Days of Yore Photos

A few more. I just realized how many more trout riverwhy caught than me. The one I really wanted to find was the one with about 10 big bass we had caught across the street and killed them. We thought they were trout. They were laid out on a board when a neighbor stopped by to inform us it wasn't bass season. Honestly I don't remember eating trout, but I do remember cleaning a lot. Sad.


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i was at my mom's looking through albums and I remembered this thread. I am sorry the pictures are not great.

Dear Jeff,

Those pictures were taken using fillum like my coal region Nana used to say. Sitting in a box somewhere for 20 years or so does the pictures no favors. Still, it looks like you had some good times in the days before 20 MP cell phone cameras. That's what counts!


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Jeff,

Those pictures were taken using fillum like my coal region Nana used to say. Sitting in a box somewhere for 20 years or so does the pictures no favors. Still, it looks like you had some good times in the days before 20 MP cell phone cameras. That's what counts!


Tim Murphy :)
There are shadows on some as well. You are absolutely correct! Can anyone identify any of the creeks?
There are shadows on some as well. You are absolutely correct! Can anyone identify any
I might be completely wrong but that last one with you guys on the bridge looks like the bridge on Seglock road?
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I believe I was three here. The gentleman is my uncle Donnie. He drowned while fishing in the Susquehanna when I was 21, but played an important role in my learning to fish. The pictures are quintessential me as a youngster; red rubbers over my sneakers, wearing clothes made by my mom, and a Dum Dum lollipop in my mouth. These are from 35mm slides. I believe the stream was Truman Run, a trib to Pine Creek in Lycoming County.
Looking through those pictures again, did anyone else notice how most of the people in the pictures looked healthier and much thinner than the public looks nowadays? Makes me want to start growing my own food because I'm not sure what they are feeding us but it's changed how we look.
Too easy these days to just sit in front a TV screen, computer screen, or phone instead of getting out and moving around.

I hope the younger generations realize that.
I too think that people who constantly belive the "younger generation " is lazy , fat and spends all their time inside playing video games are hanging out with the wrong young people.
I too think that people who constantly belive the "younger generation " is lazy , fat and spends all their time inside playing video games are hanging out with the wrong young people.
No doubt. I taught at a vocational high school for a few years not long ago. Most of those kids had jobs and interests out the wazoo. We used to talk fishing all the time it was amazing how many of them fished regularly.

My oldest son loves the outdoors and fishes more than I do. Shot his first buck this year ( I don't hunt). My younger 2 love biking and hiking and I spend a lot of time at bluegill ponds in the summer.

Yeah they play video games and like ice cream and chips too. Everything is not black and white in this world.