Does fly fishing skill diminish with age?

I don't think skill diminishes, but physical ability certainly does. I can't wade anymore (and I am only 54), and I miss it so much.
Whoops -- the "golden years" can kiSS my ---.

Also, unlike DFG, I was never much of an all-day fisherman. I sometimes fished in the morning and again in the evening. I sometimes fished afternoons. Unlike DFG, I don't think I had the stamina to fish all day.
In my case, fishing all day would have been making work out of my favorite avocation.

Today, I fished an hour and a half this morning before running into a guy and talking with him, mostly about hunting, for a while. I'd pretty much had enough fishing by then anyhow. (I'll need the energy I saved for playing age-level basketball tomorrow morning.)
I posted a report from the WB touching on this. I’m 76. Kind of fit. After Covid, back operations and Knotweed wading is tough. Otherwise I’ve still got it.
I don't think skill diminishes, but physical ability certainly does. I can't wade anymore (and I am only 54), and I miss it so much.
I believe my skill and knowledge keep improving. I catch more fish now than I did 20 years ago. What has been affected getting older is the ability to hike miles to reach a spot day after day.
Whoops -- the "golden years" can kiSS my ---.

Also, unlike DFG, I was never much of an all-day fisherman. I sometimes fished in the morning and again in the evening. I sometimes fished afternoons. Unlike DFG, I don't think I had the stamina to fish all day.
In my case, fishing all day would have been making work out of my favorite avocation.

Today, I fished an hour and a half this morning before running into a guy and talking with him, mostly about hunting, for a while. I'd pretty much had enough fishing by then anyhow. (I'll need the energy I saved for playing age-level basketball tomorrow morning.)
If I'm on a stream with fish rising, I'd have to be quite crippled to not fish to them
Well, I'm not so jaded to leave rising trout. But, most of the time when I'm fishing (85 - 90%), the trout aren't rising. I lament the diminishment of local hatches, esp. sulphurs. I also lament the total loss of tricos on a couple of places where I used to encounter them.

I'm off topic. To get back on: My wading, casting, and general overall fly-fishing skills have deteriorated over time. For those of you whose skills have not deteriorated, I envy you. Keep at it!