Fly patterns



New member
Mar 16, 2011
Hi Guys
My son and I are headed to the Pine for the last week of may, I understand that we should hit Green Drakes and maybe Brown, do any of you have any patterns you are willing to share so that I can fill a couple of boxes ?

Steve B
im noth that all familliar with the hatch only fished it once but i was told the wiggle nymph is a must havewiggle nymph
I dont fish PINE much for the simple reason that I am so busy in the spring I stay closer to home. I have a buddy that is there all the time I will contact him and see if he has any suggestions. I will say if the drakes are coming off the coffin fly is a must to have. Tie with extended white deer hair body and moose main split tails (3) and I use poly pro for downed wings. Tie the poly pro thin though just enough to keep her afloat. Also make sure you have the rusty spinner sizes 14/12 is what I use. On the coffin fly its a size 10 3XL shank dry fly kook I catch more on these than the drake flies. Always go with the pheasant and hairs ear...hope this helps
these are the ones that work here;


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I like caddis emergers and dry caddis for the Pine. You have to have some March Brown Dry Flies.
Sandfly, what's the pattern fourth from the top called?
green drake dun....
That's a great week to fish pine creek.
Besides the drakes, be sure to have sulphers, gray fox, and march browns too
I figured that much lol, i should've rephrased the question to what is the wing material?
Cant speak for sandfly, but read a post from him a while ago interesting, I think the material is called raffeta (sp) I THINK he has a wing cutter and may burn the edges...dont quote me Im sure he'll see this and respond.
raffia dyed and colored. then treated for strength. complete tying instructions on my website
The green drake and the march brown look amazing.