Holiday Swap 2011

Meh Hackle is too long, but it is what it is. Believe it or not, this was my first time ever tying soft hackles LMAO
SBecker wrote:
Meh Hackle is too long, but it is what it is. Believe it or not, this was my first time ever tying soft hackles LMAO

Haha nice, i've tied a few, but I'm kinda in the same boat. I'm hoping this swap will actually motivate me to (attempt to) learn how to fish em.
Was my same thought as well Jay.
SBecker wrote:
Meh Hackle is too long, but it is what it is. Believe it or not, this was my first time ever tying soft hackles LMAO

When I walked in your front door, your wife told me you were crabby today. I said "Today?" You were cussing up a storm at the bench tying those flies.

Relax - they look just fine. I was just busting your chops today.
bobbymo, hutinfool and joe from philly, flies are here!

I'm thinking about changing my pattern.

Does CDC count as a soft hackle?
got a pattern in mind wsender? if you feel it is a soft-hackle pattern go for it.

yes similar idea anayway in that its a bunch of stringy fibers that wil collapse when wet and hold air bubbles ie go for it
Here's an update with just under three weeks to go:

sniperfreak223 - Hare's ear soft hackle = RECEIVED
jay348 - Flymph = RECEIVED
FrequentTyer - Bird's Nest Soft Hackle = RECEIVED
whheff - royal coachman soft hackle = RECEIVED
SBecker - Bwo emerger pattern
flyfishingNZ - holographic wet fly
wsender - Caddis Pupa Soft Hackle
quillfly - Quillfly Special
HuntinFool - BH Hares Ear = RECEIVED
JohnnyUtah - OUT?
bobbymo - pheasant tail soft hackle = RECEIVED
eunanhendron - Sulpher Soft Hackle
flyfishermanj - Peacock and Starling = RECEIVED
Darryl - River Demon's = RECEIVED

We have 8 out of 17/18, depending on a replacement for Utah.

These guys will be going out on Monday
beeber2, flies are here!


Flies are here!

so my printer decided it was a good time to say nananabooboo so heres the fly i did it will be the one with the line already through the eye like there should be a tag their but is absent
hook diariki 070 sz14
thread-6/0 danville black
body-slf black stone tied thick
butt-gold wire
rib -red wire

shipping out probably either tus or mon depending on if i get the address for another swap so i dont have to make two trips
@ quillfly,

If you sent flies with a tag line, then they are here!! Nice ties, bet that pattern would have worked for me yesterday!!

yea that was me kinda feel guilty about not going back to snip them out but i to be honest was just feeling lazy the last few days
no problem

Hey all,
Good news is, my wife gave birth to a new baby boy on Monday. Bad news is, he was 2 weeks early and I was going to spend this week knocking out my flies. I'm literally sitting here tying in between giving him a bottle. I have 11 knocked out so far and should have the rest done by tomorrow. I'll get them in the mail by Fri at the latest, so I might be a day or two late. Sorry for the delay.
Congrats dubthethorax!! An new fishing buddy. That is cool.

thanks. Flies are done. If I can get both kids napping at once and my wife is calm enough, I'll run out to the post today.
In the mail