Downsizing - Junk We Don't Need!

With apologies to Freewheeling Franklin, "Alcohol will get you times of no fish better than fish will get you through times of no alcohol..."

With a few exceptions I always have a cooler with beer at the car. One, maybe two before I start and one, maybe two when I'm done. Because I never take water with me when fishing, it's always a comfort to know those two cold beers are waiting for me... 😉

On a few occasions when fishing with friends on 12+ hour excursions we've met up for lunch at a predetermined spot and will set up a small camping table & chairs with a checked tablecloth and a centerpiece. We'll eat lunch and enjoy a bottle of wine complete with plastic stemmed wine glasses.

It is actually a lot of fun and worth the reactions you get when someone pulls up and sees you in waders sitting at a small camping table at parking spot, sipping wine like a couple of fruitcakes... We even have a name for these dainty lunches which is wrong, offensive and inappropriate...

But if you use your imagination, you can probably figure it out... 😎

Speaking of flasks, when I downsized my kit, I also downsized from my old Orvis 8 oz. flask to a small 3 oz pewter job that is filled with 100 proof bourbon or rye. I cant tell you how many times a tiny sip from that flask has whetted my whistle enough persevere through the remainder of a day's fishing in anticipation of those beers in my cooler. 🙂
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It's called ballast...
Dear Bamboozle,

That reminds me of the old joke where Sean and Shamus were out fishing in the sea off County Cork. They bump into a lantern and dig out of the sea.

Sean opens it, and a Genie pops out and says, "I'll grant ye lads one wish'"

Sean says, "I wish the sea were filled with Guiness."

The Genie goes, "Your wish is my command," and the sea is filled with Guiness.

Shamus says, "For fooks sake Seany, now we have to pee in the boat"


Tim Murphy 🙂
Dear Bamboozle,

That reminds me of the old joke where Sean and Shamus were out fishing in the sea off County Cork. They bump into a lantern and dig out of the sea.

Sean opens it, and a Genie pops out and says, "I'll grant ye lads one wish'"

Sean says, "I wish the sea were filled with Guiness."

The Genie goes, "Your wish is my command," and the sea is filled with Guiness.

Shamus says, "For fooks sake Seany, now we have to pee in the boat"


Tim Murphy 🙂

As a huge fan of Guinness, I get Shamus' angst... 🙂

When I fish from a boat, I carry one of these which snaps great on the gunwales of the boat:
I've gone as far as decorating my "bottle" with eyes, nose and a mouth...

We call it/her...

Urethra Franklin.... 😉