the world in which you walk, rather than cry about the fact that your invasive species are being eaten by the real inhabitants.
I want to see the dams come out, and I want to see your silly steelhead idea fail. Drive to the Great Lakes. THey want your billions of dollars.