Jam Food '13

Hey Phish, after eating that tenderloin last year I cant wait for it again!!!! Thank you for bringing more!! Put me down for at least a big batch of spicy pickles. I'll have to make a triple batch. If I can I'll try to bring chili too.
IdratherbePhishing wrote:
And H-a we actually talk about you eating the tenderloin. It was funny how you were walking, took a bite, and stopped dead in your tracks with the most serious look on your face. Then you grunted. Lol

Words couldn't describe how good that tenderloin was.

I actually had seconds, and it was the last two pieces left in the tray. Normally, I wouldn't take the last of anything, but I'd trip my Grandmother to get that tenderloin.
I did like the idea of voting with a fly, however, if we go that route we may be well served to keep that well away from the food table. I can picture a fly falling into the chili or sticking to a ladle. Feel the burn..... ;-)

Alright jdaddy's a'comin! With grits.

Sounds like we's gonna have some serious heat this year. That's what I'm talkin' about!

I make one hell of an Oxtail soup. That's if nobody minds eating the last part of a cow to go over a fence!!
Boyer- the thought had accrued to me. Maybe we can have a cup with a lid.

Penny- I love ox tail soup!
Great! both of us will eat real well if no-one else cares to savoir my soup. I put a couple of fresh jalapenos in it. It will be on the hot spicy side.
how about a nice brook trout ceviche?( sayveechA) and for those that have never had it,

I will bring the toothpicks to put the brookies on, so we can roast them over the fire. Honestly, I can not remember the last time I ate trout. However, I keep hearing how good little wild brookies taste. Really do want to try it.
I'm gonna get crucified for this, but man. After an all day backpack/fishing excursion, they really hit the spot!

The_Sasquatch wrote:
I'm gonna get crucified for this, but man. After an all day backpack/fishing excursion, they really hit the spot!

oh yes they do, butterfly fileted and fried with some butter and herbs!

there, you won't be the only one getting thrown in to the pits of trout fishing hell!
hahaha! Its not like I do it all the time, maybe once every couple of years...but mmm. They're all pink and whatnot.
Guess I'll jump in the hand basket and go to hell with you both, cause I'll fry a brookie here and there when I'm out camping too. Not ashamed either... :roll:
wild food is always better for you, AND better tasting.
Especially after two days of hiking and camping. Just the best way to cap off an outing. There's nothing finer (or fresher) than meat in it's original package, had while listening to natures music a few feet from the stream. Damn, I think I'm ready for a taste!
I may make some kosher pulled pork or ribs
May also throw the hat into the chilli ring