John Arway; Director PFBC

fritz wrote:
If you haven’t read it go on the the PA Trout Unlimited site, go there, look in past newsletters. Pull up the Fall 2017 newsletter and read Mr Arway’s article.

Was that the article about hatchery closings and stopage of stream stockings? I know a lot if people blew up over that news. I mostly understand why people were upset. I was upset with some of it also.
troutbert wrote:
I asked this question before, but why do these legislators want Arway out?

This bill was introduced by Scarnati. Has he stated what his critiques are of Arway? Has he or any of the other of the bill's sponsors tried to justify their attempt to kick Arway out?

The theory that they want to kick him out simply because he asked for a license increase does not sound plausible to me.

Because he fired a warning shot across the bow of the politicians' boats; a threat, per se. They are returning fire. He took a calculated risk to ask for a license increase by using hatchery closings as a stick, and it ticked the wrong people off. In politics, I don't think it needs to be any more complicated than that. Politicians don't like appointees telling them what to do.
A casualty of the 'something for nothing' crowd. A cover for irresponsibility. Kill the messenger. "I'll have to shut hatcheries because you won't let me raise the money to pay for it." Damm you for telling them anything they don't want to hear.

I'm sure the next director will be a pawn for the politicians, won't know a thing about fishing or conservation. hooks, worms, stocked fish. THAT is the real fishing ya know. Hell, the guy will probably be a gas industry exec.
wild fish??? yeah right.
When Politics gets involved reason leaves the room. GG
John and the commish gave a nice little presentation on the PFBC at the Fly and Wingshooting show and they broke everything down with programs and spending . It was pretty informative I believe they will be doing the same in Lancaster next weekend if you are interested . There was also an open forum for ideas on how to help them save money and get more people involved in fishing. Allot of the board member's on here always have allot to say about the commish this is your chance to be heard instead of debating on here ........Just Saying..........

Mike was said you weren't there :cry:
I am scheduled to be at the Sportsmen's Forum at the Phila Boat Show in Oaks at 10 AM, March 10.
You're not going to get anyone worth a sack of potato's to take that job with an 8 year limit! Who on earth would take any job, making a salary like that, knowing that in 8 years no matter how well you do at the job, that you're on the streets looking for work. The only people they are going to get to look at that job are the desperate and that is never a way to get the best people. The best people have solid job and aren't going to leave for a pink slip in 8 years. PA is filled with stupid people in charge.
Zak wrote:
You're not going to get anyone worth a sack of potato's to take that job with an 8 year limit! Who on earth would take any job, making a salary like that, knowing that in 8 years no matter how well you do at the job, that you're on the streets looking for work. The only people they are going to get to look at that job are the desperate and that is never a way to get the best people. The best people have solid job and aren't going to leave for a pink slip in 8 years. PA is filled with stupid people in charge.

First of all it's Arway.
Second it doesn't matter who's in there, the agency is independent as such the Senate and House have only a few things they can control, one is license fees. That's the rub. The Legislature waits until the 2 Commissions get into dire straights to allow for a license increase, which they call a tax because they are republicans, and stupid ones at that. The only income the 2 Commissions have comes from licenses so it really doesn't matter who's in as the Director, unless it's a pawn, and as anglers we certainly don't want a pawn in there.
So what can we do? Tell your senator and representative to pass the license increase. Both commissions are strapped for cash and they shouldn't be.
As a side note NY has never decreased the number of fish stocked, but nearly every year lately PA has.
tomgamber wrote:
Zak wrote:
You're not going to get anyone worth a sack of potato's to take that job with an 8 year limit! Who on earth would take any job, making a salary like that, knowing that in 8 years no matter how well you do at the job, that you're on the streets looking for work. The only people they are going to get to look at that job are the desperate and that is never a way to get the best people. The best people have solid job and aren't going to leave for a pink slip in 8 years. PA is filled with stupid people in charge.


Glad we agree it will be 8 :p
Troutbert, he has been a thorn in the side of development interests who are politically connected, by virtue of his push for finding and identifying trout reproduction streams in the state, which causes a DEP upgrade in water quality status. He's been an advocate for fish, to the consternation of some.
Oregon_OwlII wrote:
Troutbert, he has been a thorn in the side of development interests who are politically connected, by virtue of his push for finding and identifying trout reproduction streams in the state, which causes a DEP upgrade in water quality status. He's been an advocate for fish, to the consternation of some.

I think that is the most likely reason why some legislators are trying to push him out. And why they have been trying to starve the PFBC financially.

The legislators aren't going to say publicly that this is why they are down on the PFBC and John Arway, of course. They are using the budget and hatcheries "issue" as cover. IMHO.

troutbert wrote:
Oregon_OwlII wrote:
Troutbert, he has been a thorn in the side of development interests who are politically connected, by virtue of his push for finding and identifying trout reproduction streams in the state, which causes a DEP upgrade in water quality status. He's been an advocate for fish, to the consternation of some.

I think that is the most likely reason why some legislators are trying to push him out. And why they have been trying to starve the PFBC financially.

The legislators aren't going to say publicly that this is why they are down on the PFBC and John Arway, of course. They are using the budget and hatcheries "issue" as cover. IMHO.

No doubt the above is one of the big reasons for the financial stranglehold on the FBC without a license fee increase since 2005.

But I think it's more complex than that. How does one explain why the PA Game Commission hasn't seen an increase in license fees since 1998?! The Fish Commission has been starved, while the Game Commission is emaciated!

It may be as simple as politicians wanted to exercise their power and influence over what is supposed to be set up as agencies funded from alternate sources (not tax dollars) and run independent from state government. They pander to their constituents to get votes by holding the purse strings and use them to strangle both commissions to extract favors, wield their power and stay in power. Or sumthin' like that....
The game comm was supposed to receive royalties from gas wells on game comm property, wonder where that money ended up?
Fredrick wrote:
John and the commish gave a nice little presentation on the PFBC at the Fly and Wingshooting show and they broke everything down with programs and spending . It was pretty informative I believe they will be doing the same in Lancaster next weekend if you are interested . There was also an open forum for ideas on how to help them save money and get more people involved in fishing. Allot of the board member's on here always have allot to say about the commish this is your chance to be heard instead of debating on here ........Just Saying..........

On this note, the next forum is TOMORROW in Erie at 1pm. Then the next two are in Philly on the 10th, and Williamsport on the 17th.

I'm going to try my very best to be at the one in Erie tomorrow. This is a great opportunity to have our voices heard in person (though the online surveys and such are great too).

"PFBC Sportsmen’s Forum at the Erie Sport & Travel Expo:

The forums are titled “A Sportsmen’s Forum – How Resource First and Anglers and Boaters Can Help Shape the Future of Fishing and Boating in Pennsylvania” and will feature an overview of the agency’s existing programs and a discussion of its current financial state of affairs. A question and answer period will follow.

The fourth forum will be on March 3 (1PM) - Erie Sport & Travel Expo, Bayfront Convention Center, Erie (Room 140 ABC). Please join us!

If you cannot attend this or either of the final two forums, please take a few minutes to complete the following survey, as Executive Director Arway wants to hear from you! "
Maybe the thread title should be changed because the man has not yet lost his job.....
I think it’s mis-leading, even slightly malicious, to intentionally post (and leave posted) a statement that is clearly not true and easily verifiable. Just my 2 cents. PAFF is better than this.

That said.

It doesn’t matter who is Director. The masters have spoken. They want their puppet politicians in Harrisburg to reign in rogue government organizations that can hinder the progress of energy and development. When will Pennsylvanians learn that corporations are only interested in taking our resources as cheaply as possible?

What does that mean for PFBC?

The PFBC is independent and doesn’t come under IRRC. This means stream designations and research progresses according to scientific research and data. While it’s not perfect it is at least data driven rather than profit driven. The only control Harrisburg politics has is approval of the License Fee Schedule.

Aye there’s the rub.

This has been a political play that has been a long time coming. The idea is that if PFBC is underfunded long enough it will not only fail at its most basic functions financially, it will also fail in its mission to conserve, protect, and enhance. As yet another failure government agency it will be forced to restructure and come under IRRC control.

Underfunding the PGC and PFBC then criticizing them for not operating properly is ludicrous, but it is exactly what many people are doing.

What’s even better is that we have a contingent in the FF community who believe that wild trout are so important and that stocking is so evil that they are willing to support the complete destruction of the PFBC if it means a chance of ending stocking.

The PFBC is not perfect, Arway is not perfect. But the constant railing on both is less than helpful. There is a much bigger game being played than many folks might see. The end goal would give anglers an even smaller voice and pull in Harrisburg. How many Reps even hunt and fish anymore? Do they even understand the value of the unassessed water initiative?

I know that hating the government is the cool thing to do nowadays but let’s not cut our nose to spite our face.

Finally, Harrisburg has been atempting to combine the PGC and PFBC for a long time. It’s not a good idea IMHO. It’s good for each department to act according to its own resources and commission.

The PFBC is yet another layer of protection for our highest valued waters. Some say the efforts and regulations are unnecessary because they duplicated at another governmental level such as local or federal. To you I say, GOOD! Let them be duplicated a hundred times if only once. The current attitude of the federal government is a good example of why can’t have enough duplication when it comes to clean water indicators and markers.

And if you think thats not an issue than I suggest you review the hearings and proceedings surrounding HB 1576 from a few years ago. Duplications of regulations was specifically brought up and used as a reason against the autonomy of the PFBC. It was the intention of Jeff Pyle and most of GOP to bring PFBC and PGC under IRRC and under the control of energy interests.

The unassessed trout water program may be one of the greatest initiatives of the PFBC. How do you know what you had if its gone. The energy companies have been betting on us not missing what we can’t prove.

Again, say what you want about Arway and the PFBC. They’re the best tool we have right now. They’re not perfect, but they can be a whole lot better if we work together. Which is where the sportsmen forums come in. At least, for what they are worth.
