Does "Shelter-in-place" mean no going out to ffish?

Mike wrote:
The article that comes up has to do with Graffiti Highway near Centralia.

I realize the article I linked to wasn't about fishing. I posted it as an example of people NOT doing what they are supposed to do regardless of the Stay at Home order.

Human behavior being what it is, I assume one could speculate some of those same morons are fishermen...
I think the wisest thing the PAFBC could do is to do a "soft open" today at 8am. It would take a while for word to spread, and therefore spread out the fishing pressure.
I'll just leave this here:
silverfox wrote:
I'll just leave this here:

Smart move. Good decision PFBC. Hopefully the word gets out, and it thins the crowds.
Agreed, I think this is the right move.
So, opening day is today. Well....another opening day missed....not that it's breaking my heart anyway.
Just heard a group of 15 (obviously not one family) were spending a few days at their camp up in Potter to fish Kettle. Hope no one is carrying the Covid. Typical foolish, ignorant, selfish rednecks.
I realize Potter co. isn't Sun Valley, ID but they have to be feeling somewhat alike.