John Arway; Director PFBC



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
There is an article in the most recent issue of PA Angler & Boater Magazine written by Mr. Ardway. It appears because the Senate passed Bill 935 that Mr. Ardway is being pushed out of his position on March 02, 2018. The essence of the bill says "No individual may serve as executive director for more than eight years". This action seems to stem from Mr. Ardway's lack of support from the Senate to provide some funds so he wouldn't have to close any hatcheries or cut staff. In September 0f 2017 the Board of Directors directed him to cut $2 million from the 2018 - 2019 and authorized him to close facilities and cut staff. He didn't want to do either but just wanted the Board to authorize a modest license fee increase. The resident license fee has not seen an increase since 2005. I have a lifetime free license, trout stamp, and Erie permit. I would agree to a modest fee imposed on all over 65 of age anglers. I just don't see why there would be an objection from all PA residents.

I remember when the Susquehanna smallmouth fishery crashed in 2005 and when Mr. Ardway came into office he was constantly meeting with different state and federal agencies trying to get help for the river. It surely seems to be an injustice that this man is being pushed out of office for what appears to be political anger. Read the article if you get a chance.
Mr. Ardway must be a new guy. Never heard of him.
Mr. Ardway must be a new guy. Never heard of him

Considering he mentioned his eight year term ends on March 02, 2018 I'm assuming he has held his position since 2010. Not exactly a "new guy".
wbranch wrote:
Mr. Ardway must be a new guy. Never heard of him

Considering he mentioned his eight year term ends on March 02, 2018 I'm assuming he has held his position since 2010. Not exactly a "new guy".

He is poking fun at you because you repeatedly spelled his name wrong. His name is John ARWAY and, from what I know, I always thought that he's been doing a damn good job.
Well instead of being a smart aleck and making fun of my mistake why didn't he just make me aware of the spelling error?
I accidentally spelled Mr. Arway's last name incorrectly.
I hope Mr. Arway lives up to his promise and list every politician who voted against a license increase when election time comes around. We've had this discussion before but it is simply moronic to not make small increases every couple years. Unfortunately it seems politcians always want to do things the Ardway....I know it's awful, I couldn't resist. :oops: sorry wbranch.
Hi Ryan,

Now that was genuinely funny! No offense taken.
ryansheehan wrote:
I hope Mr. Arway lives up to his promise and list every politician who voted against a license increase when election time comes around. We've had this discussion before but it is simply moronic to not make small increases every couple years. Unfortunately it seems politcians always want to do things the Ardway....I know it's awful, I couldn't resist. :oops: sorry wbranch.

Lol. Good one Ryan!
I knew who you meant wbranch. Far as I know that senate bill is stuck in the house. At least I have not seen it voted on there. And yes, I too think Mr. Arway has done a good job overall. That senate bill seems to me to be vindictive. And it flew through the senate with blazing speed.
I have mixed feelings about Arway...I sometimes feel like he is talking out of both ends. He tries his best to look like he's on "our side" when it comes to wild trout. I sometimes though think he does that just to keep people off his back. However if the funds aren't there and its his responsibility for the funds then I don't feel bad for him having to go. He gets paid roughly $144,000 to live in Lamar. $100,000 in Lamar and you can live like a king pretty much. I think the cuts should come from everyone higher up on the pay scale with the PFBC.

I'm ok with a license increase for me BUT I'm not so sure how the younger crowd will feel about that or so many of the lower income people in this state that make up a huge portion of license sales. $30 or whatever it is right now doesn't seem like a lot of money for us but be a 16-21 year old. I know when I was in college it was rough to gather up the $5 for the party on Saturday night. Are the younger people where the license sales are really lacking going to be willing to shell out more money for a license? I am thinking even fewer will be participating.
bigjohn58 wrote:
...I sometimes feel like he is talking out of both ends.

This is called trying to make EVERYONE happy. Its not a bad thing. Its just seldom possible.

bigjohn58 wrote:$100,000 in Lamar and you can live like a king pretty much.

Unless you know you will be unemployed in 8 years. then you are probably socking as much away as you can.
.....agreed. Sounds like a Fiscal issue - not "political anger".
To clarify things, the PA House of Representative must vote and have a majority vote "yes" for the Senate bill to become law.

This has not yet happened.
Afish is right that the Pa. House has not yet acted on SB935, which is the bill yarked up by the Pa. Senate last October to term limit John Arway. The legislation is currently sitting in queue in the House Game & Fisheries Committee awaiting committee action. If passed, it will go to the entire House for a vote.

If you feel it is in the best interests of Pennsylvania's fisheries to encourage and permit John Arway to continue as PFBC Executive Director, consider contacting your representative in the House and letting them know that you oppose SB935. It is a no-brainer for me. I think Arway is the best and most wild trout oriented Executive Director since Ralph Abele in the 1970's and would hope he would be retained and agree to remain.

As the bill is still in Committee, here is a listing of the current members of the House Game & Fisheries Committee. If one of them is your state rep., please let them know how you feel about this. If not, find your rep and let them know anyway.
The cost of the license is a pittance compared to most other entertainment.

Go to one college, pro game- cost of a whole years worth of fishing

Two-three meals out cost of whole year worth of fishing.

One or two nights at the watering hole.

1 video game , cost of whole years worth of fishing.

Couple of movies and snacks, cost of whole years fishing.

+1 ^

The proposal allowing the PFBC to raise license fees based on inflation would result in a 2-3% increase per year. That breaks out to be 60 to
90 cents in a license year for a general license and trout stamp.

I paid $1.15 for a pack of gum (Trident Sugarless Original Flavor) at my local WaWa today.... :roll:

I asked this question before, but why do these legislators want Arway out?

This bill was introduced by Scarnati. Has he stated what his critiques are of Arway? Has he or any of the other of the bill's sponsors tried to justify their attempt to kick Arway out?

The theory that they want to kick him out simply because he asked for a license increase does not sound plausible to me.

If you haven’t read it go on the the PA Trout Unlimited site, go there, look in past newsletters. Pull up the Fall 2017 newsletter and read Mr Arway’s article.