Christmas Thanks to the Forum

Good to hear from so many. The conversation had me thinking about goals for 2022. Years past I had ideas of better casting or fishing once a month. This year the goal is to get out with more folks from the site. Which is also a goal of more fishing, that always is a good goal.
I'm sorry for your loss, Dave. Thanks for a great place for me to hang out. It has kept me connected with my roots in Pennsylvania and a life long love of chasing trout. Here 's wishing you and PAFF an exceptional year.
dkile wrote:
Good to hear from so many. The conversation had me thinking about goals for 2022. Years past I had ideas of better casting or fishing once a month. This year the goal is to get out with more folks from the site. Which is also a goal of more fishing, that always is a good goal.

I'll second this one - a goal for many of us. ^

It's the readership and forum community that make this a good place.

Here's wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Let's get together soon and do some PA fly fishing.