DHALO proposal


Personally I don't mind if the fish in the SRC C&R area get cooked in the summer. As I have said in previous posts, harvest is not always the inevitable or desired end game for stocked trout in my opinion. If the fish are caught multiple times and provide good fishing until hot weahter sets in then they have served their purpose and they should be conserved so that they will remain to potentially provide continued fishing opportunities if conditions allow. Total C&R regs may not be widely accepted as an appropriate regulation for stocked trout but I am fine with them. With that in mind,, in mild summers the fish will make it in SRC, however the C&R is not a particularly good stretch in terms of habitat although there is a small influx of cold water that could help some fish make it.

I would not like to see these stocked C&R waters folded into the current DHALO or any other regs without case by case consideration. For example, I would not like to see the LIttle Sandy special regs area incorporated into regs that allow harvest due to potential for a strong wild trout population with proper habitat improvement.

Stocked C&R areas could be a topic for another thread, but they are also an even smaller fraction of our stocked trout waters when compared to DHALO.
PennKev wrote:
Personally I don't mind if the fish in the SRC C&R area get cooked in the summer. As I have said in previous posts, harvest is not always the inevitable or desired end game for stocked trout in my opinion. If the fish are caught multiple times and provide good fishing until hot weather sets in then they have served their purpose and they should be conserved so that they will remain to potentially provide continued fishing opportunities if conditions allow.

PennKev wrote:

I would not like to see these stocked C&R waters folded into the current DHALO or any other regs without case by case consideration.

Yep. I share the same opinions. Just figured if the PFBC wants harvest on these other streams(DHALOs), why not SRC as well. I'm all for keeping the C&R regs. As I said in one of my previous posts.......trout being available to be caught for as long as possible=getting your money's worth out of an expensive hatchery trout. Regarding LS......yeah, I agree....but that's for another discussion...
Lets keep this thing going...If you have not written a comment to the PF&BC on the proposal to change the DHALO areas please review the changes and make a comment now. The Comment period ends May 13.

In Summary the F&BC is proposing to;

- move the Harvest Period up to the Saturday before Labor Day from June 15. (this year that would be May 23rd.)

- Allow bait during the Harvest period for Adult license Holders.

- Allow anglers under 16 to use bait year round.

- Lower the size limit for Harvest to 7".

More discussion on the subject can be found Here

To review the proposal click Here

To make a comment Click Here

Let the folks you fish with know about this too even if they don't read here or even flyfish. This proposal needs to be shared with anyone fishing the DHALO areas. If you meet another angler in the parking lot, ask them if they are aware of it and if they have commented.

Thanks for looking.

Maurice wrote:
Lets keep this thing going...If you have not written a comment to the PF&BC on the proposal to change the DHALO areas please review the changes and make a comment now. The Comment period ends May 13.

Thanks for the reminder Maurice. Sent my comments in this morning. Here's what I had said.

"I am writing to express my objection to the proposed rule making "263DHALO." I believe the DHALO program should be preserved in its present form for those anglers who savor the opportunity to use lures or flies in an environment that sets them apart from bait fisherman.

As a life long fisherman who was introduced to the sport as a young boy, I strongly believe in encouraging more youth to become engaged in the sport of fishing. I don't however see this proposal as a means to engage our youth in trout fishing, rather, I believe this change would simply provide anglers who desire to harvest fish, rather than practice catch and release, more opportunity to do so.

The proposed rulemaking changes would remove or reduce angling opportunities on two streams that I frequent - Quittapahilla Creek, and Tulpehocken Creek. I believe "The Quitty" is capable of holding fish throughout the summer and allowing for earlier harvest will reduce the population of trout in the DHALO section for fishermen like myself who use the stream throughout the year. The Tulpehocken Creek is one of the few streams in SE PA that harbors decent insect hatches and again, depending on weather, the ability to carry trout well into the summer.

If these changes are passed, I believe the result will be increased poaching, littering and other negative effects. Given the ample miles of "open" water already available to bait fisherman and those who desire to harvest their catch I see no benefit in altering the current regulations on the DHALO waters. Also, considering the ever increasing costs to provide a stocked trout fishery, why not allow fish in these waterways to be "utilized" more than once?

Thank you for the opportunity to comment."
Not reading all this...
Kids fishing is one thing. Using them as excuse is another issue, if this effects anything or anyone beyond under 16 yr olds, then it's a scam...it shouldn't change the regs at all for other anglers.
Also, promoting the concept that fly fishing is too hard for beginners is BS