Lancaster county browns

geebee wrote:
Tups wrote:
but I notice that each has a goggle eyed appearance.

What causes that Tups do you know ?

Could the difference in the fish's condition also be due to a drought summer versus a wet summer ?

& do hens lose their conditioning as much as that ?



^ crazy as it is, I just happened to post a video an hour or two ago that discusses the appearance of a trout's eyes, and how their eyes change when taken out of the water, and explains details about it here.

It's a really long video (over an hour) but worth the time to view.
Interestingly enough, I think that preserve is off limits to fishing. I seem to remember it listed as such on the website, it's not now but if you click the icon for fishing this preserve doesn't come up.
Interestingly enough, I think that preserve is off limits to fishing. I seem to remember it listed as such on the website, it's not now but if you click the icon for fishing this preserve doesn't come up.

I didn't see anything in the parking area, along stream, on the trails or on the website that prohibits fishing in this area. In other preserves such as kettle Run, there are signs up letting you know there is no fishing
Maybe it was just an oversight by the webmaster, or intentional to not draw attention to it (though it can't be any more fragile than the other streams/preserves listed).
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Interestingly enough, I think that preserve is off limits to fishing. I seem to remember it listed as such on the website, it's not now but if you click the icon for fishing this preserve doesn't come up.

Ferncliff and Upper Hopewell are the only two preserves that are off limits to fishing, at least that I'm aware of. Ferncliff, because it is a Natural Landmark and wildlife management area, and Upper Hopewell, due to a deed restriction when the land was gifted (if I recall correctly).

Otter Creek doesn't come up either under the "Fishing" icon, but it is an ATW.

Edit: Did not know that Kettle was off limits - when did that change?
Edit: Did not know that Kettle was off limits - when did that change?

Its not actually kettle creek itself but rather a small portion of Hammer creek that falls under the preserve boundary.
The preserve that Hopback was fishing is not closed to fishing. I fished it with one of the land manager's just a few months ago. Salmonoid is correct about which one's are off limits to fishing.
Good to know.
I could have swore a long time ago the website mentioned that.
I do love hiking that place. My wife loves it there

Beautiful fish btw.
It is really beautiful. Love those riverlands areas.
I thought and hoped that he might have fished Wissler Run, which I had never seen, but now I know that based on the discussion it was most likely the more well-known stream. You're right, those streams are all nice, although the foot traffic, shouting, etc gets old along the most popular one, but it also has the best BT population. Not expecting THAT kind of improvement since the prior survey in the 1990's, when two of us last surveyed it about three or so yrs ago, we were over-run with trout. What a hot, long day that was, followed by the return drive to upper Bucks Co. We returned the next day to complete the population estimate and run another sampling site the with reinforcements (a third crew member) just because of the number of trout in that stream. What an improvement since the early 1980's when I first visited the stream.
There are some beauties on the York Co side as well. I usually head for Fishing Ck on that side, walking in from the mouth to the PFBC property. Unfortunately, its beauty is tainted in spots by anthropogenic debris that wash down from upstream and gets hung up along the banks or in log jams.
"Anthropogenic" - great word!
"anthropogenic debris"

Good one!!!
