First "spawn" post of 2016!

"a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together.."

unless they are Gallstones
The_Sasquatch wrote:
Ironically, I started it out of a completely sincere inquisition (uh oh, is that a trigger word for Protestants!?)

As is the nature of most threads started on PAFF..

Methinks the low flows/drought conditions have kicked off a sort of summer cabin fever...
And it doesn't help that I sorta kinda encouraged the derailment...
Ironically, I started it out of a completely sincere inquisition (uh oh, is that a trigger word for Protestants!?)



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The_Sasquatch wrote:
And it doesn't help that I sorta kinda encouraged the derailment...

Doesn't matter if you encouraged it or not. Internet entropy will ensure that most threads derail...
McSneek wrote:
Lot of micro aggressions going on in this thread now.

For MACRO aggressions, see the OT Forum.

DaveS wrote:
If there's one thing I hate, it's micro aggression.

just a little bit
This drivel is making me laugh. Any thread that involves trout pro Ronnie Kitridge will always entertain me, guess I'm a simpleton.
I just saw this thread for the first time. Those rock balancers have been taking over Ohiopyle. I see those rock piles everywhere on the yough and its tributaries. I can testify that what some have stated is true... The 20 something, hipster, yuppie crowd is the main culprit. I even find them miles out in the woods on hiking trails.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
And it doesn't help that I sorta kinda encouraged the derailment...

And I obliged. Lol
The impact on streams/trout aside, they do look kinda cool!!
Not even sure where this thread was at before derailed, but going back to the main point of it (I think, anyway, haha), from the looks of things, Brooks and Browns won't be spawning until at least late October with these weather conditions. My last wild trout outing is the second weekend in October (NCPA), so hopefully they're not spawning yet at that point. Although if I do see any on redds, I'll be sure to leave them alone. After that, the rest of the year is inland creek and lake pelletheads, Steelhead, and Lake Trout for me.
In NC PA, the great majority of brook trout spawning takes place in October.

Usually starting in the first week, with most spawning taking place in the second and third week, and trailing off in the last week of Oct.

Cool weather and rain causes spawning to be a little earlier. Warm weather and low flow causes it to be a little later.

But that's the general pattern.

In southeast and southcentral PA, I haven't observed it, but I'm guessing spawning probably runs a little later, because it's further south and lower elevation, so it takes longer for water temps to drop.

But some of you live there and fish the brookie streams in SE and SC PA. What have you seen over the years?

TB, Mostly in November. Last year in NC it was late, and I suppose it will be late this year too, we need good soakers to come through.
I think I need to change my username to drivel_derailer, what do you think?
If you went through this site and counted how many threads I've killed with a post, it's amazing. LOL. I'm the thread killer.
Change your name to Thread Killer!