Delaware River Access..... things are a changing!

we're screwed. this is going to be ugly simple as that.
Nah, we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Not feeling positive about it but what can I do other than get a bleeding ulcer?
haha yeah exactly. most things are never as bad as they seem. famous last words....
Getting back to the access topic where several launches we're going to be closed, it appears that they've kind of walked back their position on that at the meeting this week. The dec said that it was not in their plans but that doesn't mean they won't be doing it. There will be no formal announcement. if you pull up and there's boulders blocking the access, you can't use it. At this time, everything still remains open
If anyone was wondering......64 vehicles at balls Eddy on Saturday! F'n circus. No parking spots at Buck and Barking Dog access was also completely full that you would have had trouble parking a bicycle there. 23 more boats being delivered this week. Looks like it's time to find another fishing spot.
krayfish2 wrote:
If anyone was wondering......64 vehicles at balls Eddy on Saturday! F'n circus. No parking spots at Buck and Barking Dog access was also completely full that you would have had trouble parking a bicycle there. 23 more boats being delivered this week. Looks like it's time to find another fishing spot.

Yeah K-fish. I've been fishing the D since I was a teenager.

Each year it gets more and more crowded. I've completely given up on weekend fishing up there a while back. There are hundreds of guides trips launching every day. Now even weekdays are getting ridiculous with boats stacked up everywhere on the WB.

The mainstem is a little more open because of it's size, but it's been running way to high for wading and when the MS warms up it's every man for himself on the

Hasta lavista....I guess.
Well I guess you reap what you sow. For years it has been blasted all over the internet including this site. This is what a FEW have warned about but were of course then called trolls. Yep Hasta La Vista.
avocet wrote:
Well I guess you reap what you sow. For years it has been blasted all over the internet including this site. This is what a FEW have warned about but were of course then called trolls. Yep Hasta La Vista.

I don't don't blame the Internet.

There are now four outfitters/fly shops working on the banks of the West Branch alone with two offering lodging and guide trips.

They advertise their services and promote themselves at east coast fly fishing shows as one would expect. Also hotels and motels in the area promote staying there. And this doesn't count the fly shops and lodging available in close-by Roscoe. Add the independent guides and the anglers that own cabins on the river, and the anglers that make day trips up there.

Build it and they will come. I don't fault anyone for promoting their business and anglers staying along the River and fishing there.
Well I guess you reap what you sow. For years it has been blasted all over the internet including this site. This is what a FEW have warned about but were of course then called trolls. Yep Hasta La Vista.

The Upper D has never been a secret - oh maybe, what like 30+ years ago? But it's 2019. There are few "hidden" gems anymore, and those that are are well-guarded secrets. Don't blame this site or the internet.

Anyone with a topography book of PA, google maps, a fly fishing PA book, and the PAFBC website can find 98% of the trout water in this state. Welcome to the future. It ain't changing or going back anytime soon.
posts 60 and 63.

think about it

Better start thinking about the Lehigh River in a serious way, do not let it happen again!

What's that other river? Oh yeah. Denial
maxima12 wrote:
posts 60 and 63.

think about it

Better start thinking about the Lehigh River in a serious way, do not let it happen again!


If I understand what you're getting at with the Lehigh comment.....I agree 50%. The Lehigh has so much potential but do I want out of staters traveling to the Pocono's to fish it? Not really. Selfishly, I feel it is good the way it is. Minimal fishermen. Great wild and stocked trout population. Unparalleled scenery and solitude. Why do we need to "improve" the NY and NJ fisherman can come in flocks to line up at the boat ramps? Keep it as is and the people that currently love it will continue to love it the same 50 years from now.

The other 50% of me thinks the LR could be better with dam improvements but I'm not sure I would like the end result when I'm an old man..Some would say a diamond in the rough is much more appealing rough than polished.....
The internet didn't "ruin" the upper Delaware. But it and social media sure hasn't helped and without certain expedited the growth of the crowds. I don't think that can be argued. But what "ruined" the upper Delaware was a single entrepreneur, and then a handful of entrepreneurs, who wanted to line his pockets by reaping from this combination man-made/natural resource. If I recall, one of the more recent entrepreneurs wrote a book, published it and then moved off the upper D. even after making the $ off it. It was likely no coincidence that book publishing correlates with the EB being over-run when it once was not. It's these same entrepreneurs that have been behind the "flow management" b.s. that arguably hasn't improved the fishery at all. The "flow management" has only marginally increased the number of boat days these entrepreneurs can expect when there isn't a wet season. So if you take an honest look, that's what has "ruined" the upper D. ... at least for those that remember the upper D. as a place of quiet, peace, working a pool or rift rather than combat fishing, reasonable solitude, big fish on the average and as the type of atmosphere that many (possibly only used to) gravitated to the hobby of fly fishing in the first place. So I'll echo, careful what you wish for in regards to the Lehigh. The "do-gooders" that write all their articles about it. The "conservationists" (not all, but many) that want to see it improved. Etc. Much of that motivation is $. They see the "resource" as $ period. And you'll be take a number fishing on the Lehigh too. The difficulty wading or boat handling on the Lehigh isn't going to deter it from being over-run with fishermen if it's hyped and/or "improved" enough as a fishery. Best of luck to you.
I'm headed north to invade your river on Sunday for five days, can't wait. It's been a while since I've been up on the D but it really is a special place. I'm hoping the crowds won't be crazy during the week but at the end of the day it'll be great just to be up there.
I do several float trips up to the upper D per year with my boat. If you're not flexible with where you float the river and what time you launch, yes, you can be inundated with boats and fisherman. If you are flexible, it's not so bad. The sky is falling attitude that a lot of people take here isn't warranted in my opinion. It's not great, probably has been getting more pressure lately, but it is what it is. A solid wild trout fishery close to several large eastern cities.

That being said, I have never floated the west. West and when east is at lower flows, doesn't really do the rivers justice to float them.

The Lehigh won't ever become the D probably because of the whitewater industry. There's way too many weekends with whitewater releases that would detract normal fisherman to make the trip out, which in turn will result in less guides willing to set up shop on the banks of the Lehigh.
Ok, so many responses I'd like to make.

If you weren't there, you really can't speculate on the shiitshow. Fished the area for 31 years and it was unreal. I got a call during the day from a buddy that was sitting in the head of monument pool. With binoculars, he counted 30+ anchored boats in front of him.

"hundreds" of trips per day or week is not very accurate. Last years study claimed 545 guided floats for the year. I'd think that's a little light on count. Even if it was 1000 / wouldn't jam it up like it was this past week. Even weekdays were heavy traffic. One thing I did find out was that Don Jr. was in town. Secret service may have been responsible for rerouting traffic on the river.

I'd bank on very busy conditions. Also, if it doesn't stop raining soon, you'll have VERY limited wade options.

avocet & JW,
Interesting posts. Are you or were you guides on the system at one point?
But what "ruined" the upper Delaware was a single entrepreneur, and then a handful of entrepreneurs, who wanted to line his pockets by reaping from this combination man-made/natural resource.
I assume this is in reference to PW and 'the mayor'. I'm not sure I've ever interacted with the first but have had plenty with the second. The mayor is only in it for money, can't be trusted but it appears that they are making him head of the newly founded guide association. Kiss your dues goodbye!

I've been an advocate for protecting the resource, spoke highly of the resource but can't remember saying "everyone should go here". I fish the system 5-10 days per year...that's it. I just logged a week up there and it was miserable enough that I'm considering other options. I'm a private boat on the system just like 80% of the other boats on the system. The difference is etiquette. When you have 150' of river behind me, why are you passing so close that your oars are hitting me? If someone is casting, I let them finish the cast before passing. Watching someone in a brand new boat take 45 minutes to launch, cartwheel down the river hitting every rock and then take another 45 minutes to back in their trailer gets old quick. This is the guy that should stick to running Glen Okno to Bowmanstown on the Lehigh. My boat is in and out in 3-4 minutes. Organized and courteous even though I only get to fish a few days per year.

Unfortunately, it is what it is. I was simply posting that it's a zoo, appears that it will only get worse and warning others thinking of going up. Enjoy the mosh pit fishing.

What you found sounds worse than anything I've seen. I only fished there a few times last year and not during "prime time". Still was busier than I liked it. I floated into Upper gamelands and decided to wade since levels were good. Got out of boat with eye on several risers. As I limbered up rod and moved towrd first one , which was only about 25 yards away, I heard dreaded voices. 3 yahoos came past me very close in drift boat and charged in on the fish I was eyeing and then went down the line lobbing their bad casts with dries and huge indicator rigs.
One of MANY experiences with inexperienced and RUDE people up there. Of course have met many expert guys and nice guys too but more and more of what I call "cartoon characters". Guys all loudly talking and splashing oars, chomping cigars wearing latest fishing attire with lousy skills and NO ETIQUETTE. Many of the guides are okay but some of them are jerks too. Won't name names but I have reminded one particular one that you likely know that he does not own river. Funny how often those guys like taking my money in their shop but are pissed to see me on the river, especially catching fish. Frowny faces and no thumbs up from those guys! I too am moving on.
PW has moved on to do his thing out west. Of course it will have less impact because the west is big but it still is all about the money. When I hear people call it the flyfishing industry I want to gag anymore. And this crap about conservation and streams needing friends gets old too to be honest. A LOT of places benefitted from being left alone without ANY help from these do gooders who really are all about the$$$$