First Hare's ear

LRSABecker wrote:

I was a bait fisherman for 18 yrs, I just have not found it enjoyable.

Slow learner?

There's been quite the drift in this thread...
No, I found bait fishing enjoyable for those years but there is a reason I started fly fishing. I wanted to catch the trout that were sipping the top and not worried about a big fat juicy butterworm floating by them. On the first day of fishing, I will be out there with my spinning gear still.
LRSABecker wrote:
On the first day of fishing, I will be out there with my spinning gear still.

Don't let 'em fool you, many of the people here are too.
Hell yes. It's been years since I've used it more than once per year, but I am still deadly with the 5' UL. I enjoy dusting it off every year for the opener.

Though I don't bother much with bait these days. The NITI-1 is far more effective.
Does anyone on this forum use real Hare's ear, or do you all use the common rabbit.???
I use whatever was in the little baggy TCO provided me with lol
Common rabbit...
I have'nt touched a spinning rod since I started flyfishing and that includes opening days. Several friends and I get together the opening morning and take the kids fishing first. When they are ready to quit then we go flyfishing in the afternoon. That's become sort of a tradition to us. Don't kid yourself you can catch fish early on a flyrod. Nymph fishing can be deadly early or really anytime. Oh yea keep tying those HE and PT nymphs you will need them LOL!
I bought a hare's mask, but I've never bothered to use it... I just use the Hareline blends.
Same here, I got a natural, olive, and black. Almost untouched. Once I found harline I never looked back. I do use the guard hairs though and mix it in with the harline
I think orvis has the real hares ear in the little bags. Check Chuckie boys shop.
I tie my hare's ears exclusively with hare's mask. I cut a clump and separate the guard hairs from the underfur, then use them both as needed.

I use the hareline for plenty of other stuff, but the bugginess just isn't there. I often find myself mixing it with fox squirrel.
I use a full mask. I like the way it freaks my kids out :)

(also like the way i can manually control the mix of underfur and gaurd hairs)
sandfly wrote:
Does anyone on this forum use real Hare's ear, or do you all use the common rabbit.???

Bunny face for me. When I showed Becker how to tie a hare's ear, I used the packaged dubbing - didn't want to freak his wife and kids out.

Sometimes I use mallard flank for the tails (usually squirrel tail or guard hairs from the bunny face). Depends on the season. ;-)

So no one has really used Hare's ear (it is usually labeled English hare's Ear) the rest is actually rabbit..true hare's ear comes from Europe. Big difference in them for sure. Was curios about who knew...
Can we buy some from your shop? If yes how about dyed olive? Do you take Visa?
What are the benefits of the hoity toity euro bunny? Is it expensive?
You can tell your bud's your hares ears or killers as I call them are tied with real hares ear from across the pond.

Sandfly if you have some I'd be interested in buying some!