
I am a guy who enjoys fishing with a fly.
Got a good belly laugh out of that....
Got washed out of the Weminuche Wilderness in Colorado on a backpacking trip many years ago Rained for 3 days in a row, barely could stay dry and we were miserable , so we left the trail a few days early. We stayed at campground at end of trail (of course the rain stopped as soon as we left the trail) and had some beer/booze. As we caroused and became intoxicated, I tried to say aristocrat and it came out acristic , which my friends seized on and razzed me mercilessly. My nickname for 35 plus years has been kid. So hence acristickid. Actually I find it to be a dumb Handel and wish I had a cool fishing related monicker.
Skeet - I was a competitive skeet shooter back during the late 90's, and used it on a few of the BBS' and early forums. It's stuck now, and use some form of it on almost all my forum communications. Not too thrilling, lol.
Mike B
I see a lot of interesting forum names. If you have a unique, maybe not obvious name on the forum, what does it mean?
Just who I was listening to at the time when I signed up. Always been one of my favorite bands since I was a kid.
Just who I was listening to at the time when I signed up. Always been one of my favorite bands since I was a kid
I listened to the Moddy Blues all the time when I was living in Boulder CO in 1970-1971, Threshold of a Dream.

I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think.

Of course you are my bright little star,
My current handle was given to me by my parents. I was going to go with Little Sky which friends gave me when I worked in Montana or Poison Dwarf which the guys in Saudi Arabia gave me and some still use it when emailing me.
Love it guys. Thanks!

So... Why Turkey?
I probably knew that at one time. :rolleyes:
One of my other vices for the past 20 years is karate/aiki jutsu. The style is Fudo shin Kai. Loosely translated as standing with a calm spirit. The logo/insignia is a staring tiger.
I used to be sightnymph because that's what I did on the spring creeks in central PA. That account was replaced with this one which is basically a blending of my former dog's name (Kramer the OG fishing Brittany) and Crayfish.