Lackawanna river

  • Thread starter pennsadventures
  • Start date

girls just wanna have fun?
Never fished it, but I know brown trout... some days they just don't give a f#*! what you are throwing. If the barometric pressure or water has them in a foul mood you could swear they aren't in the river. I also know they may not be out of their nocturnal mindset quite yet, some places they just shutdown until the sun goes down. And one thing that I have learned this year fishing a couple different bodies of water is that brown trout move at insane rates to find the right water to survive in. If that river you fished has warmer sections they will not be in there and they will def. not be feeding if they are anchored down deep.

Just my two cents.
Fox: Time after time, girls just wanna have fun showing their true colors...
I love how all you guys think we're rookies lol. I guided for years on way better water than the Lackawanna. It was a last min trip for time restrictions my buddy was doing google searches all the way there. We did hit two spots. Not sure of the first location because he just told me how to get there and the second was a section in the park. Let me repeat myself. It was a last second trip for time issues. We were going to head to ny but his ex wife jammed that up. This is why I never post on this board. It's full of douchebags that are know it alls. Since you do your weekend get away on penns I will put money up that him and I smoke anyone on the stream!! I will show you how"bad we are lol.

Thanks to the guys that actually took this post serious. To the douchebags put your money where your mouth is because we will take you to school.
Oh, well why didn't you put it that way the first time. We are definitely the douchebags and you guys are clearly excellent fly fisherman. I mean, every ex guide I know is a phenomenal fisherman. Must just be that the Lacky isn't that good of a stream. I'd write it off as over hyped and move on to a better stream.
Don't get your flat-brimmed hat too steamed up over this. And don't put your bank account at such risk. There are more than a handful of guys on this board who think the Lackawanna is a pushover for huge browns and that Penns is a pushover for big browns. I fear you either a) overestimate your own expertise or b) underestimate the quality of fishermen you're taunting. You're not impressing anyone by telling them that you can catch fish in water paved with brown trout and lacking the ability to feed heavily year-round. I bet you're Hell on rivers like the Madison. Why don't you challenge someone to a duel on Falling Springs Branch? Or, next time you find a stretch of water that vexes you, try starting the post with "I thought my friend and I were very good fly-fishermen, but we hit the Lackawanna last weekend, and the fish seemed to disagree--what are we missing?" I bet if you do that, you'll be astounded at all the beta provided.
I wasn't offended when you stated you and your friend were very good fly fishermen. I think I am "pretty good too" but I have been shut out more this year than the previous 2-3 years combined, we all get humbled on the stream. I don't care if your George Daniels or Kelly Galloup. I think your just getting the typical message board hello. Its normal; take the info that some gave you and use it and take the beating some gave you too; just part of the process. No point in getting mad, its a message board.
pennsadventures wrote:
I love how all you guys think we're rookies lol. I guided for years on way better water than the Lackawanna. It was a last min trip for time restrictions my buddy was doing google searches all the way there. We did hit two spots. Not sure of the first location because he just told me how to get there and the second was a section in the park. Let me repeat myself. It was a last second trip for time issues. We were going to head to ny but his ex wife jammed that up. This is why I never post on this board. It's full of douchebags that are know it alls. Since you do your weekend get away on penns I will put money up that him and I smoke anyone on the stream!! I will show you how"bad we are lol.

Thanks to the guys that actually took this post serious. To the douchebags put your money where your mouth is because we will take you to school.

"Smoke anyone on the stream"

I thought Fly Fishing Team USA was in Slovakia, you must of dropped out at the last minute to get that chance to get skunked on the Lackawanna.

How dare you suggest your such a fantastic fisherman after getting skunked? You might want to just check yourself buddy, there are plenty of very very talented fisherman in PA.
pennsadventures wrote:

Thanks to the guys that actually took this post serious. To the douchebags put your money where your mouth is because we will take you to school except on the Lackawanna because no fish live there.
I believe that I've just been called a douchebag which sounds an awful lot like something a douchebag would say. LOL.

It's fishing, check your ego at the door for God's sake.
pennsadventures wrote:
I love how all you guys think we're rookies lol. I guided for years on way better water than the Lackawanna. It was a last min trip for time restrictions my buddy was doing google searches all the way there. We did hit two spots. Not sure of the first location because he just told me how to get there and the second was a section in the park. Let me repeat myself. It was a last second trip for time issues. We were going to head to ny but his ex wife jammed that up. This is why I never post on this board. It's full of douchebags that are know it alls. Since you do your weekend get away on penns I will put money up that him and I smoke anyone on the stream!! I will show you how"bad we are lol.

Thanks to the guys that actually took this post serious. To the douchebags put your money where your mouth is because we will take you to school.
Perhaps you might fit in over on The Drake forum a little bit better with that attitude. Lots of "guides" there too. "Smoke anyone on the stream" - classic. Is this a troll post?
Mike B
Hahaha thanks to this post I got through a very slow day at work.
How would the Penn's challenge work? Is it one person vs you and your buddy? Is it 2 on 2 tag team? 4 way he'll in a cell match? Ladder match? How much money are we wagering? Could we make it a retirement match, loser has to throw all of his gear in the river? Any chance we could do it at the Tully keystone light select trophy waters?

If I can get a clearer understanding of the rules I'd be more interested.
A few of the reasons I like this board are the knowledge and incredible experience of its members. And also the Civility and Helpfulness of the membership (e.g.Heritage Angler)
I would really hope we keep it that way .
Tom C
I agree Tom. The original question was fine. Things got blown out of proportion and I'd say the hostility is unwarranted. it's a shame tone of voice can't be interpreted well through text alone.

A retirement competition cracks me up though! Throw all your gear into the river?!!! Hahaha but hey! We are all about conservation and I believe that would not align with that principle. LMAO.

Also the tully keystone light section- priceless. But who doesn't love the tully!
Someone take us up on it then. I put a post up to not be told I'm a rookie!!! If it's not taken serious why would I respect anything that is said. It's easy, I will give respect when it's earned. If all you guys are so good ( because I see the photos from the jam) meet up with us on the water. I tie for the two main fly shops on penns. So if you ever bought a fly most likely it came form me but I'm just a rookie lol. Someone name a time and place and how many anglers. I have enough guys that will teach all you guys something.
A few of the reasons I like this board are the knowledge and incredible experience of its members. And also the Civility and Helpfulness of the membership (e.g.Heritage Angler) I would really hope we keep it that way . Tom C

My god. I wouldn't fish with you even if you bought the beer, and that's saying something.

And if you dudes defending this attitude want people posting here to sound more like this guy than like the responses poking fun at him, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree.
pennsadventures wrote:
Thanks to the guys that actually took this post serious. To the douchebags put your money where your mouth is because we will take you to school.

Lighten up.

You asked a question about a river and folks suggested some rivers are tough and you have pay your dues. These were fair answers. If you thought they were of no value, just ignore 'em and take some time to appreciate and consider the ones you did think were valuable.
Everyone else. . . .

Let it go.
If you've got some info on the stream in question, by all means chime in, otherwise, let's move on to better things.