How’s your tying bench?

So is your light screwed in to your desk top? And it swivels ok for you? Thanks.
Sorry I missed your reply!....yes the light is bolted right to the desktop. The mounting base has 4 screw holes that mate up with a plate on the Laguna wood lathe but it also allows for easy mounting to the desktop.
The reach of the light also allowed me to mount it way off to the side so it doesn't get in the way of anything around the immediate tying area. Arms, materials, tools etc. stay completely clear, and it reaches swivels and can tilt or pan any way I need it. Its really the perfect light for a permanent type tying station.
Sorry I missed your reply!....yes the light is bolted right to the desktop. The mounting base has 4 screw holes that mate up with a plate on the Laguna wood lathe but it also allows for easy mounting to the desktop.
The reach of the light also allowed me to mount it way off to the side so it doesn't get in the way of anything around the immediate tying area. Arms, materials, tools etc. stay completely clear, and it reaches swivels and can tilt or pan any way I need it. Its really the perfect light for a permanent type tying station.
Thanks, I have to reset my tying bench once we get moved back into our home. It got flooded by a broken toilet fill pipe - 10000 gallons of water passed through. Everything we own is now in storage until we get contractors to rebuild my home. I have a portable bench that i can tie with but not the same as my big desk! Be safe & Merry Christmas!
I’ve set aside a corner of my computer desk for my vise, tools and smaller materials. Larger materials like hackle and yarn are in bins under the desk.
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i figured out i could mount my light directly to the desk so i could center the light bar directly over the vise. with the clamp it had to be off center or i couldn't open the drawer. this worked out great! did i mention how much i love the light?!
Here is my current setup. I'm in a rental for the moment, so it isn't completely how I want. Thank you all for sharing your setup. Have some inspiration for some changes for the future.

Lars, do you know where that lamp came from? It looks amazing.


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i bought the lamp about a year ago online. here's the info i posted back then.

Wow!! loving this light. true daylight 6000 deg K color temp, four different brightness's up to 3000 lux, really sleek, unobtrusive with two gooseneck sections for putting the light where you want it. lamp has a built in movable shade. I was able to get rid of two other lamps which previously took up real estate on my desk. Very happy!
Not really cheap, lists for around $200 but i've seen it as low as $145.
It's Daylight brand Slimline 3.