Fall surf reports

Make sure you post a report
here is your report fred. bait in the area. a mix of sand eels and peanuts and fish are on them. caught fish but nothing of any size. mostly rats a few schoolies and a diamond jig. the diamond jig was probably the best catch of the night. my buddy killed it with a school bus bomber. but all short fish. ill try to get a pic up tomorrow.

marcq wrote:
here is your report fred. bait in the area. a mix of sand eels and peanuts and fish are on them. caught fish but nothing of any size. mostly rats a few schoolies and a diamond jig. the diamond jig was probably the best catch of the night. my buddy killed it with a school bus bomber. but all short fish. ill try to get a pic up tomorrow.


Thxs Marc what area did you fish ?
Nice one :-D Are you ready for the Jam
I hit MoCo Monday night hoping to find some fish with the storm front pushing in. Fished from 4 pm until 2 am. I knew it was going to be tough since the tides weren't in my favor and the wind was howling out of the SW. Needless to say i was right...

I did get a massive hit around 11 pm on a large SF blend mullet fly. That sucker took not only the fly but, my entire leader system. When I got the line back I found the welded loop failed... I tied on another leader system and another big SF fly. About a dozen casts later another hit, just not as big. I thought the hook was set but, it must have pulled as the fish got off.

That was it for the night. Going out again Friday morning.

Not many fish out there, some are being caught but, not many. I've read that schools are still being seen in the New England area so hopefully the big push just hasn't happened yet. I know the boats are doing really well about a mile off.
I gonna head up Friday night and try to meet up with ya, maybe sunday depends of how Fridays fish count and the gas situation.
I'll be there Fri and Sat. Weather looks nice - partly cloudy and winds light. The winds are also forecast to shift to SE on Sat and Sun. Looking better.
south is good for the hook. anywhere else north east is my favorite.
marcq wrote:
anywhere else north east is my favorite.

It makes for some rough casting and those of us who wear glasses can really get messy......but many of my best days on the beach or jetty have been accompanied by a stiff northeast blow.
the time is now.


"11/19/13 UPDATED 4:41 PM Today harkened back to 2011. It was EPIC, could be considered lengendary. Never have I ever been so happy to be wrong about the Fall run. Is it going to last?? I think it will. It would take some kind of catastrophic shift in weather or temperature to get this body off the literally MILLIONS of sand eel we have parked here in our area. The action has slowed as of right now, as it did yesterday, then picked back up when the sun went down and the tide changed. I am in the process now of posting the 50 or so videos on facebook. I will then post them here on our main site. I might have to do them 20 at a time like we did in 2011. I would just get here in the morning, but I will try to update as fast as I can."
going tomorrow will try to get the fly out but its probably not going to happen.
Was down yesterday morning. Stiff east wind made casting very difficult. I caught nothing, but heard there was a bit of a bit about 1/4 mile up the beach from where I was. Action definitely slowed compared to how it was early in the week.
Didn't fly fish wend but also caught the skunk. You needed to be in the right place at the right time. Wind was blowing at least 20 straight north. Tons of guys. Only saw a few fish. Not so epic if you ask me.
any news on the surf fishing. was thinking of heading down to Delaware below Indian River inlet this Wednesday. Might stay home and hunt if the report is not good.
not sure about Delaware but the ocean is cold. this is the time where you can catch a ton of shorts. del would probably be better then jersey but my season is over.