Elusive 20 inch wild brown

sarce wrote:
Just a reminder that you will not get $15.00 per hour flipping trout on a river!

Now there's an idea! Streamside fresh grilled trout stand.

Can make use of all the belly-up trout killed by being caught in 70 degree water on 7X tippet, and/or from poor photo-taking practices (grip-and-grin-and-grill)

Set it up by a stocker stream the first couple weeks of trout season and then re-open in a Keystone Select section come legal harvest days.
PCRAY: Is that short for some one who sits at a metal desk and twiddles a pencil between their fingers all day?

Perhaps, lol.

My official job description is product development. Scale up of new alloys. So we make some 1000 different alloys here. And there are new ones all the time, either invented here through R&D, or invented elsewhere and we're just making it for the first time.

I basically write all the operations for the first production scale orders, determine how to melt it, heat treatments, hot working temps, order of operations, appropriate testing, etc. Then I follow those orders through the mill and figure out the remaining hiccups. Fix them and run more orders. Once I have a robust process that meets all the goals on mechanical properties, tolerances, cost, etc., I hand it off to others who have responsibility for maintaining quality.

Bout half my time is in the mill, half in my office. But my desk is not metal and we usually use pens, not pencils. :)
PSUturf91 wrote:
Not to change the college subject, but I would like to say that I managed to break the 20 inch mark last night with a 21.5 inch brown out of Penns! So Pumped!

Does anyone know why I'm not able to upload my pictures on here?

Congrats on the fish! Perhaps your file size for the pic is too large. Otherwise you have to use a link from an outside source.

Let us see this thing! Better yet, put it in a new post ;)
PSUturf91 wrote:
Not to change the college subject, but I would like to say that I managed to break the 20 inch mark last night with a 21.5 inch brown out of Penns! So Pumped!

Congrats on your happy achievement.

And of course, you couldn't have done it without all the the great advice from your online fishing buddies around here. We hooked you up (literally) in just about two weeks. :cool:
IUP here...wish I would of been hardcore into flyf ishing like I am now, when I first went to school.. Not a terrible drive to the J though. I fished everyday for the first two weeks of the sulphur hatch, driving back and forth every day. Gonna shoot for a final internship in central PA though....
PennypackFlyer wrote:

I'm still trying to figure out how being the first in the family to attend college is a problem? It must be something about the instructors not being forwarned.

I'll answer that since I was the one who phrased it that way.

The "problem" comment was not really a problem in the grand scheme of things. I was just thinking out loud as I often do. Dont' get caught up in it.

I was just expressing that I had no clue when I started my college search, no knowledge of scholarships out there, and no close relatives to turn to for advise.

My HS guidance counselor was also worthless. If I had it to do all over again, I would have found more options.

I'm not making excuses. I have done alright and certainly can't complain. No real regrets when it comes to my education.

And what I and my parents learned through my experience was useful for a couple younger siblings.

OK, if I had it to do over again (knowing what I know now), I might have chosen Veterinarian as a profession. But I didn't even consider it then. Besides, I couldn't imagine (back then) spending that much time in school or taking on that much debt. ;-)

PSUturf91 wrote:
Not to change the college subject, but I would like to say that I managed to break the 20 inch mark last night with a 21.5 inch brown out of Penns! So Pumped!


Does anyone know why I'm not able to upload my pictures on here?

I usually use the "Attach file" feature (below the text field). It is the easiest, but usually requires resizing the image.
pcray1231 wrote:
IUP here.

Me too on that one as well! (Undergrad at IUP, grad at PSU).

I was a big Indian as well. Played some baseball there.
Cool. I was invited to walk-on/try out for baseball there. Not sure which was the case, but I wasn't interested, so I didn't try to figure it out too much. There were no scholarships offered or anything like that.

I was an Indian too, but with Cherokee the bear as the mascot. It was a few years after I left that they officially became the Crimson Hawks.
This town (indiana) isn't a bad place, I feels at home now here. I just wish the J was 40 minutes closer... Penns is tough driving back and forth the same day, I do it alot too but it beats me up. I have a few streams around me that I fish every evening just for practice, nothing beats blair/bedford/centre/mifflin though........
My niece graduated from IUP a few years back. I think she liked it there.
Since we're on roll, IUP undergrad and PSU Grad school here too ! Big Indians era.
Grew up 20 minutes from IUP, but PSU grad (twice). Not much in terms of quality fishing in the area. Lots of native streams, and a few wild brown trout streams, but nothing like other parts of the state. Mostly a white truck area. But growing up there, if you look hard enough there are options close.

But the drive to central pa is not bad from there. Penns is a bit far, but you can be on Spring or the j in under 2 hours. heck now that i live in SE pa, i drive 2.5 hours to Spring and back for 1 day trips on the weekend (i avoid the area like the plague during football games and arts fest, unless im attending those)
IUP- 1991 lived on Gompers Ave between Al Patti's and Subs and Suds. I was too busy drinking and chasing girls to fish- sig tau's were a lil nutty.
Yeah, I know that place. Subs n Suds was evil. Cheap pizza by the slice at 2 a.m.

I lived in multiple place over several years. Spent the first year in the dorms. Tri-halls. The next year in a Lazor Brother's apartment on Wayne, near the McDonalds. The next on Taylor and Philadelphia St, right next to what is now Boomerangs (opened while I lived there). The last in a house on Water St, near the Train Station Restaurant.

I too was drinking and chasing girls, but found time to study. Culpeppers was our favorite bar by far. Coney's was pretty good too.

Didn't spend much time at Al Patti's, cause, uh. We'll just say "not that there's anything wrong with that!"
Just remember that College only helps prepare you for the unknown. "A college degree only means your trainable."

Hopefully you will always be able to located that Elusive 20" binder when it's needed.
PennypackFlyer wrote:

Just a reminder that you will not get $15.00 per hour flipping trout on a river!
It does in Seattle!
Have yet to break the 20 inch mark on Penn's. Currently at PSU for undergrad. Bio major.

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We Are +7 or +8 :)