First "spawn" post of 2016!

ryansheehan wrote:

I could go stand and splash in every riffle, run or pool you cast into; not illegal.

That actually is illegal.

PAFF is all about is about sharing info as well as sharing your opinions. We post about how we disagree on certain things and sometimes we post to make points and educate others that really don't know all the facts.

While I do not agree with every poster in this thread, I respect everyone's opinion, and post my own perspective to give you some insight as to why I feel as I do.

My perspective has changed over time and with experience, so might yours...or not.

Finally, "colorful" posts can be enjoyable at times, but don't let them morph into personal attacks.

Carry on...
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Beat y'all to it!

This is something I was thinking about today. In warmer, drier years like this, have you guys found that the trout spawn earlier, later, or no difference in timing?

to be honest - its the temperature and water flows at the actual time of spawning that encourages the fish to 'come on' to spawn in my experience - of wild UK browns, sea run browns and Atlantic Salmon, not the pre spawn weather or pre-spawn flows.

either too low and too warm water, OR too cold can delay the actual spawning.

if the water is low - salmonoids will spawn in otherwise usually faster gravelly water,if the temp is okay.

too low and too warm and they will delay spawning or move further up tribs if they can to where cool temps exist.

there is much evidence of this across the British Isles where systematic dry summers and falls are causing Salmonoids to not run rivers until October or November, when they should run in August, and not spawn until late January when in many places like Scotland the Salmon season has re-opened already.

too cold water and they will delay spawning and even possibly not spawn at all - the gravid females re-absorb their eggs and return to the main stem or sea.

too high water and the fish will either head much further up the tribs than usual, or spawn in areas that are in danger of drying out in a dry spring, resulting in a very poor year class.

all of the above is why female salmonoids will spawn in different places with multiple partners over a 2 or 3 week period to hedge against weather flows etc.

interestingly though, male salmonoids will blow their whole load in one

the ideal for salmonoids is a fairly wet mild fall lasting into December.

not a simple answer i'll grant you, but its not a simple question.


Not really sure why all that was directed at me as most of your rant had nothing to do with anything I said. I do agree with alot of what you said except the part about not having the right to insult (or educate)people who are abusing our natural resources. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. On a fly fishing chat board you have people who are passionate about preserving limited natural rescources, open your mind, don't be so offended by everything and one might learn something.

How do I go about enforcing this??? I've had more people, wade, swim, splash, fish through water I'm in, this could be a game changer for me!!!
turfgrass entomology master
PSUTurf91, you said when you first came here that you wanted to become a better fly fisherman and a better conservationist. These dudes are trying to help you do that. Flat out, pulling fish off of their redds is NOT in the best interest of conserving our wild trout populations. Nor is it, again, very sporting. It's not about using a wild trout stream as we "see fit". It's about conservation and preserving something that is worth preserving. If you want to have trout for years to come, let them alone when they're making more trout. They're already easy targets during this time of year due to predation. They don't need us putting them at more risk.
Psu. People just want to see wild fish thrive and protect natural resources. Wild trout are so special because there are so many factors to the trout surviving and thriving. And people want to preserve/ improve this. You can't get mad at people wanting to preserve/ improve our wild trout populations. Think about it

I should have directed the second half of "my rant" and both you and Krayfish2. He said it, you defended it.

Do you honestly think that insults are the best way to educate people?


You can go on and on about how awesome and knowledgeable you are about brown trout, and I don't doubt that you're very knowledgeable. However, none of that justifies (to me) calling someone "pathetic" or "lazy" or making assumptions in an attempt to insult them simply because their opinion differs from yours.

Also- When I said “if you do anything in that stream that they don't necessarily agree with, you are wrong and they certainly let you hear about it.” you made a snarky comment about that being an opinion and in America you ca do that. You're absolutely correct, but let me clarify what I mean by that. There's a few wolves on this forum just chomping at the bit for someone to say something that they can attack. It just makes those who do it look so childish, and takes away from the forum as a whole.


I agree that fishing for brown trout on their redds is not the best idea. I have no intentions to do this. However, I will not insult anyone who does this. I may suggest that its not a good idea and present them with facts as to why. Insulting them wouldn't do anything for either party.

ryansheehan wrote:
How do I go about enforcing this??? I've had more people, wade, swim, splash, fish through water I'm in

That's not illegal.

This is illegal:

"I could go stand and splash in every riffle, run or pool you cast into..."

Let me make something clear...

I am not arguing that fishing for spawning fish is ok. My argument is that you're gonna sway a lot more people to want to preserve the natural resource with knowledgeable and respectful suggestions, rather than silly and meaningless insults.

I understand getting angry when you see something you genuinely care about abused by the selfish, or the ignorant. But I think refraining from childish outbursts and using reason and rational discussion goes a lot further, and ultimately is better for these natural resources we all care so much about.
Spawning browns taste better than gemmies.
You're not cooking them properly steveo
troutbert wrote:
ryansheehan wrote:
How do I go about enforcing this??? I've had more people, wade, swim, splash, fish through water I'm in

That's not illegal.

This is illegal:

"I could go stand and splash in every riffle, run or pool you cast into..."

Do you know the law I can look up? I am now very curious as to how its written.

I should have directed the second half of "my rant" and both you and Krayfish2. He said it, you defended it.

Do you honestly think that insults are the best way to educate people?

Sometimes they work great, sometimes not so much. Some of the best lessons I learned in life (in my younger, more hard headed days)were through insults...nothing else would get through. The best teachers in the world know when a student needs a kick in the @ss or a pat on the shoulder. Now I know that sounds crazy now days that we dont coddle everyone but welcome to the real world. Read the guy's post, "milking hens".....really.
Yeah, milking "hens" really doesn't do much to protect or promote wild trout. I'm going to guess that the canned response is...."I only milk stockies, not wild fish". If put to the test, I'd bet that well under 50% of anglers could consistently correctly identify wild vs stocked with 70% accuracy. Just saying.

I'm actually a very nice and quite giving guy. Ask anyone that's know me for more than 5 minutes. Show me another person that's organized a raffle and raffled off over 1/3 of their gear to raise money for a conservation cause. I have. I love trout fishing, plain and simple. It left me with no gear but I've managed to reload over the last couple of years.
I think the canned response is, "I haven't seen it have a negative effect on the fish population on the river".
ryansheehan wrote:
troutbert wrote:
ryansheehan wrote:
How do I go about enforcing this??? I've had more people, wade, swim, splash, fish through water I'm in

That's not illegal.

This is illegal:

"I could go stand and splash in every riffle, run or pool you cast into..."

Do you know the law I can look up? I am now very curious as to how its written.

It's in Title 30 of the PA Code.

§ 909. Interference with lawful fishing and boating prohibited.
(a) General rule.--Except as otherwise provided in this
title, it is unlawful for a person at the location where lawful
fishing or boating is taking place to intentionally obstruct or
physically interfere with the lawful fishing or boating.
(b) Activities that violate section.--A person violates this
section if that person intentionally or knowingly commits any of
the following:
(1) Disturbs fish in their habitat for the purpose of
disrupting the lawful taking of fish where another person is
engaged in the process of lawful fishing.
(2) Blocks or impedes another person who is engaged in
the process of lawful fishing or boating.
(3) Uses natural or artificial visual, aural, olfactory
or physical stimuli to affect fish behavior in order to
hinder or prevent the lawful taking of fish.

I saw brook trout on the redds yesterday, in the mid-state region.
Not very familiar with the Little Juniata ....when was it all tackle/trophy trout?