Critique, Tips, Suggestions for a Newbie

Any tips on how to keep my thread from snagging on the eye during my whip finish?

It seems every time I get a turn or two done, the portion of the thread between the hook of my finisher and the bend gets snagged in the crease between the eye and the shank, and either frays the thread or causes it to snap.
Sounds like you are crowding the eye. At least that was what I was doing when I had the same problem.

Solution 1: Make your flies beadheaded which really doesn't solve the problem except for weighted nymphs.

Solution 2: This may seem obvious but give yourself more space at the front of the fly and intentionally try to keep your whip finish wraps away from the eye.
Yea, haven't had the issue when I have the bead head. Figured it was something that simple, but figured I'd ask.
With regard to snagging the hook eye when whip finishing, my advice would be to build a small, neat head on the fly that closes the gap between the hook shank and eye before starting the whip finish.

In fact, I think that's the main purpose of building a neat head; at least it was years ago when the hooks weren't as high quality as they are today.

Here is a link to an article with photos showing how to tie a nice wet fly head. Dry fly heads aren't as pronounced, but the close-up photos of the head illustrate how the thread head essentially closes up the gap.

Wet Fly Heads
Finally got a list of suggested flies for my July trip to the 100 Mile Wilderness in Maine. Looks like I have some tying to do. This'll be fun!

Hornberg natural, Orberg yellow, Mickey Finn, Black Ghost, Gold Bead Bugger, Zonker, Pearl and Elk Caddis, Parachute Sulpuhur, Blue Wing Olive and Woolly Buggers

At least I know how to tie one of them. :lol:
Skook wrote:
With regard to snagging the hook eye when whip finishing, my advice would be to build a small, neat head on the fly that closes the gap between the hook shank and eye before starting the whip finish.

In fact, I think that's the main purpose of building a neat head; at least it was years ago when the hooks weren't as high quality as they are today.

Here is a link to an article with photos showing how to tie a nice wet fly head. Dry fly heads aren't as pronounced, but the close-up photos of the head illustrate how the thread head essentially closes up the gap.

Wet Fly Heads

Thanks for the tip Skook! I'll definitely start paying more attention to my heads when I start my whip finish.
Tied a Pearl and Elk Caddis last night. Hackle is too long and the "Head" is too far from the eye, so he's likely going to go to the razor. But it was a good chance to tie with some Elk Hair for the first time. Much easier to work with than I expected.


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FlyGuyGlen wrote:
Tied a Pearl and Elk Caddis last night. Hackle is too long and the "Head" is too far from the eye, so he's likely going to go to the razor. But it was a good chance to tie with some Elk Hair for the first time. Much easier to work with than I expected.

Nice job. Sure the hackle is a little long but overall, especially considering your experience those are very nice. good job
I wouldnt worry about being "too far back" from the eye. Leaving plenty of space is a good thing with that pattern. You could always trim the hackle on the bottom of the fly so you end up with a half moon of hackle and let it ride low. No need for a razor on those. Leave them be and fish them.
It was only one....just multiple angles. 🙂

Only had like 20 minutes to tie while laundry was finishing, so I threw one together. 😀

Looking closer at the actual fly...the head isn't that far back. I may just give him a go. Throw a midge or nymph on the tail and see what happens.
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
It was only one....just multiple angles. 🙂

Only had like 20 minutes to tie while laundry was finishing, so I threw one together. 😀

Looking closer at the actual fly...the head isn't that far back. I may just give him a go. Throw a midge or nymph on the tail and see what happens.

I would fish it - I took this advice from a Kelly Galloup video and have ran with it ever sense, the philosophy being chaotic flies often fish better than perfectly proportioned flies - that being that insects on the water are moving / transitioning from pupa-adult , larva - pupa etc etc, and the movement / transitioning period often look chaotic and often resemble blobs of matter and legs - wings sticking out every which way, and moving adults resemble the same look. Kelly also preached long hackles over short hackles, with the same premise being the philosophy.

Thats not to say your fly looks chaotic by any means, but its just the philosophy that sometimes a more un-perfect fly may fish better than the perfect tie, which makes sense to me. Kind of like how the ultra-realistic plastic type flies dont fish well, because they dont have the movement / actual look that a insect in water actually has, which also makes sense on why soft-hackles are productive, they dont look like anything on the vise, but in the water the chaotic motion of soft hackle resembles the movement / look of an emerging insect good enough to induce a take.

Obvioulsy as a fly tier you want to strive to make nice flies and proportioned flies, but dont throw away the not so perfect ones, and next time your on the stream getting skunked try out some of the ones you thought of throwing away - you may get suprised - i know i have.
put those not so perfect ones in a fly box and have it in your vest or pack or whatever. getting skunked? try one of those flies in that box

i have had fish slam a fly with the hackle trailing the hook. what the hell do they know? 🙂
Thanks for the info NewSal. It does kinda make sense in a way if you think about it.

nfrechet wrote:
put those not so perfect ones in a fly box and have it in your vest or pack or whatever. getting skunked? try one of those flies in that box

i have had fish slam a fly with the hackle trailing the hook. what the hell do they know? 🙂

I thought fish were the smarted things on the planet?! 😀 Well, they are probably smarter than some folks I know.

I shall spare him from certain death, and let him be eaten by a fish then!
NewSal wrote:
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
It was only one....just multiple angles. 🙂

Only had like 20 minutes to tie while laundry was finishing, so I threw one together. 😀

Looking closer at the actual fly...the head isn't that far back. I may just give him a go. Throw a midge or nymph on the tail and see what happens.

I would fish it - I took this advice from a Kelly Galloup video and have ran with it ever sense, the philosophy being chaotic flies often fish better than perfectly proportioned flies - that being that insects on the water are moving / transitioning from pupa-adult , larva - pupa etc etc, and the movement / transitioning period often look chaotic and often resemble blobs of matter and legs - wings sticking out every which way, and moving adults resemble the same look. Kelly also preached long hackles over short hackles, with the same premise being the philosophy.

Thats not to say your fly looks chaotic by any means, but its just the philosophy that sometimes a more un-perfect fly may fish better than the perfect tie, which makes sense to me. Kind of like how the ultra-realistic plastic type flies dont fish well, because they dont have the movement / actual look that a insect in water actually has, which also makes sense on why soft-hackles are productive, they dont look like anything on the vise, but in the water the chaotic motion of soft hackle resembles the movement / look of an emerging insect good enough to induce a take.

Obvioulsy as a fly tier you want to strive to make nice flies and proportioned flies, but dont throw away the not so perfect ones, and next time your on the stream getting skunked try out some of the ones you thought of throwing away - you may get suprised - i know i have.

Sal I think we watched the same video. I agree I have been going a little big on hackles and cant wait to see how they do this year.
JerryCoviello wrote:
But the fish in the Little Lehigh count the rib turns on each fly before taking it

So only my perfect flies for the LL. Got it! I really should hit that someday after work. I drive right past the damn place twice a day.....never been.
nomad_archer wrote:
NewSal wrote:
FlyGuyGlen wrote:
It was only one....just multiple angles. 🙂

Only had like 20 minutes to tie while laundry was finishing, so I threw one together. 😀

Looking closer at the actual fly...the head isn't that far back. I may just give him a go. Throw a midge or nymph on the tail and see what happens.

I would fish it - I took this advice from a Kelly Galloup video and have ran with it ever sense, the philosophy being chaotic flies often fish better than perfectly proportioned flies - that being that insects on the water are moving / transitioning from pupa-adult , larva - pupa etc etc, and the movement / transitioning period often look chaotic and often resemble blobs of matter and legs - wings sticking out every which way, and moving adults resemble the same look. Kelly also preached long hackles over short hackles, with the same premise being the philosophy.

Thats not to say your fly looks chaotic by any means, but its just the philosophy that sometimes a more un-perfect fly may fish better than the perfect tie, which makes sense to me. Kind of like how the ultra-realistic plastic type flies dont fish well, because they dont have the movement / actual look that a insect in water actually has, which also makes sense on why soft-hackles are productive, they dont look like anything on the vise, but in the water the chaotic motion of soft hackle resembles the movement / look of an emerging insect good enough to induce a take.

Obvioulsy as a fly tier you want to strive to make nice flies and proportioned flies, but dont throw away the not so perfect ones, and next time your on the stream getting skunked try out some of the ones you thought of throwing away - you may get suprised - i know i have.

Sal I think we watched the same video. I agree I have been going a little big on hackles and cant wait to see how they do this year.

I cant remember exactly which one it was, something about parachutes I think, nevertheless it was good stuff. Some of his videos dont necessarily translate to PA streams, but most are universal.

And BTW- off topic, if you like Kellys ramblings about all things fly fishing check out the recent podcast he did with Reno Fly Shop Podcast, Galloup at his finest lol.
Sal I will look for that pod cast. I tend to learn more from his ramblings then what he actually intended to talk about. None the less everything he mentions needs to be taken with a grain of salt and put into context. But he does have some really good advice buried in there.
Well...guess it's time to sit at the vise tonight and replace the three flies I lost in an hour and a half today. One to a tree, and two to the rocks. And no fish to show for it (on a stockie stream no less). Bummer. I did get my cast down beautifully, and my roll cast was on point though!

Walt and I come!