Done with Haverford Orvis

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yes ....

- strike indicators ... aka bobbers.
- camoflauged waders worn by flatlanders
- Hilljacks on Pine Creek that buy those crummy gas station subs and park 2 feet behind my pickup near slate run and eat them with Peepaw on the gate ... on their annual fishing trip
- Phil ... ( wait ... we already covered him )
Yes, lead can be very hazardous material. That's well documented. Do I think that streams and wildlife are negatively affected by lead shot? Not really, no. Maybe heavily used streams, but 99.99999999999% of situations lead shot had zero effect on the stream. My opinion of course.
No obsession here, but I can count on one hand the number of times I use split shot during an entire season. I only use it to get my bugger down deeper on a few rare occasions. That said, I doubt my limited use of toxic lead shot has much, if any effect at all on the fish/wildlife.

So you are a special snowflakes where even the slightest change to help the environment is too much for you to do. . .. .

Really sad guys.
What’s the issue with moving away from lead shot?

Do you not believe lead has harmful side effects?

Honestly confused by this obsession with lead shot.
Dear simpliFly,

I will move away from lead shot and matchstick wrap on lead when I run out. I lose maybe 4-8 ounces of lead shot in a bad year to Davey Jones' locker. And that is a generous gross over estimation, especially since I haven't surf fished for several years.

On a side note, I probably have 25 pounds or more of lead jigs, surf fishing weights, and other assorted lead-based sinkers or assorted items in my home. Do I need to contact a Haz-Mat hauler and pay for their disposal?


Tim Murphy 🙂
Dear simpliFly,

I will move away from lead shot and matchstick wrap on lead when I run out. I lose maybe 4-8 ounces of lead shot in a bad year to Davey Jones' locker. And that is a generous gross over estimation, especially since I haven't surf fished for several years.

On a side note, I probably have 25 pounds or more of lead jigs, surf fishing weights, and other assorted lead-based sinkers or assorted items in my home. Do I need to contact a Haz-Mat hauler and pay for their disposal?


Tim Murphy 🙂
I have a guy at work that does muzzle loader target shoots that raids my used wheel weight bucket all the time to make his slugs......If he saw this post your inbox would be lighting up 🤣
So you are a special snowflakes where even the slightest change to help the environment is too much for you to do. . .. .

Really sad guys.

So you are a special snowflakes where even the slightest change to help the environment is too much for you to do. . .. .

Really sad guys.
Dear simpliFly,

I don't think you understand what a snowflake actually is, even in common terminology.

Perhaps a good long look in the mirror would enlighten you?


Tim Murphy 🙂
I have a guy at work that does muzzle loader target shoots that raids my used wheel weight bucket all the time to make his slugs......If he saw this post your inbox would be lighting up 🤣
Dear dudemanspecial,

I still have plans to surf fish again, and I toss jigs from October to May in the Susky. I think I'll just run 'em out.


Tim Murphy 🙂
The lawnmower talk is more divisive to me than the Great Brookie War of 2023.

The idea that I'm a caretaker to some ******* grass because I bought a house is the most sinister trick capitalism has ever attempted. I'd rewild this whole suburban plot if it was up to me, but my wife keeps mowing it.
The lawnmower talk is more divisive to me than the Great Brookie War of 2023.

The idea that I'm a caretaker to some ******* grass because I bought a house is the most sinister trick capitalism has ever attempted. I'd rewild this whole suburban plot if it was up to me, but my wife keeps mowing it.
Dear hooker-of-men,

You're one shrewd "expletive deleted" 😉

My very first thought when a recent certain poster showed up was, someone from the Brookie Wars has a new IP addy.

Lawn growing and mowing is a far greater threat than lead split shot will ever be. That is undeniable fact.


Tim Murphy 🙂
Dear hooker-of-men,

You're one shrewd "expletive deleted" 😉

My very first thought when a recent certain poster showed up was, someone from the Brookie Wars has a new IP addy.

Lawn growing and mowing is a far greater threat than lead split shot will ever be. That is undeniable fact.


Tim Murphy 🙂
Amen. Preach it brother Murphy. Preach!
True. To a degree. You used to be able to get a new Honda motor on Toro decks, and several other brands, Husqvarna comes to mind, Craftsman and Troy-Bilt offered Honda motors on their decks for a while too. But, the Honda decks, drive systems, and blade systems are far superior to those other brands. A Honda motor performs better on a Honda deck because of the suction efficiency of the deck, and the Honda double blade system.

Toro is the only brand I’d put close to the same league as Honda for gas, residential use mowers, but it’s been a few years since I’ve seen a new Toro mower offered with a Honda motor on it. They’ve been using Briggs the last number of years. Briggs are just ok, but there’s no question Honda motors are more reliable, easier to maintain, and easier to start.

Honda has committed to parts for its gas mowers in the US market for the foreseeable future. Not sure exactly what that means though. It may mean you’re forced into buying the commercial version of their gas motors if you need a replacement. The commercial 160cc is a really good motor reliability wise, but it’s down on power compared to the two newer residential motors (170cc and 200cc). Right now, the only one I can find online available for purchase though is the commercial 160cc. No matter, with normal seasonal care, the motors on both of my new ones will outlive me.
I've never had to purchase a lawn mower in 25 years, I've always been given one from family members not willing to do maintenance every year 🤣. I usually get seasons of use, my problem is rusted decks creating a safety issue. A can of starter fluid with a puff of it in the carburetor is king on getting a one pull start.

Slit shot grab a bag of lead. If it was such a problem the Game Commish would outlaw lead bullets and shot.
Poor Richards has better prices than Fishusa.
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A lead bullet ban is probably coming in the near future due to scavengers eating carrion killed by hunters and dying of lead poisoning. California, I believe, is already all copper bullets, etc
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I think you overreacted; that said, I much prefer TCO- they have a way better selection, especially on tying materials.

Edit: I'll just add that if it's the Orvis employee I'm thinking about (skinny, middle aged guy), he's definiutely a bit of an oddball and can be off-putting.
I've run into my share of off-putting odd-balls in fly shops. I haven't so much in the past 10 years. I do find Gen-Z 'labeled' thirsty bros, but they're just a type and not off-putting, so I've found. I don't understand where the flat pricklish-ness ever came from. It's strange to manifest one's insecurity on a customer in a fly shop. Smile. Take their money. Talk s#!t after they leave.
Coming on a public forum and bashing a shop because it won’t sell you a toxic product.

Face it. Your lead shop Orvis rant is simply a political message. A sign to the forum that you will not make even the most basic and simple change to help remove a toxic product from the environment.

You are literally trying to damage a store for this reason - for doing something so trivial with the goal of not introducing more toxic materials into our trout streams.

The immediate posts by the gas (fuel) gas lighting crew.

Behaving like a special snowflake. You have become what you hate. It will be ok. You can handle it. They are not going to take away your red hat just for making a logical decision to move away from introducing more lead shot in our trout streams. Nobody likes lead in the water.

Don’t be a special Snowflake.
A lead bullet ban is probably coming in the near future due to scavengers eating carrion killed by hunters and dying of lead poisoning. California, I believe, is already all copper bullets, etc

Less eagles mean more wild trout.
Coming on a public forum and bashing a shop because it won’t sell you a toxic product.

Face it. Your lead shop Orvis rant is simply a political message. A sign to the forum that you will not make even the most basic and simple change to help remove a toxic product from the environment.

You are literally trying to damage a store for this reason - for doing something so trivial with the goal of not introducing more toxic materials into our trout streams.

The immediate posts by the gas (fuel) gas lighting crew.

Behaving like a special snowflake. You have become what you hate. It will be ok. You can handle it. They are not going to take away your red hat just for making a logical decision to move away from introducing more lead shot in our trout streams. Nobody likes lead in the water.

Don’t be a special Snowflake.
I think you're reading into things a bit too much. Actually, no one brought up politics at all until you inserted a political meaning into someone's post about the implication that a "fly shop" would not and should not sell lead shot.

Politics are a taboo/banned topic on the forum, and I'm not discussing them here.

Not every opinion or stance or viewpoint is tied to politics. Lighten up, brother!
Coming on a public forum and bashing a shop because it won’t sell you a toxic product.

Face it. Your lead shop Orvis rant is simply a political message. A sign to the forum that you will not make even the most basic and simple change to help remove a toxic product from the environment.

You are literally trying to damage a store for this reason - for doing something so trivial with the goal of not introducing more toxic materials into our trout streams.

The immediate posts by the gas (fuel) gas lighting crew.

Behaving like a special snowflake. You have become what you hate. It will be ok. You can handle it. They are not going to take away your red hat just for making a logical decision to move away from introducing more lead shot in our trout streams. Nobody likes lead in the water.

Don’t be a special Snowflake.
I think you're reading into things a bit too much. Actually, no one brought up politics at all until you inserted a political meaning into someone's post about the implication that a "fly shop" would not and should not sell lead shot.

Politics are a taboo/banned topic on the forum, and I'm not discussing them here.

Not every opinion or stance or viewpoint is tied to politics. Lighten up, brother!
I chose to not respond to such nonsense. I'll just have to accept that I'm a special snowflake.
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