Hands Off Fish

Every time I get skunked I tell myself that I just saved a few fish from being traumatized. I say that a lot.
When I get skunked, I'm the one that's traumatized. Fortunately, my analyst helps me to get through it.
I’ve never had anybody give me a hard time about mishandling a carp. I guess that’s just another reason to chase carp on the fly, if you think you can handle them. Carpin’ season is coming. Tight lines and screamin’ reels!!!
I hope more photos get posted so I can be critical of fish handling, photo exposure and fly selection.

Make sure that you and your fly rod are centered in the frame. If the fish isn't, we can always Photoshop one in. Get your priorities right gentlemen. <-- yeah I assumed gender, sorry
Come on..keep em wet..

20160412 182624
I wet my hands first but only did it once because it made my phone slippery and it fell in the water ... LOL
just joking.
Pooping Hybrid of some sort 🤷‍♂️


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I take pictures of memorable fish. I C&R 95% of fish I catch. I assume a % of some of the released fish die. Though I try to minimize adverse impact and minimize handling, these are the facts we must live with. I don't judge others on what they do and hope they return the sentiment. Educate others on minimizing harm for obvious reasons, but it is a very Slippery slope when we try to define it ie " harm". Like pornography, it's hard to define but you know it when you see it.

How long do you play a fish? At what temp? At what O2 concentration? What size is the fish? Is it stocked? Do wild and native fish deserve more respect than stocked? How long can it be kept out of water? Is a fish that can be caught numerous times more vulnerable to death or disease than one who hasn't been caught? If so please defend the C&R doctrine. The list goes on, but do we get the "picture"
These are high quality fish photos. Correct exposure, composition and focus on the product / logo. Man, look at that bronzeback!!
Interesting "expiriment" on the effects of fighting a fish and then holding it out of water for a photo.

I suspect there’s a lot in life that bothers you. Lighten up Francis.

I suppose I need to handle the wild Browns I catch rougher and keep them out of the water longer while taking their picture. (See Repeat Offender thread.) And to be clear, the pictures I take of fish are for me, not for my friends. Does that make it worse?

A Brookie’s soul dies if you take its picture. They are little cherubs to be treasured. 😇
There really isn’t a lot of things that bother me….just irresponsible fisher
How many fish pics of fish do you really need? And who wants to see them? I see guys taking pics, measuring and weighing fish. WTF? Take photos of family and friends. that's the ones you will cherish in years to come.
Well said…
I’ve found that a swift blow to the back of the trouts head with a blunt object (rock, knife handle, etc.) will stun the fish sufficiently to enable safe hook removable - with wet hands of course.
Don’t quick your day job
I'm "fly fishing woke", but not woke enough to not pierce a trout's lip with a hook, drag them through the water to exhaustion, and jerk them around a little bit. You have to draw the lines somewhere.
Again, I love virtue signaling.
So I've put 3 trolling posts in here and I can't get a little love for the effort? I wish I could find a specific picture of epic fish handling. I'll check the computer when I get home.... it's a gem.
Reminder to self: Wet paws before handling fish.

So I've put 3 trolling posts in here and I can't get a little love for the effort? I wish I could find a specific picture of epic fish handling. I'll check the computer when I get home.... it's a gem.
When you're Fly Fishing Woke, you have no sense of humor.