John Arway; Director PFBC

dudemanspecial wrote:
Maybe the thread title should be changed because the man has not yet lost his job.....

Dude....the Ex stands for Executive...oy vey!

funny, same scummy politicians would never vote for a bill that limited their term to 8 years...
TimRobinsin wrote:
I think it’s mis-leading, even slightly malicious, to intentionally post (and leave posted) a statement that is clearly not true and easily verifiable. Just my 2 cents. PAFF is better than this

I have no doubt whatsoever the OP, WestBranch started this thread and posted info from an article he read and believed true and accurate. His post was in no way malicious or intentional. In fact, I think WestBranch is one of the most honest and honorable members on this board.

As far as correcting the post, the info about Mr. Arway was corrected (by me) on the first page and others followed with the updated info.

I did noticed at the end of your post the "TL;DR" acronym......perhaps you should have; especially before making accusations about people.
TimRobinsin wrote:

What’s even better is that we have a contingent in the FF community who believe that wild trout are so important and that stocking is so evil that they are willing to support the complete destruction of the PFBC if it means a chance of ending stocking.

Can you cite any evidence to support this? I don't think it's true.

Trout management has been very widely discussed on and the percentage of people who advocated ending stocking in PA is VERY low.

And do you know of any organization of flyfishers and/or other anglers who support the ending of stocking?

I have never heard of any. PA Trout Unlimited has certainly never advocated this.

There is a very large number of anglers, a growing consensus, who support shifting hatchery trout away from streams with native brook trout and wild brown trout populations to streams and impoundments without wild trout populations.

Which is a totally different thing than ending stocking in PA.

I don't think advocating shifting hatchery trout away from brook streams to non-wild trout waters is attacking the PFBC at all. It's actually SUPPORTING what many biologist in the PFBC want to do. And have been doing ever since the beginning of Operation Future, about 40 years ago. But they've been stymied by the lack of support.

He IS the EXecutive Director.
Dudemanspecial wrote;

Maybe the thread title should be changed because the man has not yet lost his job.....

As Afishinado so aptly noted the "Ex" in John Arway Ex Director PFBC was an abbreviation of Executive. I assumed the Forum readers would of recognized the liberty I took with the abbreviation. Obviously that was not the case. In the future I will refrain from any such assumptions.

TimRobinson wrote;

I think it’s mis-leading, even slightly malicious, to intentionally post (and leave posted) a statement that is clearly not true and easily verifiable. Just my 2 cents. PAFF is better than this.

What statement? The "Ex" Director? See above. My entire post was very supportive of Mr. Arway. Other than your misinterpreting my abbreviation of Executive my post is in no way misleading or malicious. Obviously the moderators of the Forum understood my intention was only to provide information and not create controversy. Did you even read my entire post? It is quite complimentary to the man.
No harm no foul wbranch. I honestly thought you meant it as he was ousted already. Easy mis read. Thanks for clearing that up.
Dudemanspecial wrote;

Thanks for clearing that up.

Sure, no problem.
Looks like the bill oust Arway is out of committee and headed to floor? Can't confirm, just what I'm hearing.

I don't know how soon they are voting. Maybe today?

WB - I am not sure what your talking about. I wasn't directing anything at you. Given the topic I think it's fairly easy to see how "Ex Director" is ambiguous. I was suggesting the Mods make a correction so as not to spread "fake news" to anyone that might just be skimming thread titles in the GF. My apologies if I offended you.
Yes. House Game & Fisheries passed SB935 yesterday by a 15-9 vote with 3 not voting. Now, it goes to the full House for a vote.

I could say a lot more, but I won't. I'm beyond disgusted.
I will say a little more if you don't mind. But first I am disappointed that my local rep who sits on the committee in the house voted yes to this. I hope that just means he wants it to come to a vote so it can be defeated, but that hope would be foolish.

These Commissions like PFBC, PGC, Turnpike, Gaming, and a few more are designed to function independently of the legislature. This is why both legislative leaders and executive officials have the power to appoint commissioners. This staggers the make-up of the commission so that temporary political whim does not determine the policy bent of the commission.

So now, having taken such pains to design a system to lessen partisanship in the policy decisions of these commissions, the legislature wants to curtail the discretion of the duly appointed commissioners to appoint and maintain an executive director that will carry out their policy decisions. What sense does that make? All that is needed to control a rogue ED is to assure that the ED serves at the pleasure of the commissioners, which, I think, is the state of the law now.
Timrobinson wrote;

My apologies if I offended you.

You are correct the "Ex" could of been read to think I meant he had already lost his position. No offense taken.

OK, enough of this. I thought it worked best as a double entendre.
Remember this in November and Novembers in the future. No regards for us the fisherman no regards when they are voted out.
They remind me of pond scum the the politicians need the term limits,
On 3/13/18 SB 935 passed out of the House Game and Fisheries Committee and moved to the House floor where it was tabled the same day.
To Mindy Fee: feel free to modify and share if you want.

Hi, Mindy.

I'll be direct:
I would really like to know your reasoning for supporting SB935?

I own a small fly-fishing guide business here in Lancaster and I operate trips across our great commonwealth. I am also on the board of directors for Donegal Trout Unlimited and also a member of Donegal Fish Conservation Association. I have worked extensively with grassroots clean water organizations across our state and with the PFBC here locally to improve our fishing opportunities and clean water here in Lancaster.

I understand that PFBC Executive Director John Arway's approach to prompting action on SB30 was received with contempt by some of your colleagues. However, I must ask why you feel that your time is better spent crafting and supporting legislation that purely designed for retribution rather than fixing a long standing problem?

As I see it, SB935 is a petty and childish waste of time fashioned by some folks are more interested in playing politics than fixing a real issue. I see it, and I intend to inform everyone I meet of what this bill is really about at every local fishing show and exhibition I have a table at and attend. I work in Manheim and many of us around the auction are avid anglers and boaters. The fee increase Mr. Arway has been requesting for the last several years will cost each of us less annually than a single glass of craft beer. That is to say the increase is minuscule; nobody that I have met believes what the PFBC is asking for is out of line.

SB30 is vital to the future of our fishing heritage in our commonwealth. It would strengthen our PFBC which has been crucial in providing wholesome outdoor opportunities for our children. I am a permitted guide through the PFBC which grows my business. I am a certified Fishing Skills Instructor through the PFBC which allows me to teach our annual Learn to Fly Fish class to folks from our community without them having to buy a license for the class. The PFBC is working with us to create better fishing on Hammer Creek, one of the only streams in our county where we have native brook trout, our state fish.

Mrs. Fee, I voted for you and I am not a republican. I don't believe in party lines. I believe that we should vote for our reps based on what they stand for as individuals. Based on what they do for us here in our communities. I don't see how SB935 supports my community.

I believe you made the wrong decision supporting this bill that is more an act of revenge than practical legislation. I would certainly enjoy an opportunity to talk to you further about this. I would also like to ask if you would come along with me on a fishing trip through out your district. If you don't fly-fish already I would certainly enjoy introducing you to the great opportunities we have here in our area.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.


Derek Eberly
Owner, Keystone Fly Guides

Great letter. But I hope you don't mind me making book on whether your business gets audited in the next year.

It's a joke. I don't want to be audited, either.;-)

To quote Dylan:

"When you got nothin', you got nothin' to lose"

Not much to audit here. I'm just a small fry guy.
I have been pretty much harassing Mindy Fee the last several weeks by email and finally spoke to her last week. It was not a good conversation. While being respectful, I clearly expressed my opinion on the issue and it did noes align with hers. She told me that she has no personal issues with Mr. Awray, but that he crossed an "ethical line" when he mentioned the possibility of closing hatcheries. I find it unethical that an elected official chose to vote yes on vengeful legislation aimed to punish a biologist for telling the truth. This episode is a complete embarrassment and legislators who support SB-935 should be ashamed of themselves. I have a call set up with Senator Aument early next month, I can't wait to get his take.