Delaware River Access..... things are a changing!

Can't disagree with the post... even if it's the only one of yours I've understood. 'Conservation groups' taking public donations to protect, enhance and preserve the cold water resource for you to enjoy. They also take tax payers money in the form of government funds / grants, etc. All of the folks in this organization have secured private access or purchased land on the river. Your ability to use the public resource is not their concern. If jet boat use becomes common, it will get ugly between landowners, wade fishermen and guides. I can tell you that I am not going to be able to handle it. I'll quit going. Looks like my 31 yr love affair with the system might be coming to an end. I have some ideas to make it work for me but they might not work for most. Guess we'll see how it goes this spring. Catskill shitshow 2019
You have a point , where are the Upper Delaware groups to push back on this , I know the local guides mostly have a few private launches they slide in and out of for a nominal fee , so they aren't concerned . Seems to me the Delaware and the economy up there is always looking for support , but if you want a friend , you gotta be a friend . Wonder if this will be brought up at the One Bug ? Or by the well known guides up there .
Unfortunately what will make things worse is those rocks they put to block the launches will be moved all summer long , by whom ever til things get ugly
Well, with a big sigh! motorboats, speedboats, jet skies. access denied, posters, stay out, no camping, no cooking, no swimming, etc. etc, etc.

MONEY, BIG MONEY, HUGE MONEY. Not only want you off the Delaware.

Fool you with small problems like boating to keep you occupied.

In the meantime plotting on taking your water. You better believe it.

The fight on the Delaware is all about tapping it dry. Water my boy will become a bigger fight than anything that happened west. Let the dogs bark. But make sure you are ready to bite.

Your fisherie won't be ruined by activities. But, i'll bet you will be able to walk across the river and not get your feet wet.

Mark it, paid in blood.

Remember boy's and gal's. The crows keep you occupied looking upward, while the fox steals your bait.

If you think for one second that any of those guides will lobby for you (the public) to keep access, you are fooling yourself. If they can lock it up like the DSR in Pulaski, you'll have to pay to play. You can walk in at the gamelands with 200 other guys....or.....float the uncrowded sections of the river by paying money.

As Maxima eluded to, there's a lot of politics involved. The city wants the water, Jersey demands 'x' amount be released, fisherman want cold water, kayakers and canoe companies just want enough to allow them to enjoy the river. Hell, they almost compromised the dam and flooded the valley 3 years ago attempting to install a hydro project that would have lost money
for the next 100 years. Only our elected officials would fashion up a business model that takes 150 years to finally turn a profit....and still believe it's a good idea! Let's say......a friend or a friend who's owed a favor suggested that they could make a killing on a project like this. He or she proposes an idea to elected officials. They then make our elected officials 49% investors in the company slated to do the project. Put lipstick on that pig and make up a feel good "going green story" and the public will eat it up. They are determined to get rich off of this so they are back at getting that losing proposition up and running before 2025. This joke will provide power for something like 3 homes and cost the public $50 million bucks. It's got nothing to do with water going to the city, protection of the ecosystem, enjoyment of the resource, concern for the local communities, etc. It's all about filling their pockets.

Speaking of the Salmon river - Tailwater lodge just purchased a crap ton of more land between rt 81 and the papermill hole. So now the public access will be even MORE crowded. Thank god I only fish up there in the middle of the winter.

Also pretty sure not wanting to see or hear jet boats flying up and down the east branch is hardly an "elitist attitude". Pretty sure if I threw a stereo on my boat and blasted it all day long, my tires would be slashed at the takeout. Do unto others as you would want done unto you. Just because you can tolerate it doesn't mean its ok to disturb others experiences.
If you think for one second that any of those guides will lobby for you (the public) to keep access, you are fooling yourself. If they can lock it up like the DSR in Pulaski, you'll have to pay to play. You can walk in at the gamelands with 200 other guys....or.....float the uncrowded sections of the river by paying money. "
I just wanted to see someone else say it .....
I was going to make a hotel reservation or two up there but i think i will hold off now, i dont want to support the local economy if they dont want me there. If anything I will stay well out of town a half hour away or something.

I hope the guides that want to take over and run everyone out are better than the one I floated with from west branch anglers two years ago. Because if they arent, they wont get a lot of repeat customers
I know you don't understand my posts, krayfish very often. I put them in a way not to curse and swear and abuse.

Again. Delaware river needs to be stocked with the most beautiful fish in the world. The King Maxigrande. the fish that eats the fox, that ate the crow, that told me "you can't fish here".

In other words. The govenor-fox, crows- the one's sent out that do all the dirty work.

When i catch a King Maxigrande i will not hurt it or keep it. I will rub it on the head and feed it a big hamburger. Hopefully it will love me, get bigger then eat the bear that ate the fox that ate the crow that told me, "you can't fish here.

up to you to figure the bear.

What's so bad about the senator barclays douglaston salmon run? For a small fee that keeps the riffraff out you can pound some fresh chrome. I think the system would be way better if there were rentacops I mean aspiring guides in red vests with binos patrolling in kayaks checking fishermen for passes. Landowners rights, post it up.
What is the DSR and how does it work, i am not familiar
timmyt wrote:
What is the DSR and how does it work, i am not familiar

Here is an article about it >

I didnt read much past finding out hes a politician who managed to privatize and charge people to fish on his land. Sounds like a scam to me
Not only his land, he leaves plenty of other land. Also, the fish in the sr are all stocked by the nysdec (taxpayers).
Well I for one am very glad to hear about these potential launch closures. I may be making enemies or making many forum users unhappy but the upper EB never, ever, should have had drift boats floating it. It is too small, too narrow, and in some places with normal flows to shallow.

There are many places along the upper EB where it is so narrow that it is impossible for a drift boat, or even a pontoon boat, to go behind you. Those EB fish are a mix of wild, stocked, and holdover stocked fish. They aren't stupid. You run a drift boat over the top of them and they may never feed again while you are there.

The lower EB, below Jaws, is an entirely different river and if the floater has access to private water to put in then have a ball.

Regarding the upper WB at Stilesville, Yea! I am so happy to hear of the Stilesville, throw it of the bank, launch closure. For years guides that I know have put in there and parked for hours at the Red Barn pool and virtually kept wading anglers from fishing the head and upper one third of that productive water.

I'm glad that there will be a section of river available to wading anglers that can now concentrate on fishing and not be wondering when the next drift boat or pontoon boat is going to float by. Since there was no mention of the primitive launch at the old Norbord plant I guess boats will still be launched there.

Yes, existing ramps like Balls Eddy, Shehawken, and Buckingham will become more crowded but I guess that is just the price we all have to bear for the huge increase in people interested in fly fishing the upper Delaware.

Guess I'll be buying more "No Trespassing" signs for my property. I've had strangers drive down and ask if it's okay to fish. Sure it's okay if you can access the river from public property. Just not my property.
When I was a wade fisherman on the WB I hated all the drift boats that went by, after I bought my drift boat, I hated all of the wading anglers that got in my way while I was drifting . . .

I agree with wbranch. I am ok with the changes. I can adapt.

Is it okay to put this in at Balls Eddy and run it up to Deposit? Runs at 35 mph so I could be up there in about 20 minutes, no problem :) :)


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The upper eb is really only floatable when it is too high to wade. Nobody is floating it at 325cfs. At 900cfs nobody is wading.

I think I'm the opposite of you, my property has an easement on the upper east and I took down the posted signs when I bought it. Still pretty hard to get to the river through my land though.

The same guides that tie up the red barn pool will continue to tie it up with boats. There are a lot of places to launch a boat near stilesville, just not any public ones.
Upper EB is the worst to float in my eyes, and will be way better off without boats. So, I'm not very butthurt about that. Long Eddy is sad, I love floating Buck to Long. 1/10th the boat traffic of the WB and the fishing can be electric in that stretch if you hit it right.
Moon1284 wrote;

The same guides that tie up the red barn pool will continue to tie it up with boats. There are a lot of places to launch a boat near stilesville

That is unfortunate. While I don't fish that area very often when I do I get my butt up there at least an hour, or two, before any hatches and basically stake out a spot so if I see a boat coming down I'll get up and get into the river.