Elusive 20 inch wild brown

jkeating wrote:
Have yet to break the 20 inch mark on Penn's. Currently at PSU for undergrad. Bio major.

We Are +6? +7?

If you fish at night, with big dark streamers, during a high pressure system, I think you will. Since I made the OP (I fished almost every night from mid June up until a few weeks ago when water temps went through the roof) I've caught a fish just shy of 22, one that just broke 20, 5 or 6 over 19, and countless over 18. Keep at it, put in lots of hours, and it will happen.
See now, there you go getting all serious and stuff. I thought the order of priority was fishing, girls, football, education?

J/K. My honest advice is to choose major first. Choose college 2nd. Overall school rankings are pretty useless, IMO. Even the worst schools truly excel in a few majors, and even the best truly suck in a few majors. You gotta know what subject matter you wanna go into before you can judge whether a school is good or bad for your chosen path.
I went to PSU Main. Lots of choices of majors, great alumni network, and I can’t imagine a better place to be for trout fishing. Spring Creek is 10 minutes from campus. Within 45 minutes you have Penns, Fishing Creek, Little J, plus many little brookie streams. It is a trout fisherman’s paradise. Truly.