Does "Shelter-in-place" mean no going out to ffish?

If it happens (which I think is likely), I do think a cancellation of MYD/Opening Day comes packaged along with a simpler “no fishing” mandate. Way easier to enforce, and takes the ball out of the the public’s hands to act appropriately and social distance when fishing.
Just for reference, NJ had a "soft opening" April 1 to lessen April 11 Opening Day crowds. The streams were stocked incredibly heavy since they are reducing stocking trips for the safety of the stocking crews.

The announcement was handled poorly though. The public announcement was today, April 6, because of all the approvals needed for a public announcement. So word spread from people closer to the fisheries dept. The announcement was in the back of the DEP head's brief, which was on line as a video, on 3/31 which was all about what park facilities would be open and which ones would be closed due to corona virus.
I feel like that's part of the problem, the left hand doing one thing and the right hand doing another. its pretty much a free for all right now.

You have people fishing because they can and don't care. Some taking advantage of the cv19 situation for their benefit. You have people that will not be aware of any cancellations that may or may not come per new orders because poor communication or unclear understanding.

Im honesty amazed the PFBC havent communicated a cancellation of trout season at this point in time.
mute wrote:
Im honesty amazed the PFBC havent communicated a cancellation of trout season at this point in time.
I'd think all of the license and trout stamp sales play a role here. Folks want to get something for their money, unless the PFBC is willing to provide reimbursement? :)
Im with you, i spent tons of money to clubs and events this year. Looks like they may not happen. But I also dont expect them to reimburse either.

I dont see what grounds the PFBC have to fight for public, crowded, event like fishing VS what our state and country is mandating right now.
PA should start trout season, a handful of counties at a time beginning TOMORROW to lessen the crush in two weeks or forget Opening Day entirely.

The PFBC blew it, they can't figure how to get out of it and they are unwilling to accept they are encouraging a situation analogous to Spring Break in Florida, probably for some of the same reasons.

People are fishing illegally anyway, most likely because the PFBC CLOSED the Law Enforcement Offices so you can't report a violation if you wanted to!!

Just open it up already while the numbers of confirmed cases are lower than they will be in two weeks!!

I agree to that..
Brain pfartz..
This morning I wrote to PFBC, suggesting youth mentoring on the 11th and season opener on the 18th might be in conflict with the Governor’s stay at home edict. Here is the response I received.

Hello Jeffrey,

Thank you for contacting the PA Fish & Boat Commission.

Right now, the Statewide Opening Day of trout season is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th. A Statewide Mentored Youth Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 11th. Changes to these dates are possible, so please continue to stay informed through our official information sources, which are our website,, and our official Facebook page for any announcements. Thank you.

Here is our FAQ page about the season and recommendation on how to be socially distant while fishing -

Take care,

Andrew Desko
PA Fish & Boat Commission
^ Sounds like they're likely talking about, and thinking through the same stuff we are.
My takeaway was that at present normal state regulations were in place, and that PFBC wasn’t opposed to fisherman travel to Special Regulation waters that are currently open for fishing. Maybe not on the same page as the Governor.
Could you please get rid of the flopping carp?

I can't read a web page if anything is moving.

troutbert wrote:
Could you please get rid of the flopping carp?

Post of the year, 2020, nominee. Lost my stuff laughing on that one.
wildtrout2 wrote;

I'd think all of the license and trout stamp sales play a role here. Folks want to get something for their money, unless the PFBC is willing to provide reimbursement?

Really? Is the cost of a license and trout stamp so important that people will risk getting Covid 19 just so they can catch some anemic pen raised trout with beat up fins?

Not beating up on you Wildtrout2. Even if the April 18 OD is cancelled and fishing is cancelled I don't think PFBC would ever consider a reimbursement. They put the fish in the waters. The governor has imposed a Stay at Home policy. I don't want to make it sound like $33 (or whatever it costs) is chump change to me because it's not. However common sense should be enough for anglers to think it through is it really worth going out on OD considering the risk? Older anglers could get sick and die.

Swattie: I agree with your interpretation of Desko’s PFBC response in your #90 above. Sounds like they are considering options, but when considering options status quo is usually one of them.
One benefit of SIP to me was I was able to sit down and knock off an order for eight dozen western tailwater flies. I made myself a quick $250 and didn't have to buy any materials to tie the flies. Normally I steelhead fish throughout late March and right to the end of April. I'll use my non fishing time to tie some personal flies.
And then there is $#!+ like this:

These kind of people really need to be locked up in one of the Covid-19 infested prisons and get no money from the stimulus bill.
So what are your opinions on people traveling from counties such as Allegheny or the southeast counties to counties with very few cases of COVID-19, to wet a line? Consider you could be carrying the virus but not showing any symptoms.
The article that comes up has to do with Graffiti Highway near Centralia.
That is one of the things I have been thinking about and tracking. Since March 25 to today's report, the new casts per day, reported in the 9 original Stay-In-Place counties have been anywhere from 65.9% to 73.7% of all the per day new cases. Today the number of new cases was 72% were in the 9 original Stay-In-Place counties.