Fishing "hero shots"

Typical PAFF..... a thread that gets picked apart, out of context, and twisted into something it never was.

Go reread my initial post.

My point is that too many times, fishermen hold fish out of the water way too long, solely in the interest of getting a picture with themselves in it.

If you're going to take pictures, preplan and make it quick.

Or go ahead and just keep the fish to eat it.

That's all.
I photograph the remarkable ones. I personally don't do it for anyone other than myself. That is, I take pictures of fish so when I can't fish I can sit and look through my pictures of the fish I've caught. It's a personal photo album of the fish I've met. I personally try to snap a pic in the net as fast as possible. I just hammer the photo button on my phone a bunch of times and put it away. Sometimes the pics don't come out, but I get the fish back quick.

I do understand the complaint though, and realize not everyone tries to do it so quickly.

The way I see it though, the folks that MIGHT be killing a handful of fish are no worse than the degenerate spin fishers that rip their maxilla off and throw em on a stringer or yeet em halfway across the stream to "release" em. < J/K! (relax, I'm kidding)
It’s all in jest, I’m pretty sure fly fisherman for the most part take a level of care above other guys with rods, if you bother posting to a forum you’re likely up another level and already care about the resource. Also guys are a visual bunch , we love our pix, whatever the subject may be.
i love hero's my last one! :lol:


  • rippin lips.jpg
    rippin lips.jpg
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Were you planning to release any of those deer?

I've always planned to do that.....but it never works out.
This is a junky thread to start, and one that I find little enjoyment reading or participating in. I stand by my earlier post in that regard.

It's all relative. The ones I take pictures of are surely better off than the ones (wild Brookies usually) I bash in the head with a rock while backpacking, stuff into foil with lemon and onions and roast over a fire. I stand by my earlier post in that regard.

That being said, there was one piece of useful information I did learn from the thread, that I didn't know, and is good to know probably. All else being equal, bigger fish actually tolerate being out of the water and without O2 better than smaller fish. I'm not sure I would have thought that otherwise. This may be offset somewhat in that generally larger fish are more exerted when they're landed, than smaller fish. But good to know.

But you know that thing people do where they put their rod behind their head, like balanced on their neck?

Don't do that. Ever.
Rod in mouth :hold out fish
Fish in Mouth : hold out rod?
Tom's Jimmy Houston shot : add kisses
I just usually drag them up on the bank,flat rocks are better,
take a Pic then kick them back into the water.
Best shot is a creel full of gutted brookies.
Just being stupid,ok, it's Friday.
Geez, I wish I caught for release more trout (bigger browns, particularly lovely browns or brooks) worthy of camera shots. But, I don't.
I've seen more dead fish from a pen than from a camera shot.
Ain't that the truth.
I take pictures of all of my trout before I release them, that way, when my wife asks where our fish dinner, I can show her. Also, I can justify all the money that I'm spending to fly fish, but I can't get her to a Long John Silver's for dinner, even if I could find Long John Silver's place in our area.
Also, how are you supposed to make your sucker buddies at work jealous if you don’t send them a picture of a wild fish on a Mondee or a Thursdee?? That was a Thursday butter fish.

PennypackFlyer wrote:
I've seen more dead fish from a pen than from a camera shot.

Oh man, that is deep. What about hero shots that also spot burn?
Nymph wrote;

What about hero shots that also spot burn?

I have an editing tool and often I will obliterate any recognizable features.


  • Mystery River (570x640).jpg
    Mystery River (570x640).jpg
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If you have an ego that needs massaged please at the very least only post pictures of fish in the 20"plus range. We do not need to see every dinky fish you catch. Thank you.
I agree with the premise of the thread for myself. I take far less pictures than i used to and my methods on how i do i have evolved.

I still chuckle at the fly guys that think they can shame or instruct others on what is acceptable in their world view on a privately owned message board in a free country. Especially those that also have pictures posted of mis handled fish according to their own views.

salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
I agree with the premise of the thread for myself. I take far less pictures than i used to and my methods on how i do i have evolved.

I still chuckle at the fly guys that think they can shame or instruct others on what is acceptable in their world view on a privately owned message board in a free country. Especially those that also have pictures posted of mis handled fish according to their own views.

