Done with Haverford Orvis

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I'm a fan of water gremlin and basic Eagle Claw BB sized shot. It's about all I need. I'm usually employing shot on bigger creeks in faster water where the shot isn't going to spook fish. Sometimes, on a small water, there may be a need for "micro-shot," but those times are few and far between and a weighted nymph can usually get the job done.

I like lead shot. I doubt shot used in most streams across the state has any impact at all on the environment.
I only use shot to get my buggers down in somewhat deeper water. I agree with the lack of impact for the very few times I use it. Also, Orvis/TCO store is 10 mins from home, ****'s SG is 30 mins, no brainer.
I get shot at Cabelas or BPS usually. Maybe once every 5 years, if I’m low, and in the store anyway I buy a new pack. But I don’t usually make a run just for shot. I buy a 100 pack of size BB, that’s all I use. I figure if I need shot, I’m gonna put some heavy stuff on. IIRC it was $3.99 for 100 last time I was there, 2-3 years ago prob.

Fly shops are weird for me. I like going into them, but I generally don’t like spending my money in them. I get supporting your local business, but the markups are outrageous a lot of the time. And that’s across the board, not picking on any one shop in particular. They cater to a certain crowd, and that’s fine, nothing wrong with that. A few flies, and tippet or gink if I’m running low and plan to do more fishing before heading home, are about all I’ll usually buy. Or, if I have a catastrophic failure of waders or boots on a trip maybe.
The "lead ban" will be in PA soon enough. What starts in CA spreads like a cancer across the rest of the country.
The "lead ban" will be in PA soon enough. What starts in CA spreads like a cancer across the rest of the country.

If you enjoy gas powered lawn equipment, I’d strongly consider making any purchases sooner rather than later. I bought two Honda mowers when they announced they were done with gas lawn equipment last year.
If you enjoy gas powered lawn equipment, I’d strongly consider making any purchases sooner rather than later. I bought two Honda mowers when they announced they were done with gas lawn equipment last year.
Honda still makes gas small engines, and you can buy Toro mowers with them. They just don't sell Honda branded mowers anymore.
Honda still makes gas small engines, and you can buy Toro mowers with them. They just don't sell Honda branded mowers anymore.

True. To a degree. You used to be able to get a new Honda motor on Toro decks, and several other brands, Husqvarna comes to mind, Craftsman and Troy-Bilt offered Honda motors on their decks for a while too. But, the Honda decks, drive systems, and blade systems are far superior to those other brands. A Honda motor performs better on a Honda deck because of the suction efficiency of the deck, and the Honda double blade system.

Toro is the only brand I’d put close to the same league as Honda for gas, residential use mowers, but it’s been a few years since I’ve seen a new Toro mower offered with a Honda motor on it. They’ve been using Briggs the last number of years. Briggs are just ok, but there’s no question Honda motors are more reliable, easier to maintain, and easier to start.

Honda has committed to parts for its gas mowers in the US market for the foreseeable future. Not sure exactly what that means though. It may mean you’re forced into buying the commercial version of their gas motors if you need a replacement. The commercial 160cc is a really good motor reliability wise, but it’s down on power compared to the two newer residential motors (170cc and 200cc). Right now, the only one I can find online available for purchase though is the commercial 160cc. No matter, with normal seasonal care, the motors on both of my new ones will outlive me.
True. To a degree. You used to be able to get a new Honda motor on Toro decks, and several other brands, Husqvarna comes to mind, Craftsman and Troy-Bilt offered Honda motors on their decks for a while too. But, the Honda decks, drive systems, and blade systems are far superior to those other brands. A Honda motor performs better on a Honda deck because of the suction efficiency of the deck, and the Honda double blade system.

Toro is the only brand I’d put close to the same league as Honda for gas, residential use mowers, but it’s been a few years since I’ve seen a new Toro mower offered with a Honda motor on it. They’ve been using Briggs the last number of years. Briggs are just ok, but there’s no question Honda motors are more reliable, easier to maintain, and easier to start.

Honda has committed to parts for its gas mowers in the US market for the foreseeable future. Not sure exactly what that means though. It may mean you’re forced into buying the commercial version of their gas motors if you need a replacement. No matter, with normal seasonal care, the motors on both of my new ones will outlive me.
We just bought 5 at work....but they were from a commercial toro dealer so yeah maybe you have to go that route.
We just bought 5 at work....but they were from a commercial toro dealer so yeah maybe you have to go that route.

Were they 21” residential mowers? I think many companies do put the larger 390cc Honda on their larger commercial mowers. I expect that will continue, but not something I need for my half acre lawn.
Because they don't sell lead splitshot?

I am not 100% pro Orvis, but I have quite a bit of respect for them. It's an American company that isn't owned by a holding company / conglomerate. They manufacture a good bit of stuff here still. And their fishing gear is top notch stuff. They have great customer service.They have to be up there at the top as far as giving back to and promoting the fishing industry.

Are their clothes and dog beds overpriced for yuppies? Absolutely. They are a business and have to make a buck somehow. But I think calling them woke is a bit short sighted.
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Hmm. Hadn’t seen any of those in a good bit. Just googled and came up with a few hits though. Those will be good mowers, if you like Toro’s “Personal Pace” drive system.
Hmm. Hadn’t seen any of those in a good bit. Just googled and came up with a few hits though. Those will be good mowers, if you like Toro’s “Personal Pace” drive system.
I don't use them, i just work on them. Actually I don't work on them because they never break unless one of the guys bends a wheel. We have 30 year old water buffalos with honda g series gas engines that have space shuttle hours on them and they still run like a top. The only thing I have done other than maintenance is one time an exhaust valve got a chunk of carbon built up around the seat. I didn't even change the head gasket, just pulled it apart and cleaned it. I have no use for a push mower at home....i have a diesel tractor with a 60" deck.
If you enjoy gas powered lawn equipment, I’d strongly consider making any purchases sooner rather than later. I bought two Honda mowers when they announced they were done with gas lawn equipment last year.
It's even tough to find electric hedge shearers. I had to spring for a Dewalt battery operated pair and the f'er has been nothing but trouble. I'm planning on going back to the customer service tonight and sticking it in a dark place of someone.
It's even tough to find electric hedge shearers. I had to spring for a Dewalt battery operated pair and the f'er has been nothing but trouble. I'm planning on going back to the customer service tonight and sticking it in a dark place of someone.

I’ve begun to embrace battery powered for the smaller stuff. Have a small chain saw and string trimmer - both DeWalt, and have been happy with them.

The chainsaw felled two 8 inch diameter type trees out back, and chopped them into 16 inch lengths on one 5ah battery, in Winter. Was impressed with that.

The string trimmer is nice. Pop on a battery and you’re good to go. Can trim the whole yard in 5 minutes. It usually took at least that long just to get a gas one fueled and started and running smooth. And then it stalls, and you have to repeat the process.

But for mowers, IMO the viability of electric is a long way off yet in terms of run life and power output. Maybe not as far off as cars, but I’ll be happy running my gas Honda’s as long as I can.
I got a Black and Decker electric trimmer. I would like it except the string is supposed to be self-feeding and doesn't making it about worthless to me. This feature failed to work right out of the box.
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