DHALO proposal



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Fish commission proposing to open these waters to those under 16 and allowing them to use live bait year round. The reasoning is to get more young people involved in fishing.

I personally thing it a bad idea. Heck, youngsters these days won't even go outside to see if it is day or night, too involved with electronic entertainment.

http://triblive.com/sports/outdoors/7592512-74/fish-commission-kids#axzz3Qj7Q4QbGProposed DHALO
This topic has been extensively discussed in prior threads.

It's okay to start a new one, but many of us have already repeatedly expressed our opinions and written to the PFBC weeks ago. For this reason there may not be a lot of responses.

It was also the topic of a front page article here.
My Bad! Didn't see prior thread.
A logical response: If kids these days are that busy with their electronic devices and won't take advantage of the proposed bait fishing opportunity presented in the DH Areas, then the objecting anglers have nothing to worry about. After all, if one posits that few kids will show up, then how can the kids or their mentors exert the feared negative impacts?
Let's not forget that the proposal also allows adults to use bait during the harvest window. If they want to promote fishing for kids, set aside more water specifically for that, don't take special reg areas away from others.
This is retarded IMO. I know what the FBC is hoping for but it just isn't reality....
Logic fail.

Stock less during fall stockings because of poor angler use but then Change a popular regulation area for a user base that won't utilize the resource.

Congrats you win the internets.


The part of this proposal that bothers me most is the message it sends-- bait fishing is more effective and easier and therefore we should encourage it be used by our most impressionable colleagues of the sport of angling. We set aside so little of our resources to encourage a more "refined" method of fishing, for conscientious C & R anglers, there is no need to allow encroachment by those who won't take the "bait," so to speak.
by salvelinusfontinalis on 2015/3/2 20:20:41 Logic fail. Stock less during fall stockings because of poor angler use but then Change a popular regulation area for a user base that won't utilize the resource.

What up with this?
Letting the kids use bait isn't the main issue......moving up the harvest date and allowing everyone to use bait is. The new regs will without a doubt attract more harvest minded anglers(since most of them use bait) to these waters.

A fish isn't properly utilized unless it is put on a stringer. It's obvious that's what the PFBC wants with these new proposed regs. #rope'emandsmoke'em #resourcefirst

In general it's just a step in the wrong direction. Who knows what the PFBC will do next. The future isn't bright.......and the new proposal sets a bad example for our youngsters.
Mike wrote:
A logical response: If kids these days are that busy with their electronic devices and won't take advantage of the proposed bait fishing opportunity presented in the DH Areas, then the objecting anglers have nothing to worry about. After all, if one posits that few kids will show up, then how can the kids or their mentors exert the feared negative impacts?

Antagonizing us never gets old. I know, I know, its fun. I indulge in it at times also.
streamerguy wrote:
Letting the kids use bait isn't the main issue......moving up the harvest date and allowing everyone to use bait is. The new regs will without a doubt attract more harvest minded anglers(since most of them use bait) to these waters.

That is the problem. The new harvest date is the Saturday before Memorial Day.

Some years that can be as early as May 23.

Now, what is the peak flyfishing, match-the-hatch period?

Late May, into about the first week of June, yah?

Whoever came up with this idea wasn't aware of the "scheduling conflict" between the Great Removal event and the Peak O' the Season Flyfishing event?

It's like scheduling a baseball game and Rolling Stones concert in a stadium on the same afternoon.

When the inevitable conflicts occur, guess who will be blamed?

Those "elitist" flyfishers, of course.

troutbert, I think you misread my post. Just letting the kids use bait isn't the biggest problem........letting everyone use bait and moving up the harvest date is a huge problem. It coincides with prime fishing on these waterways, like you said.....especially for hatches.
Hatches smatches. Stocked bows don't rise anyway.
False. They will rise to the good powerbait hatches that will now occur in late May and the rest of the summer!! :-(
If anyone reading this didn't voice their opinions to the PFBC yet, here ya go....

Mr. John Arway
Executive Director
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
P.O. Box 67000
Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000

Be sure to check out the "PFBC Meeting" thread as well.
The object of a resource is to use and reuse a resource, not to use it up, have we learned nothing in over 125 years of stocking?
Fishidiot wrote:
This topic has been extensively discussed in prior threads.

It's okay to start a new one, but many of us have already repeatedly expressed our opinions and written to the PFBC weeks ago. For this reason there may not be a lot of responses.

It was also the topic of a front page article here.
But the old post makes no sense, it was about changing the regs on Pine Creek, not an across the board change of DH regs.
I for one was not going to comment on it at all even though I was opposed. Not only that there is nothing in the proposed rule making section of PFBC's web site stating they intent to change it.
Chaz wrote:
But the old post makes no sense, it was about changing the regs on Pine Creek, not an across the board change of DH regs.
I for one was not going to comment on it at all even though I was opposed. Not only that there is nothing in the proposed rule making section of PFBC's web site stating they intent to change it.

Link please. I don't remember a thread like that recently.
Jack M. wrote-
"The part of this proposal that bothers me most is the message it sends-- bait fishing is more effective and easier and therefore we should encourage it be used by our most impressionable colleagues of the sport of angling. We set aside so little of our resources to encourage a more "refined" method of fishing, for conscientious C & R anglers, there is no need to allow encroachment by those who won't take the "bait," so to speak."

This is the best argument against changing regs. I watched my own sons become catch and release fly fishermen on the DHALO waters. Had the "easier" bait option been available they would've wanted to go that route. The educational value of these areas far outweighs any bait caught trout on a stringer.