
Ok turkey, please explain the cat on the pizza avatar and turkey connection
When I was registering on the board, I had the avatar, but not a UN. I started thinking it over while staring at the pic and StreamBottom popped into my head.

I know right! clever 🤔
I chose wildtrout as a username, but it had already been taken. So, I went with wildtrout2.
My avatar pic is on a Potter county stream that a lot of members have fished.
I always wondered about that myself. lol
Turkey comes from my last name, Turko. I picked it on a whim 14 years ago. Never gave it much thought but now a bunch of people here call me by it. Now, the cat on the pizza...I have no idea.

Laszlo, I dig the olive avatar.

I wonder what ever happened to Wildtrout1?

Streambottom, that makes perfect sense to me.
My first fishing trip to Montana was for 3 weeks with the family in 1977. I made a number of other fishing trips there during the next 20 years, and from 2001-2018 my wife and I spent our entire summers on the Yellowstone River in Paradise Valley, midway between Livingston, MT and Yellowstone National Park. Hence MT_Flyfisher.

This was my view there looking across the river.
C52A1F65 4A51 4DAD B209 8938BCA5A3CE

Here’s 2 more views of that same mountain from several miles upstream.

DBB5128B F9E9 449A A58D D5AEF58DBB04

81786617 BBD6 4ECB B336 E008263AC30B
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Mine is boring....

1st initial, middle initial, last name. Yeah, my name, real original.

12-31 is the B-day.
So, your birthday is always this year.

My older sister has same BD.

I was trying to come up with a creative lie about my handle, but my heart wasn't in it. I am not really a farmer. Retired engineer who lives on a farm. I do raise a few head of cattle, but mainly so I don't have to mow the pasture so often.

My name really is Dave though. ;-)
My first fishing trip to Montana was for 3 weeks with the family in 1977. I made a number of other fishing trips there during the next 20 years, and from 2001-2018 my wife and I spent our entire summers on the Yellowstone River in Paradise Valley, midway between Livingston, MT and Yellowstone National Park. Hence MT_Flyfisher.

This was my view there looking across the river.
View attachment 1641225551

Here’s 2 more views of that same mountain from several miles upstream.

View attachment 1641225552

View attachment 1641225553
Stunning photographs! You've been fortunate.
Fun thread, turkey! My handle was inspired by the fine theatrical release entitled The Revenge of the Nerds. Lamar throws the javelin like a boss because of his "limp-wristed throwing style." I guess it was a self-deprecating way to say I am dirty nympher and just plain unconventionally awesome?

Just wanted something a little from my background since I’m half Italian. Plus a lot just right it out in English. You guess it, you’ll get it.
Mine is boring....

1st initial, middle initial, last name. Yeah, my name, real original.

12-31 is the B-day.
Pat, we've got your name and birthday. We're just going to need your SSN 😉

mt_flyfisher, incredible pictures.

Dave, I met you once many years ago now. I think you had homemade mead with you. I've always thought you were a full-time farmer by trade.

Nymph-wristed, love it. Much to my parents dismay, I modeled some of my late teen years after Dudley Dawson.

Lupo, I would not have picked up on that had you not mentioned it. Eccellente.
Dave, I met you once many years ago now. I think you had homemade mead with you. I've always thought you were a full-time farmer by trade.
Yep, that was me at one of the jams awhile back.

And if you remember, that "mead" was made accidentally.
I grew up in Red Rock, PA on a dirt road. The road runs between two (2) ridges that a very small stream flows through. One of the ridges is called Echo Ridge. I am not sure of what the other ridge is called. Hence, the "Echo Ridge." I am old! Hence the "Elder!!!!"
WBranch and EchoRidge, love it. Thanks for sharing.

I just realized that there is a @Fly-Swatter AND a @Swattie87 . I don't know how I never realized that these were 2 different members. Sometimes i get confused...all of the time. I apologize to you both. 😔