Days of Yore Photos

I made the Philadelphia Inquirer on Opening Day circa 1980/81? We were pissed because we were caught fishing from the bridge while waiting for my dad, looking like jamokes, not the pros we thought we were. I miss that hat....

Jamokes, LMAO Seems to me Jaboney would be the term, no?- LOL? Jadrools? Where U from? I haven't heard those terms since growing up in No. Jersey bringing back the memories
Actually. The hill people from Deliverance.
Jamokes, LMAO Seems to me Jaboney would be the term, no?- LOL? Jadrools? Where U from? I haven't heard those terms since growing up in No. Jersey bringing back the memories
Wassamatta you? Don ya speaks da English?
Jamokes, LMAO Seems to me Jaboney would be the term, no?- LOL? Jadrools? Where U from? I haven't heard those terms since growing up in No. Jersey bringing back the memories
LOL I am from Philly but have spent way too much time chasing striped bass in MoCo, I guess!
Yes. Lost 2 jobs that year because of constantly calling off to fish with Art and Galen. Wouldn't have changed a thing knowing what I know now 😁
Hi Andy,

Where did you fish with them? I used to always see them come to Fishs Eddy (where the USGS gage is) in the early evening. Me and my buddy would fish elsewhere during the day, probably Cairns on the BK or somewhere on the Willowemoc. Then around 5:30 we would head over to FE and walk down that path right to the river. We would exchange pleasantries and they would head off the tail sso they could cross. I often thought they wanted to fish where we were standing waiting for some rises. We always arrived before they did. The sun started to do down behind the mountain and larger browns used to sneak up from the riffle below and hang in mere inches of water. I can still see the boils now in my mind. Big washtub sized boils in 6" of slick tail-out. I'd be all shaky and excited and make my way down to maybe 20' above and to one side and tie on one of Flick's Grey Fox variants and let it drop a foot above a rise. We were often rewarded with solid wild browns 20" - 22"


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1965 to 1967. I made my very first trip to Montana in 1967. I drove a 1966 Pontiac GTO. The speed limit said something to the effect "Drive prudently". Once I was on I-90 driving west and going around 85 mph. A state policeman passed me at about 100 mph and didn't bat an eye at my speed. I was 23 years old. I spent a month out there sleeping in a rtent every night.

I was in Livingston and went into Dan Bailey's fly shop. He came right over to me and asked how he could help me. I told him I wanted to dry fly fish on flat water with small flies. He directed me to Armstrong Spring Creek and that is where my love affair with springs was born.
I love it. Thank you for posting
What I learned from all of these pictures is a lot of you guys have a strong mustache game. If I let mine go for about 3 weeks, I still couldn't get a better stash than a 15 yr old Honduran kid 🤣
Hi Andy,

Where did you fish with them? I used to always see them come to Fishs Eddy (where the USGS gage is) in the early evening. Me and my buddy would fish elsewhere during the day, probably Cairns on the BK or somewhere on the Willowemoc. Then around 5:30 we would head over to FE and walk down that path right to the river. We would exchange pleasantries and they would head off the tail sso they could cross. I often thought they wanted to fish where we were standing waiting for some rises. We always arrived before they did. The sun started to do down behind the mountain and larger browns used to sneak up from the riffle below and hang in mere inches of water. I can still see the boils now in my mind. Big washtub sized boils in 6" of slick tail-out. I'd be all shaky and excited and make my way down to maybe 20' above and to one side and tie on one of Flick's Grey Fox variants and let it drop a foot above a rise. We were often rewarded with solid wild browns 20" - 22"

You nailed it Matt! I was fishing in barnhart's pool when I first met him. The water was up a little bit and I was desperately trying to reach a feeder on the far bank. I heard a little bit of noise and turned around and it was Art and the Rockefellers lawyer sitting on a log right behind me. I apologize if I had gotten close to them with a back cast. "We were just admiring your casting young man, carry on". I told him that I couldn't reach the fish and remember seeing him on the cover of fly fisherman so I figured he could 😂. I ended up chatting with him for a bit, meeting him at Raimondo's for a pizza lunch, planting a magnolia bush at the corner of his driveway and hanging out in his kitchen. It's somehow morphed into me meeting him and Galen to go fish. We'd load all the gear into the back of the old station wagon he had and drive down along the beaverkill from pool to pool. A stop at Carins was a guarantee. The section you're talking about near the gauge has changed dramatically as you know. I always called it the dump pool because everybody would go down the gravel road and dump their trash on that Hill including dead deer, televisions, mattresses and whatever else. You are 100% spot on that we used to access it right about the riff. The big flat Rock on the far bank had to be showing above the river surface in order to cross. We'd fish the main pool and then he started giving up more secrets. One night he had me go to the tailout and stand in knee deep water. He told me to stand there and wait. After about an hour, I yelled over nothing's happening should I come in? He told me to watch to my right I would start to see the pods of fish move up out of that riffle. They were feeding in a pack and moving up river. I was told it was one shot and to wait until the fish was directly in front of me. 4X, Rusty spinner, one cast and my backing was flying out the guys is that fish went back to the fast water. Never saw it and no idea how big it was but he told me that he had caught one nearly 12 lb on a sulfur spinner there last season. That used to be a very narrow and deep section of fast water which has since spread out and no longer holds those kind of fish. The bottom route 17 bridge at the rest area all the way down to the Fishes Eddy bridge changes every ice out. Huge gravel bars move, Islands relocate and channels disappear every winter. I've never seen a place that changes as much as that specific section. The first time through it every year is going in blind and has almost resulted in a flipped boat several times 🤣.

Art tied a leader for me one time that was 25-26'. I said I couldn't cast something like that but he told me it was easier to keep 20 ft of leader in the air than it was to keep 20 ft of line in the air. I just had to check the cast at the end and it would turn over fine. He was correct and I still use a pretty long leader from time to time up there.

I remember staying in the cabin right next to yours when that elderly lady owned it. I would set up a video camera on the porch and just filmed the pool while I fished. Fish from 6:30 or 7:00 a.m. until noon, grab lunch at circle e and right back at it until dark. You'd see 1 or 2 guide boats and that was it. One of my last times through that pool was with my nephew and we were in pontoons during prime time. As we turned the corner into Methodist, six or seven drift boats were anchored, three or four pontoons were anchored and there had to be 15 to 18 wade fisherman. We signaled that we were going behind everybody and headed right for the takeout. It's really changed but if you know how to play the game, you can still have some peace and quiet.
All great stories and photos. One thing this thread shows is how improved technology has helped in taking clear photos.
All great stories and photos. One thing this thread shows is how improved technology has helped in taking clear photos.

Those old pictures might also show how much technology has improved the tackle, clothing and much of the other gear that is available now compared to years back.

Here’s a picture of me that appeared in the PA Angler in 1960. That picture was taken the prior winter when I went was fishing for walleyes with my uncle on the Allegheny River in Warren, PA. It was cold, raining, and just above freezing. I can still remember how blasted cold I was that day, It’s no wonder, just look at how I was dressed. (What you don’t see is I was also wearing blue jeans and runner hip boots.). I’ve since fished for steelhead at -18° temperature, wearing today’s high tech clothing, and wasn’t nearly as miserably cold as I was back then.

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Yes. Lost 2 jobs that year because of constantly calling off to fish with Art and Galen. Wouldn't have changed a thing knowing what I know now 😁

FWIW - For as long as I remember (which is a LONG time) I have been wearing a red bandanna around my neck as a tribute to Art who was one of my fishing idols back in the day.
Here's one of yours truly from around 1980. We used to rent a small boat out of Higbee's Marina in Fortescue, NJ on the Delaware Bay. I was fishing with a Fenwick Ultralight with 4lb line when I landed this Tatoug!
Did you ever experience catching any of those BIG weakfish that used to be in the Delaware Bay every summer back then? I'm talking weakies up to 12lbs. They just don't exist any more.
Did you ever experience catching any of those BIG weakfish that used to be in the Delaware Bay every summer back then? I'm talking weakies up to 12lbs. They just don't exist any more.
Sure did! I remember one night fishing Indian River Inlet for them. Got down there around 9:00pm after work. Fishing bucktails with a strip of squid and just casting maybe 20 feet off of the rocks & just jigging it back to rocks. My friend & I filled a very large cooler with weakies in the 8 - 12lb range!! It was fish on almost every cast!
Here's another grainy out of focus photo, this one of an old fishing partner/musical pal of mine passed out on a rock in the middle of Bushkill Creek in the OLD FFO section in Tatamy in the late 1970's/early 1980's.

The evening prior we had been up half the night jamming and drinking so midday naps were often taken wherever... ;)

Exhausted Fisherman