Hotspot PT and an oversized BH miracle midge



Jan 6, 2014
Trying my hand at various ties.. i like using stuff like this in the dead of winter. first tie of each.. Any critiques?

I like my PTs with a shorter tail and thinner abdomen. Thorax is in proportion and the fly should work well. It is zoomed in so its hard for me to tell how 'thick' the fly actually is. I always have trouble judging flies not actually in my hand. What size hook and what type of dubbing did you use?

Typically with hot-spots I use fire-orange and fluorescent pink to create the actual hot spot when I tie off. To add more flash to the thorax I use peacock ice dub instead of peacock herl.

I would definitely fish it so I am curious to the dubbing because if it works for you, I am always willing to try out different variations!

The midge looks great, I typically stop the thread a little before most people would but that is just personal preference. Did you coat the midge with hard-as-nails? Will make it more durable and give it a nice shine.

I will take a dozen of each please!
thanks for the reply allan, for both are size 12 tiemco nymphs.. forget offhand the model. and the dubbing was actually prism 2 dubbing in the white or ice color..

Let me preface this next part because i am by no means anything more than an average tying angler but i like to experiment.. Some things i think are innovative but have been done before and people take offense to things "i come up with" i say that in quote because i didnt necessarily say ive created them, im just saying i combine things and report results lol. With that being said....

all of my winter flies with hot spots and flashy dubbing is used with the prism II. im a big fan of it after this past winter.

the biggest single pattern i loved on spring and penns this past year was a combination of a rainbow warrior and a frenchie. i tie them on sz 16 and 18s
7/64 rainbow brass bead
coq de leon tailing
light purple medium tinsel
wrap back the tinsel for a case
dub combination of shrimp pink and electric blue
create hotspot in fluorescent pink

this pattern i really do like leaving a long tail for some reason.. after a few fish they get short or non existent as it is so its just a personal thing i suppose.

They will fish.
I haven't got into my winter funk yet which normally finds me at the vise to avoid going nutz!