Hands Off Fish

Lol i missed alot of big feelings about this at dinner.
I have robbed many Brookies of their souls, but apparently not their lives, as I have several in my picture vaults that were caught multiple times, just like the Browns.
Swattie, everyone knows that only brook trout have souls. Serious question though when you take a second picture of a gemmie does that return the soul?
Swattie, everyone knows that only brook trout have souls. Serious question though when you take a second picture of a gemmie does that return the soul?
I’d have to assume so. I don’t recall any Brookies I’ve caught three times, but it’s possible if someone were to audit my picture files.
How many fish pics of fish do you really need? And who wants to see them? I see guys taking pics, measuring and weighing fish. WTF? Take photos of family and friends. that's the ones you will cherish in years to come.
I love the big feelings that come out when people hear the i word but In all seriousness, i am not against photos if like kyle said ya wet your hands and quickly snap one. There are more high impact hills to die on as far as native brook trout conservation. I just mentioned what i do personally and why. maybe winter time is an exception I don’t think everyone gets slime coats freeze and if your guides are icing up the slime can too
I love the big feelings that come out when people hear the i word but In all seriousness, i am not against photos if like kyle said ya wet your hands and quickly snap one. There are more high impact hills to die on as far as native brook trout conservation. I just mentioned what i do personally and why. maybe winter time is an exception I don’t think everyone gets slime coats freeze and if your guides are icing up the slime can too

That is a fair and legit point. When it’s below freezing, you do need to keep them in the net and/or in the water when taking the pic. If the water is 32.5 deg, the fish itself is 32.5 deg, and can and will form ice crystals on the gills very quickly. This is also convenient, as you don’t need to take your gloves off and get your hands wet to effect this photo/release. You know it’s too cold to fish when you’d rather have a fish LDR itself so you don’t have to get your hands wet.
I have found I can usually unhook a fish without touching, or netting it.
I just slide my hemostats down the hook and flip
I love the big feelings that come out when people hear the i word but In all seriousness, i am not against photos if like kyle said ya wet your hands and quickly snap one. There are more high impact hills to die on as far as native brook trout conservation. I just mentioned what i do personally and why. maybe winter time is an exception I don’t think everyone gets slime coats freeze and if your guides are icing up the slime can too
I've read that in below freezing temperatures the eyes and gills especially will freeze and do harm. The frozen gills affect the gas and blood flow within the fish which paired with the fact that they just fought the angler can be especially harmful.
That is a fair and legit point. When it’s below freezing, you do need to keep them in the net and/or in the water when taking the pic. If the water is 32.5 deg, the fish itself is 32.5 deg, and can and will form ice crystals on the gills very quickly. This is also convenient, as you don’t need to take your gloves off and get your hands wet to effect this photo/release. You know it’s too cold to fish when you’d rather have a fish LDR itself so you don’t have to get your hands wet.
The other hard part for me and why I don’t take pictures but don’t really care if other people do quickly as mentioned is for some reason brown or brook trout regardless I am not skilled with my iphone 10 and if i am being honest probably not with any cameras. I feel like i need more time to get the shot I want where as one of my friends I know for a fact can get them in a second. I know it comes down to preparation. You wanna have the phone in a very reachable no effort spot. Get your settings dialed in before you get out there but for some reason i just feel like I don’t get dialed in quick enough for a good shot.
I've read that in below freezing temperatures the eyes and gills especially will freeze and do harm. The frozen gills affect the gas and blood flow within the fish which paired with the fact that they just fought the angler can be especially harmful.
Yea I heard that too it makes sense to me. I got this guy in January and It didn’t come out that good because his colors were better when he was side ways underwater.
F121E8BE 95AF 4F6C A274 C97143E1FB0E

A lot of those NANFA guys and girls use photariums but i feel like unless you have a soft one fish just ram against it. It probably works for the NANFA people because their fish are very small relative to the tank though so their onto something with smaller fish its just hard with trout.
Off google images not mine but it would be cool if I could get a trout to stay still in a photarium like this. I may try something with a bag we will see
I keep my IPhone in an external pocket I added to the front strap of my pack, on my right upper chest. (I’m right handed.) The phone is set so that if I swipe right from the lock screen it goes straight to the camera.

Pocket is top left in the photo. Might be Mrs. Swattie’s first photo op on the site!

B5810C43 231F 4ECE B109 FC635A903340
I keep my IPhone in an external pocket I added to the front strap of my pack, on my right upper chest. (I’m right handed.) the phone is set so that if I swipe right from the lock screenit goes straight the camera.

Pocket is top left in the photo. Might be Mrs. Swattie’s first photo op on the site!
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I think i saw you on the swatty this summer actually fishing with your wife down the stretch in H town. I had my little girl with me and she wasn’t really feeling being out so we left pretty quick lol.
I think i saw you on the swatty this summer actually fishing with your wife down the stretch in H town. I had my little girl with me and she wasn’t really feeling being out so we left pretty quick lol.

Yeah, could have been us. Was down that way a couple times this Summer.
I don’t know if anyone here has an aquarium but i am always amazed at when you take a fish home in those clear bags how well you can see em. Maybe will give those a shot because i am a big fan of fins flared out shots for any fish. Smallie might be cool in a photarium bag too with those camo stripes
I use a large rubber net. Fish stays in the water while being unhooked. By the time the net is deployed, the camera has already been out and powered up. Anyone fishing with me knows the rules.....
One continuous motion removing the fish from the net, smile and put it back in the river. I'll be snapping pictures like it's my job. Sometimes you get a good one and other times you get crap pics of a really nice fish. I feel we owe it to the fish to properly revive and not be out of the water for more than 3-4 seconds...max
I don’t know if anyone here has an aquarium but i am always amazed at when you take a fish home in those clear bags how well you can see em. Maybe will give those a shot because i am a big fan of fins flared out shots for any fish. Smallie might be cool in a photarium bag too with those camo stripes
Carry 50 gallon one for your flathead that you catch on the fly. 😉
Carry 50 gallon one for your flathead that you catch on the fly. 😉
Haha yea i tried a couple times prob not in the right spot though. Would need translucent contractor bag
I use a large rubber net. Fish stays in the water while being unhooked. By the time the net is deployed, the camera has already been out and powered up. Anyone fishing with me knows the rules.....
One continuous motion removing the fish from the net, smile and put it back in the river. I'll be snapping pictures like it's my job. Sometimes you get a good one and other times you get crap pics of a really nice fish. I feel we owe it to the fish to properly revive and not be out of the water for more than 3-4 seconds...
Carry 50 gallon one for your flathead that you catch on the fly. 😉

Heard there is a guy who dangles slugos on a bass hook in front of big boulders up near liver pool for em. I guess no reason your could not do with 2/0 headbanger