Ladies Night Swap


Active member
Jul 11, 2022
Camillus, NY
In March of 1987, Congress passed Public Law 100-9, proclaiming March as Women’s History Month.

Here is one of my favorite swaps! This swap entails fly designs from women tyers! Now a days most fly designers and tyers are more associated with the male of the species BUT did you know that the first organized professional fly tyers were women! That a 12 year old girl designed a well known fly pattern (especially in Maine!). Or the woman in Ireland that tied professionally and invited tyers over for some tea if they were going to be in the area! I do this swap to honor and recognize these women for their indelible mark that they have made on this hobby we call fly tying - and for the current and future women yet to make their mark. A few years ago the American Museum of Fly Fishing in Manchester, Vermont had an exhibit entitled "A Graceful Rise" to honor women in fly fishing/fly tying throughout history. Here is the link - - I think that you'll like it! And did you know the very FIRST book on American fly tying patterns was compiled by a resident of this fine area.

Flies for this site MUST have been designed by a women. The flies may be historical, local, or even by any woman you know (including yourself, if you a woman, that is!). Registration for this swap will close on Wednesday, February 28th or if we reach 12 members. Flies are due in to me by Wednesday, March 27th.

Swap members should remember the 5 basic things needed for a swap - your flies, each with its own toe tag, all included in your swap box, with a SASE, all included in a sending envelope.

If you are new to fly swaps or a new tyer you are most welcome to join in the fun. Let me know and i can help provide you with any assistance you might need. My job is to ensure that your first swap experience is a good one!

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Lastly - HAVE FUN!

I'm interested Kim but this theme has me doing research. Starting to pull threads (pun intended) on the likes of Carrie Stevens, Sara Jane McBride, Mary Orvis Marbury, Winnie and Mary Dette, etc. I'm trying to find a pattern that meets your entry criteria and isn't a salmon fly . . . a little out of my wheelhouse.

If you know of a trout fly pattern in the 12-16 range, let me know. Otherwise, I'll keep searching!
I'm interested Kim but this theme has me doing research. Starting to pull threads (pun intended) on the likes of Carrie Stevens, Sara Jane McBride, Mary Orvis Marbury, Winnie and Mary Dette, etc. I'm trying to find a pattern that meets your entry criteria and isn't a salmon fly . . . a little out of my wheelhouse.

If you know of a trout fly pattern in the 12-16 range, let me know. Otherwise, I'll keep searching!
Ha! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who spent an hour today looking at pics of wet flies I don't really want to tie.
At this point, I’m running into the same issues while trying to research a pattern to tie to meet the guidelines.
Here are some names should check out for some good patterns:
Ann Schweigert
Josephine Sedlecky-Borsum
Bonnie Harrop - Rene's wife
Sharalee Lawson
Mary S. Kuss
Holly Theriault
Nadia Stancev - she and her husband have won awards in Europe for their fly patterns
Rainy Riding

This will be good for ~50 patterns at least. Hope this helps.

Sorta gets your attention, don't it!😳


Would you like to join one of my swaps? I always like to see new faces - even if they are old ones!
great idea, but will have to see patterns that fit the criteria. I see there is a list of names below. It's a great idea to publicize the contributions of women to the sport. TBH, except for those with names of husbands, I did not know them. I must take a look and even if I don't find a pattern I'd like to tie, I'll get an education.
great idea, but will have to see patterns that fit the criteria. I see there is a list of names below. It's a great idea to publicize the contributions of women to the sport. TBH, except for those with names of husbands, I did not know them. I must take a look and even if I don't find a pattern I'd like to tie, I'll get an education.
Just remember, I only scratched the surface! I will tell you my favorite of the bunch - Josephine Sedlecky-Borsum! She was at the time (and I believe she still is) the only PERSON recognized by the Smithsonian for her tying in the 1970's, she was the first women to set-up and host the country's first Skeet and trap Tourney exclusively for women. She tied flies from 1945-1992 and was proprietor of Ed's Sports Shop in Baldwin, Michigan. She was an avid hunter and fisher and all her fur/feathers were used in her fly shop as well as from other hunters in the area and chicken farmers as well! She tied her flies on Mustad 94840 hooks only and (to borrow an old phrase) would tie a fly with any color thread - as long as it was black!

The only thing I can't find in my research on her is what she did in her SPARE time!


BTW, one of her patterns was almost lost to history but thanks to the work done by Tom Deschaine it was saved on his site for posterity.
Ok, somebody’s needs to bite the bullet. About 10 years ago I found a carp pattern on line called “Rainey’s Popcorn Ball”. I tied some of them up and have used them ever since as an occasional change up pattern when my “go to” carp patterns just aren’t producing. I’ve caught a number of carp over those years on this pattern. I’m tying it a bit different than I think Rainy Riding originally designed it for, but it is still Rainy’s pattern.

Kim certainly made us do our homework on this one and I hope it all comes together. Until doing my recent research I never realized that Rainy’s Flies is owned and operated by two women - Rainy Riding and Ellen Clark - it’s a really cool story of two women that had the tenacity to succeed in this industry, and they succeeded big time.

I’m in on the swap with a size 8 - Rainy’s Popcorn Ball - tied to get down in front of our mudding PA carp rooting on the bottom. If your not a carper I’m sure you could catch trout on this fly as well - particularly some of those big old fat pellet heads.
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Marla Blair ---- Jailbird fly pattern but look at why it is tied the way it is. Kinda important. In my opinion Rainey is a hack. Materials are overpriced not not widely available.
Marla Blair ---- Jailbird fly pattern but look at why it is tied the way it is. Kinda important. In my opinion Rainey is a hack. Materials are overpriced not not widely available.
That may very well be true, I never attempted to buy any materials through Rainey’s and probably never will. I’m just looking to tie a fly for the swap that was designed by a woman that I actually have caught fish on.
This is quite the challenge , after doing some research I will tie a Spotter midge by developer Mary Dette Clark