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In March of 1987, Congress passed Public Law 100-9, proclaiming March as Women’s History Month.
Here is one of my favorite swaps! This swap entails fly designs from women tyers! Now a days most fly designers and tyers are more associated with the male of the species BUT did you know that the first organized professional fly tyers were women! That a 12 year old girl designed a well known fly pattern (especially in Maine!). Or the woman in Ireland that tied professionally and invited tyers over for some tea if they were going to be in the area! I do this swap to honor and recognize these women for their indelible mark that they have made on this hobby we call fly tying - and for the current and future women yet to make their mark. A few years ago the American Museum of Fly Fishing in Manchester, Vermont had an exhibit entitled "A Graceful Rise" to honor women in fly fishing/fly tying throughout history. Here is the link -https://www.amff.org/portfolio/a-graceful-rise/ - I think that you'll like it! And did you know the very FIRST book on American fly tying patterns was compiled by a resident of this fine area.
Flies for this site MUST have been designed by a women. The flies may be historical, local, or even by any woman you know (including yourself, if you a woman, that is!). Registration for this swap will close on Wednesday, February 28th or if we reach 12 members. Flies are due in to me by Wednesday, March 27th.
Swap members should remember the 5 basic things needed for a swap - your flies, each with its own toe tag, all included in your swap box, with a SASE, all included in a sending envelope.
If you are new to fly swaps or a new tyer you are most welcome to join in the fun. Let me know and i can help provide you with any assistance you might need. My job is to ensure that your first swap experience is a good one!
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Lastly - HAVE FUN!
Here is one of my favorite swaps! This swap entails fly designs from women tyers! Now a days most fly designers and tyers are more associated with the male of the species BUT did you know that the first organized professional fly tyers were women! That a 12 year old girl designed a well known fly pattern (especially in Maine!). Or the woman in Ireland that tied professionally and invited tyers over for some tea if they were going to be in the area! I do this swap to honor and recognize these women for their indelible mark that they have made on this hobby we call fly tying - and for the current and future women yet to make their mark. A few years ago the American Museum of Fly Fishing in Manchester, Vermont had an exhibit entitled "A Graceful Rise" to honor women in fly fishing/fly tying throughout history. Here is the link -https://www.amff.org/portfolio/a-graceful-rise/ - I think that you'll like it! And did you know the very FIRST book on American fly tying patterns was compiled by a resident of this fine area.
Flies for this site MUST have been designed by a women. The flies may be historical, local, or even by any woman you know (including yourself, if you a woman, that is!). Registration for this swap will close on Wednesday, February 28th or if we reach 12 members. Flies are due in to me by Wednesday, March 27th.
Swap members should remember the 5 basic things needed for a swap - your flies, each with its own toe tag, all included in your swap box, with a SASE, all included in a sending envelope.
If you are new to fly swaps or a new tyer you are most welcome to join in the fun. Let me know and i can help provide you with any assistance you might need. My job is to ensure that your first swap experience is a good one!
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Lastly - HAVE FUN!