Juniata conditions

Mid June is early in the season the smallies are just off the spawning beds, or maybe you were catching the males still on the beds. It's not unusual to catch smaller bass at the tail end or just after the spawn, so it may not be your fly or your location. In a couple of weeks the big'ins (females) will get out of their spawning funk and begin to hit your flies. Let the fun begin!!
jifigz, was wondering if you have been up on the section of the Juniata from Newton Hamilton to Mc Veytown. Was wondering how the flow was and how it was fishing. Thinking of floating that section this week.
jifigz, was wondering if you have been up on the section of the Juniata from Newton Hamilton to Mc Veytown. Was wondering how the flow was and how it was fishing. Thinking of floating that section this week.
Hey Dave, flows are low but the bite has been great. I don't recall what kind of boat you have, but I know the jets are having some difficulty getting around.
jifigz, Thank you much for the info. My boat is a Stealthcraft 3-man raft. Floated the upper (Huntingdon to Mapleton) last week and didn't have a problem with the low water. The bite wasn't that great, just small fish. Thinking the water is still a little cool yet. Need some rain and eighty degree days to get them fired up.
Was anyone on the river yesterday between 6:30 and 8:15 pm? If so, WTF was up with the weather? Breezy from various directions and then....🌬️💨.... Upriver at 25-35 mph for 90 minutes. That was crazy.
Was on the Juniata Wednesday 8:00am - 8:30pm. Floated from Mc Veytown to Granville. Breezy wasn't the word for it. Had to fight a head wind all day, it wouldn't stop. Definitely the worst conditions I have ever rowed in. But the weather was nice and the guys on the boat caught a boat load of fish.
The recent storms impacted the clarity a little around Newport. Clean enough to fish but there's a little stain to it
I was at a family reunion right on the banks of the river about a mile above Millerstown yesterday. Juniata was crystal clear and low. Didn’t fish. Didn‘t see anyone fishing the Juniata or the Susquehanna. Maybe the threat of storms cancelled everyone’s plans.
fished downstream of mt union last night. water cleared nicely. you can see some stain in the deep holes though. not a high number trip, but landed a couple of real tanks and lost another bruiser- don't forget to check those hook points occasionally!
The bass bite on the Juniata this evening (6/30) was amazing. Huge numbers of fish and the average size was very, very quality. Fish were so, so aggressive. I hope others were out to enjoy it.

Edit: all fish ate a streamer that was rather aggressively stripped. I didn't change flies at all.
I almost went again last night, but didn't last minute. the ol', "should have been here today/yesterday", LOL. Streamers were the choice Thursday too, but dead drifted with twitching.
Things seem to be on the drop and starting to level out. Clarity getting better each day. Susky is still pumping pretty good but fishable. No real pattern for location of the fish or the "hot" fly.

Spooked or got chases from musky 4 out of 6 trips. Not geared for it but I'll take the 30 adrenaline rush before getting snapped off.
I went out from the front street ramp and went up to the Juniata and fished down last week just before the entire width of the river turned to mud. The gauge in Harrisburg was running about 4.5 and was on the rise with chocolate milk coming from the Juniata. I’m surprised by the small flies being fished for susky bass. every rule has an occasional exception but my experience is big baits = big fish, little baits = little fish on the river. Where there are little bass there are big bass. We boated close to 60 and lost probably another 20 on big honking crayfish. Largest in the boat was 19.5” and many were 16” and above. It was a rarity to catch something under 12”. We could feel little ones pulling on our offerings but mostly they didn’t catch the business end of the hook. Lost a true trophy at the side of the boat but that’s fishing. They were in the grass. cast to the deep grass edges and watch them come out of the grass and grab it. Most times they grabbed it on the fall or not long after hitting bottom and taking a hop.

leave the baby fish stuff at home and gear up with bigger weighted flies, preferably crayfish patterns with enormous fluttering claws not made of feathers. That river is loaded with pig bass and they generally don’t waste time on cricket size baits when the crayfish are around. full disclosure, it was way to windy for the fly rods so we left them in the truck and opted for spinning gear. In fact it was so windy I wouldn’t have fished it at all if I didn’t drive so long to get there.
I have fished the river the past two nights. Once at my parents and once at a more difficult to access riffle where you have to scramble down a steep bank.

The fishing both nights was tremendous. I caught some beautiful fish but plenty of small fish, too. I spooked a bass in the 20" range off one of my favorite shorelines to fish. They were aggressive and hungry. I didn't take water temp but it was warm.. All fish ate streamers with some explosive strikes. Good times.
Anyone see how the rain last night affected the clarity of the Juniata between Mifflinburg and thompsontown.
No, but I drive beside the river the entire way home from work to home and will post about the clarity when I get home. This is upstream of there though, so it may or may not be worthwhile information.

Check the gauges of Tuscarora Creek and the river in Thompsontown to see how much it has risen in a short time to gauge clarity too.
I was "walking" my way down the gauges from Huntingdon to newport, including the major tribs. I have not "calibrated" rises and drops to clarity on the big J. I'd think it would be ok