Get your hackle while you can



May 30, 2020
Bucks County,Pa

Doesnt look good for the hackle industry

Doesnt look good for the hackle industry

I think that conclusion is a little premature.
Reminds me of the last time we thought there might be a hackle shortage.
Women wearing feathers in their hair was becoming a fad
That one didn't last very long, I guess
In the case of the "hair feathers" it did drive the price of Whiting 100 packs up considerably to about double the price prior to the fad.

As with UPS & Fedex price increases which NEVER go down when the price of gasoline goes down, the price of Whiting 100 packs didn't go down once the fad was over... ;)
Reminds me of the last time we thought there might be a hackle shortage.
Women wearing feathers in their hair was becoming a fad
That one didn't last very long, I guess

That was a good one! I made some cash selling individual feathers of various colors. And you could just pick the wrongly sized feathers, they didn't care!
If you have ever read the book; "The Metz Book of Hackle" one will understand why these breeders go to such measures to ensure the safety of their entire stock. It is an older book, and I can not remember the author.
Eric Leiser wrote that book.

I had the pleasure of meeting Bucky Metz. The story of how he and the rest of the genetic hackle guys got started is fascinating.
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