Done with Haverford Orvis

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Five pages of (mostly) lawnmower talk and not one single mention of using goats. That's shamefully surprising considering I'm guessing at least some of you hail from the Tucky part of Pennsyltucky.

Up here in the "syl" (as in sylly) part of Pennsyltucky, all the goats are being "snuggled" or are part of yoga classes so they are unavailable for replacing ICE lawnmowers.

However, I believe you can borrow one for that or other nefarious reasons from one of the numerous goat dating services in Berks County or the Internet... 😉
I think Patriots are radar guided. I don't think heat-seeking would work with a missle interceptor. Up the tail-pipe isn't as effective when the target isn't a manned aircraft.
But I digress...
Patriots ARE accurate and very fast. So yes, Like religion, the statement is true in its thrust.
An AIM-9 Sidewinder fits the bill...
What’s the issue with moving away from lead shot?

Do you not believe lead has harmful side effects?

Honestly confused by this obsession with lead shot.
Show me the study for how much lead leaches out of lead shot into a stream, how much gets incorporated into the biota... how much just gets 'chelated' or otherwise bonded ionically to an insoluble anion and precipitated. And BTW, lead ionic compounds are very rarely soluble.
Not worried about some pieces of lead shot in stream bottoms, or more accurately, incorporated into the sub-stream bottom. Lead shot would naturally settle itself underneath sand and silt.
I'm more interested in not poisoning MYSELF with the lead.
Coming on a public forum and bashing a shop because it won’t sell you a toxic product.

Face it. Your lead shop Orvis rant is simply a political message. A sign to the forum that you will not make even the most basic and simple change to help remove a toxic product from the environment.
Bleach is toxic.
So is gasoline and diesel.
Show me the study for how much lead leaches out of lead shot into a stream, how much gets incorporated into the biota... how much just gets 'chelated' or otherwise bonded ionically to an insoluble anion and precipitated. And BTW, lead ionic compounds are very rarely soluble.
Not worried about some pieces of lead shot in stream bottoms, or more accurately, incorporated into the sub-stream bottom. Lead shot would naturally settle itself underneath sand and silt.
I'm more interested in not poisoning MYSELF with the lead.
Right. Who cares about the birds or the people down the road who have to deal with the lead in their streams. It’s all about YOU. Freedom!

You still OK spraying DDT? As long as it’s not on your yard or place you go I guess it’s fine.
Still OK will lead based paint, as long as it’s not in your house?

Even better yet if we can run any store out of business that doesn’t allow YOU to do whatever you want. Society be damned. Your neighbors be damned. The shop workers be damned. Next generation be damned. YOU are what’s important.

Like a said - special snowflake.
What does your vehicle that gets you to your favorite stream run on? Mine runs on gasoline!! Wake up special snowflake.

When fly fishers start dumping bleach and gasoline into streams to catch fish, please let me know.

I’m assuming we should update the PA reg allow that technique?
When fly fishers start dumping bleach and gasoline into streams to catch fish, please let me know.

I’m assuming we should update the PA reg allow that technique?
You said "nobody is using either of them to fly fish". Backtracking your own words? Phony/hypocrit comes to mind. 😉
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In regards to Orvis Haverford, TCO and the rest...

The problem for me (which is the reason I avoid them) is most are cookie cutter stores with nothing but high(er) end fly gear. They have no character or soul, they all sell pretty much the same stuff and at least in my experience are staffed by employees, NOT owners.

The worst offenders are the "corporate" shops like Orvis company stores and TCO.

Some of you guys aren't old enough to remember when the two shops in the "Haverford" area were Eyler's in Ardmore (and later Bryn Mawr) and Cox's in Bryn Mawr.

Both sold to the well heeled sports on the Main Line. I can attest to personally witnessing thousand$ being spent on days when a $100 would have broke my bank. However, you could buy Eagle Claw hooks, Water Gremlin weights and a Penn spinning reel all day long at Eyler's and Cox had other tackle too PLUS tennis gear among other stuff.

How many of you remember when you could buy worms, weights & bobbers at the Yellow Breeches Fly Shop or when Barry Statts at the Sporting Gentleman had racks full of used rods to peruse as did most shops.

BTW - All of them were Orvis dealers...

Cox's is long gone as is the Sporting Gentleman but when TCO bought Eyler's & the Yellow Breeches shop they emasculated both and made them soulless copies of their Great Lawn store. Now in Haverford we got corporate stores that are as boring as the first Orvis store that opened in Manhattan back in the 1980's...

Getting back to Haverford the region; the problem isn't the demographic that shops there, it's the corporate mentality that all the stores have to look, feel & smell the same and offer the same stuff...

I get that there are way more options today than even 20 years ago but I also KNOW that those options exist and don't like to be told by some jerk clerk that what I want is obsolete, junk or somehow evil compared to what they peddle.

As for me, I'd rather walk into a place like Kettle Creek Tackle Shop and walk out empty handed versus even walking into a place like TCO or some corporate Orvis shop...
In regards to Orvis Haverford, TCO and the rest...

The problem for me (which is the reason I avoid them) is most are cookie cutter stores with nothing but high(er) end fly gear. They have no character or soul, they all sell pretty much the same stuff and at least in my experience are staffed by employees, NOT owners.

The worst offenders are the "corporate" shops like Orvis company stores and TCO.

Some of you guys aren't old enough to remember when the two shops in the "Haverford" area were Eyler's in Ardmore (and later Bryn Mawr) and Cox's in Bryn Mawr.

Both sold to the well heeled sports on the Main Line. I can attest to personally witnessing thousand$ being spent on days when a $100 would have broke my bank. However, you could buy Eagle Claw hooks, Water Gremlin weights and a Penn spinning reel all day long at Eyler's and Cox had other tackle too PLUS tennis gear among other stuff.

How many of you remember when you could buy worms, weights & bobbers at the Yellow Breeches Fly Shop or when Barry Statts at the Sporting Gentleman had racks full of used rods to peruse as did most shops.

BTW - All of them were Orvis dealers...

Cox's is long gone as is the Sporting Gentleman but when TCO bought Eyler's & the Yellow Breeches shop they emasculated both and made them soulless copies of their Great Lawn store. Now in Haverford we got corporate stores that are as boring as the first Orvis store that opened in Manhattan back in the 1980's...

Getting back to Haverford the region; the problem isn't the demographic that shops there, it's the corporate mentality that all the stores have to look, feel & smell the same and offer the same stuff...

I get that there are way more options today than even 20 years ago but I also KNOW that those options exist and don't like to be told by some jerk clerk that what I want is obsolete, junk or somehow evil compared to what they peddle.

As for me, I'd rather walk into a place like Kettle Creek Tackle Shop and walk out empty handed versus even walking into a place like TCO or some corporate Orvis shop...
Great post! I went into some of those shops as a youngster. I miss them AND their employees! When you walk into an Orvis store, it gives one the feeling of being in a museum as you're being attacked by a sales person. At least in TCO, I don't get attacted. 🙂
Fellas, I think this thread has run it's course. Just should probably be left alone. 🤷🏿‍♂️
Does anyone know if the old "Soft Lead" soft weight stuff contains lead?

In any case, that's what I use for fly fishing weight almost exclusively. I keep a blob stuck on the side of my Richardson box and haven't had a need to add any more in decades.

I also have a bunch of Water Gremlin removable shot in various tackle boxes & bags that's been used & reused and is probably older than some of the folks who want to ban lead.

My point is I would venture to guess that most anglers on PAFF have a similar "consumption" rate when it comes to lead shot so like them I prefer to not worry and instead focus on asteroid strikes, super volcanoes and AI.

BTW - Are those concerned about lead shot carrying around a MonoMaster...? 😉
B&S used to make a truly amazing motor.The issue w/ them now is the cheap components. The carb in particular is a real issue on Troybilt, Craftsmen, etc. They can be replaced with better carbs for relatively cheap. It's well worth the cost. Also, I would venture to say that the B&S motors that now advertise as "no oil change" are extremely misleading. That was true of their motors in bygone eras, but not anymore. Change the oil, replace the carb w/ a better one, and you'll have a pretty good push mower that should last quite some time.
Fellas, I think this thread has run it's course. Just should probably be left alone. 🤷🏿‍♂️
The original post was "interesting", which led into some fun side ventures. But yeah. One virtue signaling troll who turned it political (while accusing everyone else of being political) certainly rained (or snowed) on the parade. It only takes one!
The original post was "interesting", which led into some fun side ventures. But yeah. One virtue signaling troll who turned it political (while accusing everyone else of being political) certainly rained (or snowed) on the parade. It only takes one!
I was just gonna say I though this thread was interesting and stayed very civil with the exception of one feller....
It’s hard to believe that this thread has gotten well over 100 replies, with a couple of you guys still posting on it in the middle of the night. Don’t you guys ever sleep?😴
I went to bed around 11 and woke up at 1am and couldn't sleep. In fact I was up until 4 am. I just couldn't stop thinking about lead......or maybe it was just the half pot of coffee I drank after dinner.
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